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  1. BURNLEY, James.

    Biskra and the desert: a record of a tour in Algeria in the year 1885.

    Bradford, ‘privately printed’, [1906].

    First edition of this diary of a tour in Algeria undertaken by James and Marie Burnley in the spring of 1885, encompassing Algiers, Béjaïa, El Kantara, Biskra, Sidi Okba, and Constantine, as well as Marseille and Nîmes on the return journey, illustrated throughout with attractive photographs.


  2. BARTLETT, William Henry.

    The Nile boat; or, glimpses of the land of Egypt ... Second edition.

    London, Arthur Hall, Virtue, and Co., 1850.

    Second edition (first 1849), with handsome steel-engraved illustrations. ‘Bartlett visited Egypt twice, in 1842 and in 1845 (his third and fourth voyages to the Levant). His description of Egypt was extremely successful; five editions had appeared by 1862’ (Blackmer). ‘While disclaiming for the...


  3. [WARD, Edward, and VOLTAIRE.] 

    The Humourous and Diverting Story of Two Sailors, Who, in order to recruit their Stock of...

    6, Punderson’s-Place, Bethnal-Green-Road’, [c. 1800?]. 

    Seemingly unrecorded edition of this humorous chapbook tale of two penniless sailors who turn to piracy in an attempt to pay their rent, printed with a translation of Voltaire’s Memnon and the anonymous poem ‘Clara’. 


  4. MILLAIS, John Guille.

    A breath from the Veldt … With numerous illustrations by the author and frontispiece by the late Sir J....

    London, Henry Sotheran and Co., 1899.

    Second edition, a handsome work, recounting John Guille Millais’ travel and hunting expedition to South Africa, copiously and beautifully illustrated by the author and containing ‘perhaps the most beautiful illustration connected with South African art’ by his father John Everett.


  5. PALGRAVE, William Coates.

    Cape of Good Hope. Ministerial Department of Native Affairs. Report of W. Coates Palgrave, Esq., special...

    Cape Town, Saul Solomon, 1877.

    Uncommon first edition. ‘From 1869 until his retirement, Palgrave held a number of posts in the Cape Colony administration and on 16.3.76 was appointed Cape special commissioner for Namaland and Hereroland. Over the next nine years he would travel widely throughout Namibia in connection with British...


  6. BELL, John.

    Travels from St Petersburgh in Russia, to various parts of Asia. Illustrated with maps …

    Edinburgh, printed for William Creech and sold by Geo. Robinsons and Co., 1788.

    Edinburgh edition (first Glasgow 1763) of this account of the Asian adventures of the Scottish traveller and physician John Bell (1691–1780) undertaken between 1715 and 1738. The first volume supplies an account of Bell’s journeys from St Petersburg to Isfahan as medical attendant to the Russian...


  7. SPILBERGEN, Joris van, and Jacob LE MAIRE.

    Speculum orientalis occidentalisque Indiae navigationum; quarum una Georgii a Spilbergen...

    Leiden, Nicolaes van Geelkercken, 1619.

    First Latin edition of one of the classic Dutch illustrated voyages, identical in format and illustration to the same publisher’s Dutch-language edition of the same year. ‘All first editions in oblong format are rare and much sought after’ (Borba de Moraes p. 828). The maps include the Straits...


  8. STAVORINUS, Johan Splinter.

    Voyages to the East-Indies … Translated from the original Dutch, by Samuel Hull Wilcocke. With notes...

    London, for G.G. and J. Robinson, 1798.

    First edition in English of a first-hand account of two VOC voyages: the first, 1768–71, to Batavia, Bantam and Bengal; the second, 1774–78, to Samarang, Macassar, Amboyna, Surat, and the Malabar Coast.


  9. TIMKOVSKII, Egor Fedorovich.

    Travels of the Russian mission through Mongolia to China, and residence in Peking, in the years 1820-1821...

    London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827.

    First edition in English (first Russian 1824) of this important description of Mongolia and China by the Russian traveller and diplomat Egor Timkovskii (1790–1875), translated by Hannibal Evans Lloyd (1771–1847).


  10. BRUCE, Peter Henry.

    Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, Esq. a military officer, in the services of Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain....

    Dublin, J. and R. Byrn, 1783.

    Dublin edition (first London 1782) of the entertaining memoirs of the German-Scottish military adventurer Peter Henry Bruce (1692–1757), ‘pleasantly written’ and displaying ‘very close and intelligent observation’ (DNB). Bruce joined the Prussian army in 1706 as an engineer, taking part in...


  11. ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’.

    Considérations générales, sur l’étude et les connoissances que demande la composition...

    Paris, Galeries du Louvres, 1777

    Two first edition works in one volume by the great French geographer and royal cartographer Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville, consisting of d’Anville’s general guide to geography and his remarks on the construction of his famous maps of China.


  12. FRASER, James.

    The history of Nadir Shah, formerly called Thamas Kuli Khan, the present emperor of Persia. To which is prefix’d...

    London, W. Strahan for the author, 1742.

    First edition of ‘the first book in English treating of the Persian ruler Nadir Shah, “the scourge of God”, who had invaded India in 1737–8’ (ODNB), by the Scottish orientalist James Fraser (1713–54). Fraser served with the East India Company for ten years, at Mocha in Yemen and at Khambhat...


  13. [CHOISY, François Timoléon, Abbé de.]

    Journal ou suite de voyage de Siam. En forme des lettres familieres fait en M.DC.LXXXV...

    C. Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier, 1687.

    First edition recounting a voyage to Siam by the prolific French writer, former cross-dresser, and Jesuit priest, the Abbé de Choisy. The French mission to Buddhist Siam, modern-day Thailand, was organised in response to a request by the Greek adventurer turned Siamese prime minister, Constantine Phaulkon,...


  14. ROUGEMONT, François de.

    Relacam do estado politico e espiritual do imperio da China, pellos annos de 1659 atè o de 1666. Escrita...

    Lisbon, Joao da Costa, 1672.

    Portuguese translation, scarce on the market, of the Dutch Jesuit François de Rougemont’s history of mid seventeenth-century China, published a year before the appearance of de Rougemont’s Latin original. Inspired to join the Chinese missions after meeting the famed Jesuit sinologist Martino Martini...


  15. PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, Juan de.

    The history of the conquest of China by the Tartars. Together with an account of several remarkable...

    London, W. Godbid for M. Pitt, 1671.

    First edition in English of Palafox's Historia de la conquista de la China (1670), an account of the Manchu conquest of Ming China based on reports sent to him from Macao and the Philippines.


  16. BONVALOT, Gabriel.

    Across Thibet, being a translation of ‘De Paris au Tonking à travers le Tibet inconnu’ … with illustrations...

    New York, Cassell Publishing Company, 1892.

    Second edition (first 1891) relating the extraordinary Central Asian journey of Bonvalot (1853-1933) in the company of Prince Henri d’Orléans and the Belgian missionary Constant de Decken.


  17. [TICHBORNE, Herbert.]

    Rambles in Polynesia by ‘Sundowner’ …

    London, European Mail Ltd, 1897.

    First edition, with a presentation inscription from the author, and in an attractive pictorial binding.


  18. STEIN, Aurel.

    Sand-buried ruins of Khotan. Personal narrative of a journey of archaeological and geographical exploration in Chinese...

    London, Hurst and Blackett, 1904.

    ‘Cheaper edition’ (published a year after the first) of Stein’s account of his first expedition to Central Asia in 1900–1901.


  19. BRETON DE LA MARTINIÈRE, Jean Baptiste Joseph.

    China, its costume, arts, manufactures, etc. Edited principally from the originals...

    London, for J.J. Stockdale, 1813.

    Fifth edition (first 1812) of this popular and charming work devoted to China, translated from the French (La Chine en miniature) and illustrated with 80 hand-coloured engraved plates, beginning with a portrait of the emperor Qianlong.


  20. COCHRANE, John Dundas.

    Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the frontiers of China to the...

    London, John Murray, 1824.

    First edition of this account by the Scottish naval officer Cochrane (1793–1825). Having unsuccessfully offered his services for the exploration of the Niger, Cochrane ‘left England with the intention of making a tour of the world by way of Russia, Siberia, and North America. He travelled by Dieppe,...
