Search results for 'FakesForgeries2024'

  1. CARTER, John, and Graham POLLARD.

    The Firm of Charles Ottley, Landon & Co.: Footnote to An Enquiry.

    London, Rupert Hart-Davis, and New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1948.

    First edition of Carter and Pollard’s further research into the forgeries of Thomas J. Wise. The authors examine pamphlets of Swinburne’s poetry published under the imprint of ‘Charles Ottley, Landon & Co’ and expose them as the work of the book-collector and forger Thomas James Wise (1859–1937)....


  2. FREEMAN, Arthur.

    Historical Forgery in Romanophobe Britain: Robert Ware’s Irish Fictions revisited.

    London, 2021.

    A new and particular account of the anti-Catholic and anti-separatist forgeries of Robert Ware, the seventeenth-century Irish antiquary, who has been called ‘the most audacious fabricator of historical documents who ever lived’. Ware’s formidable output of lively if malicious fictions has...


  3. FREEMAN, Arthur.

    Catullus Carmen 17.6 and Other Mysteries. A Study in Editorial Conflict, Eccentricity, Forgery, and Restitution....

    London, The Author, 2020.

    This partly historical, partly philological essay offers a general account of the early preservation, post-medieval recovery, and Renaissance evolution of the text of Catullus, with specific reference to one speculative reading in Carmen 17 (‘De Colonia’), and certain humanist twists and forgeries...


  4. FREEMAN, Arthur.

    Julia Alpinula, Pseudo-Heroine of Helvetia: How a Forged Renaissance Epitaph Fostered a National Myth.

    London, The Author, 2015.

    Julia Alpinula is a legendary Swiss heroine, whose pathetic fate in AD 69 inspired popular historians, dramatists, artists, and poets – including an infatuated Byron – over a period of more than two hundred years. Her very existence, however, was based entirely on a funerary inscription first published...


  5. BARKER, Nicolas.

    At First, All Went Well… & Other Brief Lives.

    London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2019.

    This book brings together eighty obituaries written by Nicolas Barker. The first were published in 1966 and the last in 2018. Print links them all: they were printers, publishers, librarians, booksellers or book collectors, their lives joined by a common dedication to the printed word and all that goes...


  6. [ZATTA, Antonio.] 

    Il filosofo del nord, ovvero Corso di morale filosofia. 

    ‘Londra’ [i.e. Venice], [Zatta], 1788. 

    First edition under this title of this course of moral philosophy, broadly construed, in which the author attempts to invoke the authority of the ‘philosophers of the North’ (inter alia Hobbes, Bacon, Clark, and Addison on one side of the English Channel, Bayle, Pascal, La Mettrie, Grotius,...


  7. FREEMAN, Arthur.

    Bibliotheca Fictiva [supplements].

    London, 2015-2021.

    Three supplements to Arthur Freeman's Bibliotheca Fictiva, an inventory of books and manuscripts relating to literary forgery. Spanning some twenty-four centuries, the book seeks also to define and describe the controversial genre it represents. Individual entries offer specific commentary...


  8. CELLINI, Benvenuto. 

    Vita di Benvenuto Cellini orefice e scultore fiorentino da lui medesimo scritta, nella quale molte curiose...

    ‘Cologne’ [i.e. Florence], ‘Pietro Martello’ [i.e. Bartolini], [1792]. 

    The counterfeit edition of Benvenuto Cellini’s seminal autobiography, extra-illustrated with two large engravings illustrating his ‘Perseus and Medusa’ and the ‘Hercules and Cacus’ of his rival sculptor Bandinelli. 


  9. [COLUMBUS.] QUARITCH, Bernard, and Michael KERNEY.

    The Spanish Letter of Columbus … A facsimile of the original edition...

    [London,] Quaritch, 2006.

    Over the centuries, booksellers have contributed much to the elucidation and sometimes to the falsification of historical documents. The story of the first printed account of the New World, usually known as Christopher Columbus’s Letter to Santángel or simply the Columbus Letter, illustrates...


  10. FREEMAN, Arthur.

    Bibliotheca Fictiva: A Collection of Books & Manuscripts Relating to Literary Forgery 400 BC – AD 2000.

    London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2024.

    This fully revised and enlarged edition of Bibliotheca Fictiva – the descriptive inventory of a collection of books and manuscripts relating to literary forgery in the Western world over the last twenty-four centuries, now housed in the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University – adds more than...


  11. [PALLAVICINO, Ferrante.]

    La rettorica delle puttane. Composta conforme li precetti di Cipriano. Dedicata alla università delle...

    ‘Cambrai’ (but Venice), [no printer], 1642.

    Extremely rare first edition, fourth variant (variant ‘V’), of a classic of seventeenth-century erotic literature, the masterpiece of the celebrated satirist Ferrante Pallavicino (1615–1644). Published anonymously in Venice with a fictitious Cambrai imprint, The rhetoric of whores...


  12. FREEMAN, Arthur.

    Bibliotheca Fictiva: A Collection of Books & Manuscripts Relating to Literary Forgery 400 BC – AD 2000.

    London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2024.

    The fully revised and enlarged edition of Bibliotheca Fictiva, offered with three in-depth essays on individual forgeries as a complement to the original volume.


  13. [LE NOBLE, Pierre, and Eustache LE NOBLE (attributed).] 

    Les Amours d’Anne d’Austriche, Epouse de Louis 13. ...

    ‘A Cologne, Chez Pierre Marteau, 1696’ [France, early eighteenth century]. 

    An early manuscript copy of a salacious – and treasonous – history arguing that Louis XIV was the illegitimate child of Anne of Austria and Cardinal Richelieu, bound with four engravings. 


  14. FREEMAN, Arthur, and Janet ING FREEMAN.

    Courtship, Slander, and Treason: Studies of Mary Queen of Scots, the Fourth Duke...

    London, 2019.

    Courtship, Slander, and Treason presents two independent but complementary studies of episodes in the career of Mary, Queen of Scots after her flight to England in 1568: her ‘forbidden match’ with the ranking English peer Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, in 1568–72, and her own...
