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  1. BOYSON, Violet Fenton.

    The Falkland Islands … With notes on the natural history by Rupert Vallentin.

    Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924.

    First edition of Violet Fenton Boyson’s history of the Falkland Islands, in what remains a standard work on the subject. Boyson was initially asked by the naturalist Rupert Vallentin to edit his notebooks on the natural history of the island. In response, Boyson suggested supplementing these notes...


  2. DOMVILLE-FIFE, Charles William.

    Savage life in the black Sudan. An account of an adventurous journey of exploration amongst wild...

    London, Seeley, Service & Co., 1927.

    First edition of Charles William Domville-Fife’s account of the wildlife and indigenous peoples of Sudan, complete with maps and photographs taken by the author himself.


  3. CUNNINGHAM, Robert.

    Notes on the Natural History of the Strait of Magellan and West Coast of Patagonia made during the Voyage of...

    Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1871.

    First edition of the travel account of Robert Oliver Cunningham (1841-1918), a Scottish naturalist employed aboard the H.M.S. ‘Nassau’ during a surveying expedition of the Strait of Magellan between 1866 and 1869.


  4. DUNCAN, John.

    Travels in western Africa, in 1845 & 1846. Comprising a journey from Whydah, through the kingdom of Dahomey, to Adofoodia,...

    London, Richard Bentley, 1849.

    Third edition recounting the West African expeditions of the Scottish traveller John Duncan, including the first appearance of Duncan’s account of the Niger expedition.


  5. READE, William Winwood.

    Savage Africa: being the narrative of a tour in Equatorial, south-western, and north-western Africa; with...

    London, Smith, Elder, and Co., 1863.

    First edition recounting an expedition through west Africa and along the west African coast by the British historian, philosopher, and explorer William Winwood Reade.


  6. SWAYNE, Harold George Carlos.

    Seventeen trips through Somaliland. A record of exploration & big game shooting, 1885 to 1893. Being...

    London, Rowland Ward and Co., 1895.

    First edition recounting hunting and exploration trips to Somaliland by the British soldier, explorer, naturalist, and big-game hunter Harold George Carlos Swayne.


  7. BACKHOUSE, James.

    A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa …

    London, Hamilton, Adams, and Co.; York, John L. Linney, 1844.

    First edition describing the travels of the Quaker minister, missionary, and amateur botanist James Backhouse (1794-1869) in Mauritius and South Africa.


  8. FILIPPI, Filippo de and Caroline de FILIPPI (translator).

    Ruwenzori. An account of the expedition of H.R.H. Prince Luigi Amedeo...

    London, Archibald Constable and Company, 1908.

    First English edition, with handsome illustrations, describing the 1906 expedition to the Rwenzori mountain range in present-day Uganda under the stewardship of Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy, the Duke of Abruzzi.


  9. POWELL-COTTON, Percy.

    A sporting trip through Abyssinia. A narrative of a nine months’ journey from the plains of the Hawash...

    London, Rowland Ward, 1902.

    First edition, signed by the son of the author and bound for the Powell Cotton Museum, describing a nine-month exploration and hunting expedition through Abyssinia by the English hunter and animal collector Percy Powell-Cotton.


  10. BEECHAM, John.

    Ashantee and the Gold Coast: being a sketch of the history, social state, and superstitions of the inhabitants of...

    London, sold by John Mason, 1841.

    Uncommon first edition, a study of the west African region around modern-day Ghana by the Wesleyan Methodist John Beecham.


  11. BRUCE, James.

    Travels, between the years 1765 and 1773, through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssinia, to discover...

    London, James Robins and Co. Albion Press, [1820?].

    First edition thus, an abridged account of James Bruce’s famous travels through Ethiopia on a quest to discover the source of the Nile.


  12. BRADLEY, John Thomas.

    The history of Seychelles … 2nd edition … Published in two parts. Part 1 – French occupation. Part...

    Victoria [Seychelles], Clarion Press, 1940.

    Second edition of Bradley’s history of the Seychelles, one of the major historical studies of the islands. Bradley, a long-time resident of the Seychelles, chief-medical officer, administrative official, OBE, Chevalier de l’Ordre de Pius IX, and founder of the islands’ resident Clarion Press, originally...


  13. DECLE, Lionel.

    Three years in savage Africa … With an introduction by H.M. Stanley, M.P. With 100 illustrations and 5 maps from...

    London, Methuen & Co., 1898.

    First edition recounting the author’s 7000-mile journey from Cape Town to Mombasa – ‘the longest journey that has yet been achieved at one stretch from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean’ – in order ‘to study the ethnology and anthropology of the interior tribes’.


  14. HUC, Évariste Régis and William HAZLITT (translator).

    Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844-5-6 … Second...

    London, Office of the National Illustrated Library, [1852].

    Second English edition recounting the famous journey of two Lazarist missionaries across China, Mongolia, and Tibet between 1844 and 1846.


  15. WATTS, Isaac. 

    Psalms of David imitated in the Language of the New Testament … 

    Birmingham, Printed & sold by Knott and Lloyd. 1806. 

    Unrecorded Birmingham editions of Watts’s Hymns (first 1707) and Psalms (first 1719), both many times reprinted, especially in America.  The portrait of Watts was printed especially for this edition and is dated 10 October 1806. 


  16. MOSZKOWSKI, Alexander [and H.J. STENNING (trans.).] 

    The Isles of Wisdom. 

    London, George Routledge & sons, 1924.

    First English edition of Alexander Moszkowski’s dystopian satire.  Moszkowski imagines a visit to a series of South-East Asian islands which each subscribe unreservedly to a philosophical school of thought.  These utopias are absurd: people’s notions of philosophical purity prevent them...


  17. JOHNSTON, Reginald Fleming.

    From Peking to Mandalay. A journey from north China to Burma through Tibetan Ssuch’uan and Yunnan ...

    London, John Murray, 1908.

    First edition recounting the 1906 travels through China and neighbouring parts of southeast Asia by the Scottish colonial administrator and sinologist Reginald Fleming Johnston.


  18. JENNINGS, James Willes and Christopher ADDISON.

    With the Abyssinians in Somaliland … With a preface by Colonel A.N. Rochfort...

    London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1905.

    First edition recounting the author’s fact-finding mission to Eritrea and Ethiopia investigating the ‘folk-lore, the characteristics, and customs of the Abyssinians’.


  19. HARRIS, Walter Burton.

    Tafilet. The narrative of a journey of exploration in the Atlas Mountains and the oases of the north-west...

    Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1895.

    First edition of this description of Morocco by Harris (1866-1933), graduate of Caius College, Cambridge, and The Times correspondent in Tangier.


  20. KEMP, Dennis.

    Nine years at the Gold Coast …

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1898.

    First edition recounting the author’s experiences in the British colony of Gold Coast, present day Ghana, as general superintendent of the Wesleyan missions.
