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  1. NEWTON, Isaac.

    Opuscula Mathematica, philosophica et philologica. Collegit partimque Latine vertit ac recensuit Joh. Castillioneus...

    Lausanne and Geneva, Bousquet & soc., 1744.

    First edition of Newton’s collected works, a major tool in the dissemination of Newton’s science and a major publication in the history of science.  The edition, edited and introduced by the Pisa alumnus Giovanni Salvemini da Castiglione, contains twenty-six works (which, while having appeared...



    Letter of Indulgence (in Catalan), incipit ‘A Honor …’, granted by Cardinal Luis de Milá,...

    [Lerida, Heinrich Botel, c. 1498.] 

    Extremely rare incunable indulgence in Catalan granted by Luis de Milá, Bishop of Lérida, in favour of the living (as opposed to the dead, see below) to gather funds for the repair of the old cathedral of Lérida, printed at Lérida, the second city of Catalonia, about one hundred miles...


  3. BURCHELL, William John.

    Travels in the interior of Southern Africa.

    London, The Batchworth Press, 1953.

    Limited edition reprint (1250 copies) of William Burchell’s seminal 1822 account of his travels through South Africa. ‘The most valuable and accurate work on South Africa published up to the first quarter of the nineteenth century, and embracing a description of a large part of the Cape Colony and...


  4. BLANFORD, William Thomas.

    Observations on the geology and zoology of Abyssinia, made during the progress of the British expedition...

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1870.

    First edition of the geologist and naturalist William Thomas Blanford’s study of Abyssinian flora and fauna, undertaken during Britain’s military expedition through the country in 1868 and supplemented by hand-coloured lithographic plates. Blanford, then known primarily for his geological work in...


  5. BLAKE, John William editor and translator.

    Europeans in West Africa, 1450-1560: Documents to illustrate the nature and scope of...

    London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1942.

    First edition of a collection of documents pertaining to the early history of West African exploration, translated into English by John William Blake. The documents enclosed pertain to three avenues of exploration in West Africa: Portuguese discovery and occupation of West Africa in the last quarter...


  6. BELL, Walter Dalrymple Maitland.

    The wanderings of an elephant hunter.

    London, The Offices of “Country Life” and George Newnes, and New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1923.

    First edition of Bell’s first work, describing his ‘early elephant hunting days in the Karamojo region’ of Africa, in modern-day Uganda. According to Bell, ‘Karamojan elephants are distinguished for their bodily size, the quality and size of their ivory and for the quantity of fat on them’....


  7. MOORE, John Edward Sharrock.

    The Tanganyika Problem: an account of the researches undertaken concerning the existence of marine...

    London, Hurst and Blackett, 1903.

    First edition, copiously and beautifully illustrated, of J.E.S. Moore’s survey of the marine fauna of Lake Tanganyika in Central Africa, ‘the first definite account of the Zoology and the Geology of the Great Lake Region of Africa, and of the extraordinary chain of evidence which has led to the belief...


  8. MCCORMICK, Arthur David.

    An artist in the Himalayas.

    New York, Macmillan & co, 1895.

    First American edition by the British illustrator and painter Arthur David McCormick (1860-1943), recounting his experiences as a member of the 1892 Karakoram expedition under the leadership of the English politician, art historian, and mountaineer Martin Conway (1856-1937). Conway’s Karakoram expedition...


  9. LONG, Charles Chaillé.

    Central Africa: naked truths of naked people. An account of expeditions to the Lake Victoria Nyanza and...

    New York, Harper & Brothers, 1877.

    First American edition recounting Charles Chaillé Long’s expedition from south Sudan through Uganda to Lake Victoria, featuring one of the great subtitles of nineteenth-century exploration literature.


  10. LLOYD, Albert Bushnell.

    In dwarf land and cannibal country: a record of travel and discovery in Central Africa.

    London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1900.

    First edition, second impression, of a travel narrative by the Anglican missionary Albert Bushnell Lloyd (1871-1946), recounting his adventures and missionary work in Uganda. A member of the Church Missionary Society, Lloyd was sent to Uganda to preach the Gospel to its unfortunate inhabitants in 1894....


  11. HARRIS, William Cornwall.

    The wild sports of southern Africa; being the narrative of a hunting expedition from the Cape of Good...

    London, Henry G. Bohn, 1852.

    Fifth edition, with beautiful hand-coloured lithographic plates, recounting the author’s hunting expedition through southern Africa between 1836 and 1837: a ‘well-known and valuable work’ (Mendelssohn). ‘Harris journeyed to the Meritsane River where he encountered a herd of quaggas and brindled...


  12. DENHAM, Dixon, Hugh CLAPPERTON, and Walter OUDNEY.

    Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, in the...

    London, John Murray, 1828.

    Third edition recounting the attempt of Dixon Denham (1786-1828), Hugh Clapperton (1788-1827) and Dr Walter Oudney (1790-1824) to trace the course of the Niger river. With previous attempts to trace the Niger having ended in disaster, Denham, Clapperton and Oudney were dispatched on an expedition in...


  13. CRANWORTH, Bertram Francis Gurdon, Baron.

    Profit and sport in British East Africa. Being a second edition, revised and enlarged,...

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1919.

    Second edition, revised and enlarged from the first, of Lord Cranworth’s description of British East Africa, a protectorate territory largely equivalent to modern-day Kenya. Cranworth, a soldier who fought and was wounded in the Boer War, devotes chapters to the history, the climate, the demographics,...


  14. CHEESMAN, Robert Ernest.

    Lake Tana and the Blue Nile. An Abyssinian quest.

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1936.

    First edition recounting various expeditions around Lake Tana by major Robert Ernest Cheesman (1878-1962), the consul for north-west Ethiopia between 1925 and 1934. It may be said with more than a little confidence that the appointment of Cheesman (an experienced traveller and author of the 1926 travel...



    A collection of eight albumen prints (or salt and albumen collages) from mammoth-plate negatives...

    France, 1864-5.

    An exceptional series of oversize prints commissioned by the Compagnie de Chemins de Fer de l‘Ouest to commemorate the construction of a series of new bridges completed 1861–1864, including the metal bridge at Orival, later destroyed in the Franco-Prussian War, and the oblique stone bridge of...


  16. LIST, Friedrich. 

    Das nationale System der politischen Oekonomie … Erster Band: Der internationale Handel, die Handelspolitik...

    Stuttgart, J.G. Cotta, 1841. 

    First edition, the first work to articulate developing economies’ need for protective regulation, one of the earliest and most severe critiques of Adam Smith and his followers.


  17. ROUQUET, Jean-André. 

    The present State of the Arts in England.  By M. Rouquet, member of the Royal Academy of Painting and...

    London, for J. Nourse, 1755. 

    First edition in English, published in the same year as the French original, from the library of the great Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith (1723–1790). 


  18. STEPNIAK, Sergey. 

    דאָס אינטערערדישע רוסלאַנד … איבערזעצט פון א. פרומקין

    New York, Maks N. Maisel, 1921. 

    Scarce first American edition in Yiddish of Stepniak’s first and most influential book.  Written in Italian during exile in Switzerland following his assassination of Nikolai Mezentsov, chief of Alexander II’s secret police, Underground Russia was published in 1882 and translated into...


  19. GROTIUS, Hugo. 

    De veritate religionis Christianae, editio nova, additis annotationibus in quibus testimonia. 

    [Amsterdam, Jan Jansson?] ‘Juxta exemplar parisiense sumptibus Seb. Cramoisy’, 1640. 

    A pocket-edition of Grotius’s argument for the Christian religion; a very good copy with reading marks by the English pamphleteer Isaac Sharpe. 


  20. BISSON, Louis-Auguste. 


    Paris, c. 1844. 

    An extraordinary equine portrait, testimony to the improvements made in the daguerreotype process made by Louis-August Bisson which allowed greater spontaneity through shorter exposure times. 
