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  1. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Filibusters in Barbary (Record of a Visit to the Sous).

    London, Grayson & Grayson, [1932].

    First edition, scarce in the dust-jacket, ‘an account of his travels which Lewis had written after a holiday with his wife in French Morocco and the Spanish Sahara. The book … emerged as one of the liveliest travel-books of the time. Like all of Lewis’s writing, it was quirky and opinionated,...


  2. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Snooty Baronet.

    London, Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1932.

    First edition, first issue binding, the first of three books Lewis published with Cassell, and the first of his novels not to find an American publisher.


  3. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    The Old Gang and the New Gang.

    London, Desmond Harmsworth, 1933.

    First edition, binding variant (1), a work on ‘youth cults’ and the rise of European dictatorships. Bridson’s review was not especially complimentary, noting ‘that peculiar “kiddish” idiom which Mr. Lewis uses to advantage in his satiric novels and to little purpose elsewhere … We can excuse...


  4. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Men without Art …

    London, Cassell & Company Limited, [1934].

    First edition; Lewis takes on and demolishes Hemingway, Faulkner, and Woolf. Bridson reviewed the book in The Criterion in January 1935, pp. 335-337.


  5. MITCHISON, Naomi; Wyndham LEWIS, illustrator.

    Beyond this Limit …

    [London,] Jonathan Cape, [1935].

    First edition. This was Lewis’s only collaboration with Mitchison but she arranged for the publication of his Left Wings over Europe the following year, and they remained friends until his death. 32 designs by Lewis served as the inspiration for Mitchison’s narrative.


  6. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Left Wings Over Europe: or, how to make a War about Nothing.

    London, Jonathan Cape, [1936].

    First edition, first printing, a reiteration of the delusions about Hitler that Lewis had first presented in Hitler (1931), alongside a rejection of the Internationalism he had argued so firmly for in The Art of Being Ruled and would later espouse once more. Lewis afterwards dismissed the...


  7. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    The Revenge for Love.

    London, Cassell & Co. Ltd., [1937].

    First edition, very scarce in the dust-jacket, of ‘one of Lewis’s finest novels … a brilliant novel of character’ (Bridson, The Filibuster), set in pre-Civil War Spain and centred on an incident of Communist gun-running on the border. ‘Here for once, Communism is accepted as a...


  8. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Blasting & Bombardiering …

    London, Eyre & Spottiswode, 1937.

    First edition, first issue binding, of one of Lewis’s best and best-known works. It was the first of two largely autobiographical books, this covering 1914-1926 as stated on the jacket, and is now remembered in particular for its coining of the much-discussed phrase ‘The Men of 1914’, referring...


  9. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Wyndham Lewis the Artist. From ‘Blast’ to Burlington House’ …

    London, Laidlaw & Laidlaw, [1939].

    First edition, first issue. Pound & Grover A29a; Morrow & Lafourcade A29


  10. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    ‘W. B. Yeats’ [from New Verse new series, I:2, May 1939].

    Offprint of an article from New Verse, loosely an obituary of Yeats who had died in January that year. Lewis was typically ambivalent, referring to the ‘stuffed language’ of Yeats’s early poems. But ‘Yeats has given me a sort of kick: a kind of soft, dreamy kick. I am obliged to him.’


  11. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    America, I Presume.

    New York, Howell, Soskins & Co., [1940].

    First edition, Lewis’s first impressions of America after his abrupt departure thence in September 1939. He was to remain in North America for the duration of World War WII.


  12. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    America and Cosmic Man.

    London and Brussels, Nicholas and Watson Ltd., [1948].

    First edition, second state binding as always (the first, in green cloth, was rejected by Lewis as ‘hideous’ and was used on only 3 trial copies). In hand by 1943, not finished until 1946 and then rejected by American publishers until it finally found a British home in 1948, America and Cosmic Man...


  13. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Rude Assignment. A Narrative of my Career up-to-date … Illustrated with works by the Author.

    London, Hutchinson & Co., [1950].

    First edition, first impression, ‘one of the most readable of his later works ... also one of the most illuminating’ (Bridson, Filibuster).


  14. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Rotting Hill …

    London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1951].

    First edition, inscribed ‘To Geoffrey / Benedictions / Wyndham Lewis’. Rotting Hill was a collection of stories, ‘no more political than “some of Charles Dickens’ books, and all by Mr. Shaw”’ (Bridson, The Filibuster), in that ‘today our lives are saturated by’ politics....


  15. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Self Condemned.

    London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1954].

    First edition, second impression (June 1954), one of Lewis’s most successful works, a novel based on his self-imposed exile in Canada during World War II. Eliot thought the work one of Lewis’s best, ‘a novel of almost unbearable poignancy’. Bridson and Lewis had corresponded about the work, then...


  16. LEWIS, Wyndham, and D. G. BRIDSON.

    Typescript for broadcast: ‘Satiric Verse … The text of a lecture delivered at Harvard University...

    Transmitted 9 July and 23 August 1957.

    Although a recording of Lewis reading from ‘One Way Song’ was made at Harvard in 1940, the lecture that accompanied it, ‘Satiric Verse’, was not then recorded. For the 1957 broadcast it was read by Walter Allen ‘from Lewis’s own manuscript notes’. Several other sections were read by Stephen...


  17. ELIOT, T. S.

    ‘Wyndham Lewis’. Reprinted from The Hudson Review, vol. X, No 2,

    Summer, 1957.

    Very rare offprint of Eliot’s memoir of Lewis, dated 29 April 1957. Eliot recalls his first meeting with Lewis in Ezra Pound’s rooms in 1915, his ‘remarkable novel’ Tarr, their trip to France together in 1921 (and their meeting with Joyce), and Lewis’s ‘frank and merciless critic[ism]...


  18. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    One-Way Song. With a Foreword by T. S. Eliot.

    London, Methuen, [1960].

    Second edition, ostensibly an unaltered reprint of the first edition of 1933, but in fact with some changes. Eliot’s foreword is new to this edition. Bridson had reviewed the original edition uncharitably as ‘versified pamphleteering’ in Poetry XLV: 3 (Dec 1934), accusing it of being a satirical...


  19. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    An Anthology of his Prose. Edited with an introduction by E.W.F. Tomlin.

    London, Methuen & Co Ltd., [1969].

    First edition. ‘The Sea-Mists of Winter’, Lewis’s famous article on the approach of blindness, appears in this Anthology for the first time in book form – the original article from The Listener is also laid in. Bridson has noted in pencil where the book text differs (with several...


  20. [LEWIS, Wyndham.]

    Agenda. Wyndham Lewis Special Issue.

    [London, Poets and Painters Press (William Cookson), 1969.]

    A triple issue of Agenda devoted to Lewis. Bridson’s article, ‘The making of The Human Age’ appears on pp. 163-171, and mentions his own inscribed copy of the work; also included are the talk commissioned from I. A. Richards before the broadcast of The Childermass, two articles by...
