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    No. 7. Bankers cause War.

    London, United ratepayers’ advisory association [1930s].

    First and only edition. An authentic copy of the Fascist-sponsored newspaper ‘Lower Rates’, a rare survival from the heyday of Oswald Mosley. Under the headline ‘Bankers cause War’ we see bankers accused of creating all the problems of society, including war-mongering and creating artificial credit.


  2. PLACE, Francis.

    Illustrations and proofs of the principle of population: including an examination of the proposed remedies of Mr....

    London, [Spottiswode] for Longman et al., 1822.

    First edition of the first book to argue for birth control by contraception, the only book written by the radical reformer friend of James Mill and Jeremy Bentham.


  3. RICARDO, David.

    Zasady ekonomji politycznej i podatkowania.

    Warsaw, Jan Cotty, 1919.

    Second and most complete Polish edition of On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (first published in 1817), in a new translation by Dr. M. Bronstein. The 1826 first Polish translation by Stanislaw Kunatt was based on the translation into French by the Portuguese journalist Francisco Solano...


  4. [RICARDO, David.]

    Report from the select committee on the usury laws.

    London, Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 1818.

    First edition of the report from the select committee ‘appointed to consider the effects of the laws which regulate or restrain the interest of money, and to report their opinion thereupon to the House…’ (p. 3). The question of the Usury Laws had first been raised in the house of commons by Brougham...


  5. RICCI, Vincenzo.

    Ragionamento intorno alla navigazione ed al commerzio di Vincenzo Ricci Giustinopolitano.

    Padua, Giovambattista Penada, 1755.

    First and only edition, rare, of the Venetian Vincenzo Ricci’s treatise on navigation and trade, the repository of much valuable information which the author, a scholar of maritime practice and law, had gathered in his assiduous frequentation of the archives in Venice, as well as in his direct and...



    The Report of the Committee of the House of Commons, to whom the Petition of the Royal Lustring-Company...

    London, E. Whitlock, 1698.

    First edition; a French version appeared the same year. Since its foundation in 1688, the Royal Lustring Company (importers of ‘lustrings’ or ‘alamodes’ – a fine, light, glossy, black silk) had enjoyed special monopolistic privileges which it had exploited to the full. However, by the end...


  7. [SWEDIAUER, Franz Xavier].

    The Philosophical dictionary: or the opinions of modern philosophers on metaphysical, moral and political...

    London, for G.G.J. and J Robinson, 1786.

    First edition of this philosophical dictionary, featuring extracts from ‘the writings of the most eminent philosophers in Europe’ (preface) chosen by Swediaur, who originally compiled the collection as a sort of commonplace book for his private use. The broad-reaching content includes contributions...



    Czasopismo popularno-naukowe. Organ Polskiej Partyi Socyalistycznej. Rok pierwszy [- drugi].

    London, Printers of the Federation of Polish Socialists Abroad for the Polish Socialist Party [– Printers of the Polish Socialist Party],...

    The first two complete years (eight consecutive issues) of the very rare quarterly magazine of the PPS, the largest Socialist Party of Poland, lead by Piłsudski. Altogether 19 issues appeared up to 1904. The annual titles, which are apparently not always present were designed by Teofil Terlecki...


  9. TUCKER, Josiah.

    Betydande frågor om handelen, wid tilfålle af de motsäjelser, som skedde emot den sista billen, om utlänningars...

    [v. Oelreich], 1763.

    First Swedish edition, scarce, of this history on the treatment of foreign residents in Britain, Reflections on the Expediency of a Law for the Naturalization of Foreign Protestants (1751–1752). This book comprises only the main body of Part II (1752), ‘Important Queries occasioned by The Rejection...


  10. TUGAN-BARANOVSKI, Mikhail Ivanovich.

    Obshchestvennoe ekonomicheskie idealyi nashego vremeni

    Saint Petersburg, Izdatelstvo ‘Vestniks Znaniya’ V.V. Bitner, 1913 .

    First and only edition of Socio-Economic Ideals in Our Time, seemingly never translated into English. The work contains chapters on the exploitation of the working classes, centralised, federalised and anarchised socialism, communism, and collectivism, and the transition from capitalism to socialism.


  11. TUGAN-BARANOVSKII, Mikhail Ivanovich.

    Russkaia fabrika v proshlom’ i nastoiashchem’ [The Russian factory in the past and present].

    St Petersburg, L. F. Pantelev, 1898.

    First edition thus, originally issued as the author’s doctoral dissertation in 1894, a historic-economic analysis of Russian factories up to the 19th century. Beginning with a long introductory chapter on the 18th century, the work analyses factory development before and after the emancipation of the...


  12. TUGAN-BARANOVSKII, Mikhail Ivanovich.

    Teoreticheskiia osnovyi Marksizma.

    St Petersburg, I. N. Skorokhodov, 1905.

    First Russian edition of Theoretical Foundations of Marxism; a German edition, Theoretische Grundlagen der Marxismus, was published in the same year. In the present work Tugan-Baranovsky shows the influence of the revisionism present throughout the socialist movement at the turn of the century. He approaches...



    Sovremennyĭ sotsializm v svoem istoricheskom razvitii.

    St. Petersburg, Buduschnost’, 1906.

    First edition of Tugan-Baranoskiĭ’s work on socialism; it was translated into English as Modern Socialism in its Historical Development by M. I. Redmount and published in 1910. After dismissal from his position at the University of St. Petersburg in 1899 for ‘political unreliability’, Tugan-Baranoskiĭ...


  14. BENNETT, Terry.

    History of Photography in China 1842-1860.

    [London], Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2009.

    The first comprehensive history of the earliest years of photography in China, combining previously unpublished research with over 150 photographs, many of which are attributed and published here for the first time.


  15. BENNETT, Terry.

    History of Photography in China: Western Photographers 1861-1879.

    London, Quaritch, 2010.

    The second volume in our series on the history of photography in China, this is the most extensive general survey of Western photographers working in China in the 1860s and 1870s. Over eighty different photographers are discussed – from well-known professionals to little-known amateurs – with previously...


  16. BENNETT, Terry.

    History of Photography in China: Chinese Photographers 1844-1879.

    London, Quaritch, 2013.

    This book is the first extensive survey of early Chinese photographers in any language. It is profusely illustrated with more than 400 photographs, many of which are published here for the first time, including a fine selection of Foochow landscapes from the studios of Lai Fong, China’s leading...


  17. [BARKER, Nicolas]. EDWARDS, A.S.G.

    Nicolas Barker at Eighty: A List of his Publications to Mark his 80th Birthday in 2012.

    London and New Castle, DE, Bernard Quaritch and Oak Knoll Press, 2013.

    Published in celebration of Nicolas Barker's eightieth birthday, this bibliography serves both as a collection of his writings and as a tribute to one who has inspired so wide and deep affection in so many.


  18. [HOUSMAN, A. E., and A. W. POLLARD.]

    A.E.H. A.W.P.: a Classical Friendship.

    [London], The Foundling Press and Bernard Quaritch, 2006.

    Printing in full for the first time five letters from the poet and classical scholar A. E. Housman to A. W. Pollard, Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum, this explores a friendship that was both intimate and formal. The story told by the book’s editor, H. R. Woudhuysen, begins with the exuberance...


  19. JACOBSON, Ken.

    Odalisques & Arabesques: Orientalist Photography 1839–1925.

    [London], Quaritch, 2007.

    Profusely illustrated, this is the most comprehensive survey to date of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century photography of the Middle East and North Africa. Using Orientalist painting as a counterpoint, it primarily relates the extraordinarily rich visual documentation of the peoples and cultures...


  20. PAYNE, Anthony.

    Richard Hakluyt. A guide to his books and to those associated with him, 1580–1625.

    [London], Quaritch, 2008.

    In this guide various approaches to Hakluyt’s books are suggested under a number of interrelated headings – his patronage and connections; Italian and French influences; his use of illustration and his presentation of texts; his intentions; and his impact and readership. It is hoped that it will...
