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  1. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. 

    Transformation: or, the romance of Monte Beni [Title on spine: The Marble Faun]. 

    Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1860 [c. 1878].

    First edition thus, extra-illustrated with ninety-nine albumen print photographs. 


  2. ERASMUS, Desiderius. 

    Paraclesis, id est adhortio ad sanctissimum ac saluberrimum Cristianae philosophiae studium … 

    Basel, Johann Froben, February 1520. 

    Attractive contemporary Erasmus sammelband, superbly eloquent in its physical union of three treatises without which the humanist’s Praise of Folly would risk gross misinterpretation. 


  3. LUBLER, Johannes. 

    Tractatus de incendio antehac nunquam editus in quo omnia ac singula ad hanc materiam pertinentia dilucide...

    Liège, Lambert Thonon, 1701. 

    Rare second edition of this legal study of fire and its consequences, the only known work of the German jurist Johannes Lubler. 


  4. [MEIN, Robert.] 

    A Nominal Encomium on the Election of Magistrates at Michaelmass 1764. 

    [Edinburgh, 1764.] 

    First edition, very rare, a poem celebrating both the election of James Stuart of Binend as Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and the plans for the construction of Edinburgh New Town, of which building was to commence in 1767.  Typically for Mein he anagrammatizes his subject as ‘A Just Master’,...


  5. VILLA, Antonio, and Giovanni Battista VILLA. 

    Dispositio systematica conchyliarum terrestrium et fluviatilium quae adservantur...

    Milan, ex typis Borroni et Scotti, 1841. 

    First edition of this catalogue of molluscs and shellfish in the collection of Antonio and Giovanni Battista Villa. 


  6. [LE MARCHE.] 

    Deed relating to the sale of property in Beltrovato (a district of Morrovalle in the Province of Macerata in the...

    [Rome, 1616.] 

    A curiously bound public instrument notarised by the Apostolic Camera in Rome detailing the sale of property belonging to two brothers from the influential de’ Mozzi family of Macerata. 


  7. [OXFORD.] 

    Carmina quadragesimalia ab Aedis Christi Oxon. alumnis composita et ab ejusdem Aedis baccalaureis determinantibus...

    Oxford, ‘E Theatro Sheldoniano,’ 1723 [– 1748]. 

    First edition of humorous verses in Latin, composed by bachelors at Christ Church Oxford as part of scholastic Lenten disputations on natural philosophy. 


  8. LANDI, Bassiano.

    De origine et causa pestis Patauinae, anni MDLV ...

    Venice, apud Balthassarem Constantinum (colophon: ‘Ioan. Gryphius excudebat’), 1555.

    First edition of this important work investigating the causes of the plague which struck Padua in 1555, by the eminent, and controversial, professor of medicine Bassiano Landi (d. 1562). In his De origine Landi argues against the then popular belief that the plague had been caused by putrid...


  9. DARRÉ, G.-G.

    ‘Conferences diaconales données par Mr l’abbé Darré, Vicaire Général au GrandSéminaire d’Auch. Année...

    Auch, 1864.

    An attractively written manuscript of Abbé Darré’s practical manual for the use of young priests entering pastoral ministry, the text remaining unprinted, according to OCLC, until 1872.


  10. [EDUCATION.]

    Lois et réglemens pour les lycees.

    Paris, ‘de l’imprimerie de la République, an XII,’ 1803.

    Rare first edition of this extremely interesting collection of laws and regulations governing secondary education in France, reflecting the historic changes enacted between 1801 and 1803 by Napoleon as First Consul, in particular the establishment of lycées.


  11. [GREATTI, Giuseppe.] 

    L’Educazione. Poemetto in ottava rima. 

    Padua, 1796. 

    Only edition of this poem on the theme of education, dedicated to the Paduan noblewoman Arpalice Savorgnan di Brazzà, well-known in the city for her embrace of radicals and revolutionaries, which led her salon to be known as ‘l’unione dei giacobini’ (see di Brazzà, p. 714). 


  12. [MASS.]

    Cerimonie piu’ notabili della messa privata; Cavate dalle rubriche del Missale, ed altri autori da un Sacerdote D.C.D.M....

    Turin, Gianfranco Mairesse, 1739.

    An apparently unrecorded edition of this uncommon treatise on the celebration of the mass and its associated rituals.


  13. MALTHUS, Thomas Robert.

    An essay on the principle of population; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness;...

    London, Johnson, 1803.

    Second edition, first published 1798. Called the ‘Great Quarto’, it is the first to bear Malthus’s name and is so revised by Malthus as to be ‘regarded by [him] as a substantially new work’ (ODNB). The first edition, published anonymously, is now a great rarity. This second was the result of...


  14. ADDAMS, Jane.

    [Two autograph letters.] Twenty years at Hull House with autobiographical notes.

    New York, Macmillan, 1910.

    First edition, second printing (issued in the same month and year as the first). William Scarlett was Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, and one of the founders of the Grace Hill Settlement House in St. Louis, based on Addams’s model for Hull House. The letters, addressed to Scarlett in New...


  15. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    The Writer and the Absolute …

    London, Methuen & Co., Ltd., [1952].

    First edition, inscribed ‘To my dear friend Geoffrey Bridson / Wyndham Lewis / 25 June 1952’. The work was published the following day.


  16. BAKER, Valentine.

    Clouds in the East: travels and adventures on the Perso-Turkoman frontier …

    London, Chatto and Windus, 1876.

    First edition of Baker Pasha’s account of his journey to Central Asia.


  17. DI FIORE, Fedele.

    Il trionfo della verginità ossia breve elogio storico del Cristiano eroismo di Maria Regina Pedena vergine Modenese...

    Naples, dalla tipografia dei fratelli Paci, 1828.

    Very rare work prompted by the death of Maria Regina Pedena, a fourteen-year-old embroiderer who was found dead at her home in Modena in July 1827 with stab wounds to her throat and other wounds all over her body. A family friend, the thirty-five-year-old violin maker Eleutero Malagoli, was discovered...


  18. POUND, Ezra.

    Selected Poems.

    The New Classics Series. [New York, New Directions, 1949.]

    First edition, inscribed in a characteristic mix of the formal and the faux-Cockney ‘Geoffrey Bridson certified + worthy owner hereof. / To which mi ’and [i.e. my hand]/ Ezra Pound / 9 A[ugust?] ’56’. The book was given to the BBC Broadcater D.G. Bridson on the occasion of his visit...


  19. WILLIAMS, William Carlos.

    Paterson [Books 1, 2, 3 & 4].

    Norfolk, New Classics, [1951]. [with:]

    First collected edition of Books One to Four and first edition of Book Five; inscribed on the front free endpaper of One to Four (in Williams’s distinctive scrawl, in two different pens after the first ran out of ink) ‘D.J. [i.e. G.] Bridson with my compliments / William...


  20. [POUND.]

    FROBENIUS, Leo. Il Liuto di Gassire. Legenda Africana con una nota di Ezra Pound.

    Milan, All’insegna del pesce d’oro [Scheiwiller], [1961].

    First edition, translated into Italian from the German by Siegfried Walter di Rachewiltz, Pound’s grandson (b. 1947), and with a ten-page note by Pound. A presentation copy, inscribed ‘For Geoffrey Bridson with the compliments of Siegfried W. de Rachewiltz / Brunnenburg 30. 5. 61’.
