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  1. DALLAS, R[obert] C[harles].

    Sir Francis Darrell; or The Vortex: a Novel ... in four Volumes ...

    London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ..., 1820.

    First edition of an epistolary novel, the first letter of which was supposedly ‘written and given to me, some years ago, by a friend, for the purpose of inducing me to continue it’. The letter in question propounds ‘Sir Francis Darrell’s’ views on women. ‘For my part, I regard them...


  2. [PSALMS.]

    Les Pseaumes de David, mis en Vers François, revus et approuvez par le Synode Walon des Provinces-Unies. Nouvelle Edition.

    Amsterdam, ‘aux dépens de l’Eglise Françoise de Londres’, 1729’.

    New edition of the metrical Psalms of the Pléiade poet Clément Marot and the theologian Théodore de Bèze, extensively revised, with a new version of 149 Psalms, printed for the use of Huguenot émigrés.


  3. GODWIN, William.

    Fleetwood: or, the new Man of Feeling … In three Volumes …

    London: Printed for Richard Phillips … 1805.

    First edition of Godwin’s third novel, like Caleb Williams a psychological and philosophical tale intended in some measure as a criticism of Rousseau. Casimir Fleetwood announces at the outset: ‘The proper topic of the narrative I am writing is the record of my errors. To write it, is the act of...


  4. [COTTLE, Joseph].

    Poems, containing John the Baptist. Sir Malcolm and Alla, a Tale, shewing to all the World what Woman’s Love...

    Bristol: Printed by Bulgin and Rosser, for J. Cottle, Bookseller … and G. G. and J. Robinson … London. 1795

    First edition. The Bristol bookseller Joseph Cottle (1770-1853) had been introduced to Coleridge and Southey by Robert Lovell in 1794 when the two poets ‘were in Bristol courting the Fricker sisters and preparing for Pantisocracy (as they called their scheme to marry and set up a community on the Susquehanna...


  5. SPRAT, Thomas.

    Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier’s Voyage into England. Written to Dr. Wren ...

    London, Printed for John Martyn, and James Allestry, Printers to the Royal Society. 1665.

    First edition. When Samuel de Sorbière published his polemical Relation d’un Voyage en Angleterre (1664), touching on defects in the English nation and character, Thomas Sprat, afterwards Bishop of Rochester, composed an angry reply in the form of a letter to Christopher Wren (both were stalwarts...


  6. CHESTERFIELD, Philip Dormer Stanhope, fourth Earl of.

    Letters written … to his Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq; late Envoy Extraordinary...

    London: Printed for Dodsley … 1777.

    Eighth edition, textually insignificant but a very pretty set.


  7. HENRY, James.

    Aeneidea, critical, exegetical and aesthetical Remarks on the Aeneis, with a personal Collation of all the first...

    First editions of all parts of this remarkable, and largely overlooked, lifetime’s work in classical manuscript studies, with a remarkable publishing history of over twenty years, all preserved in the original wrappers. After a medical career and with the help of his mother’s inheritance James Henry...


  8. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe.

    Queen Mab.

    London: Printed and published by W. Clark ... 1821

    Second (first published edition) of Shelley’s most provocative poem. The radical bookseller and pirate William Clark came across a copy of the privately-printed first edition in 1821 and brought out this unauthorized text, ‘studious in adhering to the original copy’, printing the notes in French,...



    The itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, A.D. MCLXXXVIII. By Giraldus de Barri; translated into...

    London, for William Miller, 1806.

    First edition of this delightful work devoted to the life and writings of the great medieval historian Gerald of Wales, by the English antiquary Sir Richard Colt Hoare (1758-1838). Hoare ‘had a particular fondness for Wales, as did many of his fellow antiquaries, and he made a significant contribution...


  10. BROUGHTON, Thomas.

    A letter to James Hugh Smith Barry Esq. High Sheriff, of the County Palatine of Chester, containing some observations...

    [Chester?, 1795].

    A rare letter from Sir Thomas Broughton, addressed from Doddington Hall in Cheshire and dated 30 November 1795, in which he complains about the printing of resolutions carried at a recent meeting at Northwich regarding the ‘present high price of corn’.


  11. [WALSH, John Henry.] ‘STONEHENGE’.

    Manual of British rural Sports, comprising Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Fishing, Hawking,...

    London, M’Corquodale & Co. for G. Routledge & Co., 1857.

    Third edition of Walsh’s popular text on field sports. First published the previous year, the Manual of British rural Sports ‘covers the whole cycle of field sports, and, among other things, deals in a scientific manner with the breeding of horses’ (ODNB).


  12. TEGETMEIER, William Bernhardt, and C.L. SUTHERLAND.

    Horses, Asses, Zebras, Mules, and Mule Breeding.

    London, Horace Cox, 1895.

    First edition of Tegetmeier’s treatise on the military and civilian uses of horses and related species. ‘Upwards of four thousand works on horses and their utilization have been published, and of this number about one half have been printed in Great Britain. It may therefore appear an act of presumption...


  13. [GEORGE VI.] DUDLEY & Co., Ltd.

    ‘Valances, Posters & Decorations for Coronation Displays’.

    London, [1937].

    A large colour-printed catalogue of coronation decorations available from Dudley & Co. of Holloway, London, including flags, tags, badges, pencils, papers, portraits, ribbons, medals, hats, balloons, and other celebratory displays.


  14. [EDWARD VII.] WISBEY, James, & Co.

    Coronation List … New List with revised Prices of Coronation Favors, Decorations, Flags, Emblems,...

    London, [1902].

    A large illustrated catalogue of coronation paraphernalia available from James Wisbey & Co. of Houndsditch, London, ‘wholesale and exporte warehousemen’ with ‘by far the Largest Stock and most Complete Collection of these Goods in the United Kingdom’.


  15. [VICTORIA.]

    ‘Diamond Jubilee Fund in account with The Sungei Ujong Treasury’ [repeated in Malay, Tamil, and Chinese].

    [Seremban? 1897.]

    A remarkable quadrilingual document, offering a summary of accounts for a Malaysian Diamond Jubilee Fund in English, Malay, Tamil, and Chinese.


  16. HARDY, Campbell.

    Sporting adventures in the New World; or, days and nights of moose-hunting in the pine forests of Acadia …

    London, Hurst and Blackett, 1855.

    First edition of this most interesting account of Nova Scotia, Canada, by the Royal Artillery officer Campbell Hardy (1831-1919).


  17. [WHEELWRIGHT, Horace William.] ‘The OLD BUSHMAN’, and G. BOWERS (illustrator).

    Sporting Sketches, home and abroad … with...

    London, Savill, Edwards, & Co. for Frederick Warne & Co., and New York, Scribner, Welford, & Co., [c. 1866].

    First edition of a series of sporting anecdotes, gathered from the author’s experiences in Britain, Scandinavia, and Australia. Gathered mostly from his articles for The Field, the Sporting Sketches were in preparation for the press at the time of the author’s death in November 1865, and appear here...


  18. [SURTEES, Robert Smith,] and John LEECH (illustrator).

    Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour.

    London, Bradbury & Evans, 1853.

    First edition of Surtees’s most successful novel, and his first collaboration with John Leech. Though never acknowledging his career as a sporting author, Surtees was a significant contributor to the Sporting Magazine, in 1830 replacing Nimrod as hunting correspondent and the following year establishing...


  19. [STEPHEN, George, and Robert CRUIKSHANK (illustrator).]

    The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse, by Caveat Emptor, Gent.

    London, S. Bagster junior for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman and Samuel Bagster, 1835.

    First edition of a humorous exposition of warranty law for horses, illustrated by Cruikshank. A lawyer prominent in the abolition of slavery, Sir George Stephen (1794-1879) practised as a solicitor and subsequently barrister in London, Liverpool, and Melbourne. Though purportedly written as an amusement...



    Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications relating to Farriery, including the medical and surgical...

    London, George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode for the Office of the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions [– Commissioners of Patents’...

    Very scarce publication of patents relating to farriery. Gathering patents granted in the century and a half before the establishment of the Patent Office, the entries describe a vast array of inventions, some practical and others fanciful, relating to all elements of farriery and veterinary science,...
