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    Commentaria in Aphorismos Hippocratis … Ioannis Guinterij Andernaciis medici industria velut e profundissimis tenebris...

    Paris, Simon de Colines, 1533. 

    First edition of this commentary on Hippocrates, bound with a richly annotated copy of Galen’s works in the translation by Thomas Linacre. 


  2. [BEWICK, Thomas?]

    Twenty-six rubbings from engraved woodblocks of the heads of Kings and Queens and England, apparently never published...


    Twenty-six apparently unrecorded wood-engravings – heads of the monarchs of England from William the Conqueror to George III – these images taken by rubbing from the blocks rather than printing. The engravings bear strong similarity to the 26 which appear in An Abridgement of the History...


  3. [ANON.]

    The Pocket Farrier: A Treatise on the veterinary Art, containing the Materia Medica and Pharmacopoeia, by a practical Farrier.

    London, Richardson & Son, and Dublin and Derby, [1844].

    Very scarce manual on farriery. ‘This anonymous work consists of a digest of other authors and quotes liberally – with acknowledgements – from Clater, Richard Lawrence, White, Gibson, Feron, Blaine, Moorcroft, Wilkinson, Coleman, Goodwin, Clark, and The Veterinary College. The section Veterinary...


  4. [YOUATT, William, and Isambard Kingdom BRUNEL.]

    The Horse, with a Treatise on Draught and a copious Index.

    London, W. Clowes for Baldwin and Cradock ‘under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge’, 1831.

    First edition of the first of Youatt’s animal treatises. Established in practice with Delabere Blaine, William Youatt (1776-1847) was on similarly poor terms with the Veterinary College, leaving his mature studies there without a certificate. A leading reformer among veterinary surgeons of the 1820s,...


  5. LAWSON, A.

    The modern Farrier, or the Art of Preserving the Health and Curing the Diseases of Horses, Dogs, Oxen, Cows, Sheep,...

    Newcastle upon Tyne, Mackenzie & Dent, 1822.

    Early issue of an uncommon farriery manual, printed at Newcastle. First appearing in the early 1820s, this popular text was frequently reprinted throughout the decade, with a twenty-fifth edition recorded in 1842. All editions are now scarce, with only one copy dated 1822 recorded on Copac (at the Wellcome...


  6. [JEREMY, Henry.]

    The Laws relating to Horses, considered as the Subject of Property, Sale, Hire, Wager, Distress, Heriot, or of...

    London, Luke Hansard & Sons for J. & W.T. Clarke, 1825.

    First edition of a manual on laws relating to horse ownership, transaction, and use, with details of the incidents by which case-law was established.


  7. LAWRENCE, Richard.

    An Inquiry into the Structure & animal Oeconomy of the Horse, comprehending the Diseases to which his Limbs...

    Birmingham, executors of T.A. Pearson for the author, and sold by Knott & Lloyd, and in London, G. & W. Nicol and L.B. Seeley, [1803].

    Second edition of the treatise on farriery and equine anatomy by Lawrence, one of the first students of the Veterinary College. A resident pupil from January 1793 and employed as a surgical assistant to the College’s infirmary the following year, Lawrence complains of the still very much amateur nature...


  8. NETTEN, Cornelis Anthonie Geisweit van der.

    Handboek der Paardenkennis, ten dienste van [– voor] den Burger- en Krijgsstand [–...

    Amsterdam and the Hague, [P.E. Briët for –] the brothers van Cleef, 1811 [– 1817].

    First edition of the first part, second of the second, of a scarce Dutch treatise on horsemanship and farriery. Captured by the Prussians in the late 1780s, Cornelis Anthonie Geisweit van der Netten (1772-1847) served in the Austrian army against the Turks and in Belgium before returning to his native...


  9. MYERS, Robin, Andrew BURNETT, and Renae SATTERLEY.

    ‘I do not eat the bread of idleness’: Dr Andrew Coltée Ducarel 1713–1785,...

    The Garendon Press, 2023.

    This volume brings together revised versions of four of Robin Myers’s papers on aspects of Ducarel’s life and work published between 1994 and 2002, and ‘The Life and Times of the Ducarel Brothers’, her recent introductory essay to Two Huguenot Brothers: Letters of Andrew and James Coltée...


  10. PONCELET, Jean-Victoire.

    Traité des propriétés projectives des figures, ouvrage utile à ceux qui s’occupent des applications...

    Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1865-1866.

    Second edition, revised and enlarged, Émile Borel’s prize copy. A finely bound, well-preserved, and prestigious association set.

    Borel (1871–1956), the French mathematician best known for his work in measure theory and probability theory, was awarded several honours in the early...


  11. QUINTILIAN, Marcus Fabius, and Jacques-Louis d’ESTREBAY (editor).

    Compendium libri secundi, tertii, et quinti institutionum...

    Paris, Thomas Richard, 1558.

    Very rare third edition of this compendium of Quintilian’s oratory by Jacques-Louis d’Estrebay (or Estrebee, 1481–1550?), humanist, translator, professor of Rhetoric at Rheims and subsequently at the College of Sante-Barbe in Paris, and a proof-reader for the Estiennes. The title-page indicates...


  12. RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe.

    Zoroastre, tragedie, mise en musique par M. Rameau, représentée pour la premiere fois par l’Académie...

    Paris, Boivin, Leclair, Castagneri and the author, [c. 1750].

    First edition; rare. Despite a strong cast and a lavish production, Zoroastre met with only limited success (and, it seems, much bewilderment) when first performed at the Opéra in 1749. By May 1752 Rameau and the librettist Louis de Cahusac had begun an extensive reworking of the opera....


  13. [AGRIPPA, Heinrich Cornelius.]

    De la grandeur et de l’excellence des femmes, au dessus des hommes. Ouvrage composé en Latin,...

    Paris, François Baruty, 1713.

    The third translation into French, but the first in the eighteenth century, of this work in praise of the female sex by the German occultist, lawyer, and soldier Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486–1535).


  14. BECQUE, Henry.

    Les Corbeaux, pièce en quatre actes.

    Paris, Tresse, [1882].

    First and second editions of Becque’s innovative realist drama, inscribed by the author on the first half-title to ‘mon cher [Jules-Charles] Truffier’, with authorial marks and annotations on thirty-three pages in the second edition showing changes made for performance.


  15. [BELLIN, Jacques-Nicolas].

    Collection of maps from Prévost’s Histoire générale des voyages.

    Paris, Didot, 1746-1789.

    A collection of seventy-four maps taken from Antoine-François Prévost’s twenty-volume Histoire générale des voyages, the majority of them the work of the French cartographer, geographer and hydrographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin.


  16. [CICERO, Marcus Tullius.]

    Commentarii Philippicarum Marci Ciceronis cum annotationibus Georgii Trapezuntii Philippi Beroaldi et...

    Paris, Thomas Caseus for Jean Petit, [1514].

    Rare edition, attractively printed and with occasional contemporary annotations, of Cicero’s Philippics, comprising Cicero’s text along with the commentaries of the Cretan humanist George of Trebizond (1396–1486), the Bolognese rhetorician Filippo Beroaldo (1453–1505), and the Perugia...


  17. [COLETTE.] ‘WILLY’, pseud. [Henri GAUTHIER-VILLARS].

    En Bombe. Roman modern. Illustrations photographiques.

    Paris, Nilsson, Per Lamm, [1904].

    First edition of these vignettes of bohemian life in fin-de-siècle Paris by author and critic Willy, illustrated by nearly one hundred photographs of the author himself, as well as Marcel Boulestin, Marcelle Rossat, and Colette’s famous French bulldog, Toby-Chien.


  18. DELLOYE, H.-L. (editor).

    Chants et chansons populaires de la France [– notices par M. du Mersan], première [– deuxième;...

    Paris, Félix Locquin [– Dondey-Dupré; – Félix Locquin] for Garnier, 1843.

    First edition of a finely illustrated, serially published collection of French music, broad-margined, extra-illustrated, and accompanied by the later fourth series. Formed of four series of twenty-eight issues, sold individually at sixty centimes from February 1842, the Chants et chansons populaires...


  19. DEVILLE, Albéric.

    Voyage aux grottes d’Arcy, suivi de poésies fugitives et de pensées détachées. Par A. Deville, professeur...

    Paris, Munier for Gérard, an XI (1802-3).

    Scarce first edition, presented by the author, of this curious work comprising a description of the famous caves at Arcy-sur-Cure in France, alongside various poetical fancies, by the natural history professor and versifier Albéric Deville (1774–1832).



    A collection of eighty-seven doctoral dissertations presented to and defended at the Medical...

    Montpellier, various publishers, 1800–1810.

    An extraordinary collection, bound up very soon after the last was published, of eighty-seven doctoral dissertations presented to the ancient medical school at Montpellier in the first decade of the nineteenth century.
