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  1. LYNAM, Charles Cotterill.

    To Norway and the North Cape in ‘Blue Dragon II’ 1911-1912 ... Illustrated in colour, and with photographs,...

    London, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1913.

    First edition of this richly-illustrated account by Lynam (1858-1938), the popular and progressive headmaster of the Dragon School in Oxford. ‘As a yachtsman Lynam had a touch of genius. His cruises in Blue Dragon I, II, and III up the west coast of Scotland and across the North Sea to Norway...


  2. MARKHAM, Albert Hastings.

    A polar reconnaissance being the voyage of the “Isbjörn” to Novaya Zemlya in 1879 ... With maps...

    London, C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1881.

    First edition of this attractively illustrated account by the Arctic explorer Sir Albert Hastings Markham (1841-1918). ‘Markham went back to the Arctic in 1879 aboard the Isbjörn with Sir Henry Gore-Booth, as a guest on a private British sport-hunting expedition to Novaya Zemlya, returning with animal,...


  3. MELVILLE, George Wallace.

    In the Lena Delta. A narrative of the search for Lieut.-Commander DeLong and his companions followed...

    Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1892.

    Later edition (first 1884) by the American explorer and engineer Melville (1841-1912), survivor of George Washington De Long’s tragic North Polar expedition.


  4. NORBURY, Lucy Henrietta Katherine Ellis Graham-Toler, Countess of.

    Summers of yesterday or memories and wanderings in northern lands ...

    London, Cassell, 1934.

    First edition of this account of trips to Norway, the Outer Hebrides, Skye, and Sweden undertaken by the Countess of Norbury (1876-1966), handsomely illustrated with photographic plates as well as colour reproductions from the author’s original sketches.


  5. PAIJKULL, Carl Wilhelm.

    A summer in Iceland ... Translated by Rev. M.R. Barnard ...

    London, Chapman and Hall, 1868.

    First edition in English of this account of Iceland by the Swedish geologist Paijkull (1836-1869), translated by the Scandinavian scholar and clergyman Mordaunt Barnard (1828-1906). ‘Iceland is a country abounding with legends and myths, which tradition and the hand of nature have each done their part...


  6. PONTOPPIDAN, Erich.

    The natural history of Norway containing a particular and accurate account of the temperature of the air, the...

    London, for A. Linde, 1755.

    First English edition, a nice copy, albeit without two of the original plates to the first part, of this remarkable account of Norway’s natural history by the Danish theologian and antiquary Pontoppidan (1698-1764), whose accounts of sea monsters influenced both Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick and Jules...


  7. SHEPHERD, Charles William.

    The north-west peninsula of Iceland: being the journal of a tour in Iceland in the spring and summer...

    London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1867.

    First edition, with two attractive chromolithographs showing ‘I’sa-Fjördr Town’ and ‘Goda-Foss’. ‘My principal object in making a second journey to Iceland, which country I first visited in company with Mr Holland in 1861, was to explore the North-West Peninsula and the Vatna Jökull. I...


  8. SMITH, (Robert) Angus.

    To Iceland in a yacht ... Not published.

    Edinburgh, privately printed by Edmonston & Douglas, May 1873.

    First edition of this privately printed account by the chemist and environmental scientist Angus Smith (1817-1884) recording his trip to Iceland aboard the ‘Nyanza’ in 1872 in the company of the chemist James ‘Paraffin’ Young (1811-1883) and Agnes Livingstone, daughter of the explorer, among...



    Lives of missionaries. Greenland. Hans Egede. Matthew Stach, and his associates.

    London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1860s].

    A nicely illustrated account of the travels to Greenland undertaken by the Dano-Norwegian Lutheran missionary Hans Egede (1686-1758) and by the Moravian missionary Matthäus Stach (1711-1787).


  10. TREVOR-BATTYE, Aubyn.

    Ice-bound on Kolguev. A chapter in the exploration of Arctic Europe to which is added a record of the nartural...

    Westminster, Archibald Constable, 1895.

    Third edition. The explorer and naturalist Trevor-Battye (1855-1922) reached Kolguyev Island in northern Russia in June 1894 aboard the steam yacht Saxon. ‘Along with his assistant Thomas Hyland ... and his spaniel, Trevor-Battye was left with supplies and an agreement to be collected by the vessel...


  11. TREVOR-BATTYE, Aubyn.

    A northern highway of the Tsar ... With map and illustrated by the author.

    Westminster, Archibald Constable & Co., 1898.

    First edition, presentation copy from the publisher, of this account of Trevor-Battye’s ‘journey through the tundras and forests of high Northern Russia’ (p. vii). ‘Travelling by one of the high northern trails is easy enough in summer ... is delightful in winter ... but in Rasputnya it is not...


  12. PODREIDER, Francesco.

    Da Cristiania al Capo Nord (seguito alle note di viaggio dell’Agosto 1887 sulla Danimarca, Svezia e Norvegia)...

    Milan, P.B. Bellini, 1888.

    Rare first edition of this account of Podreider’s travels in Norway in the summer of 1888, encompassing Trondheim, Bodø, Tromsø, Hammerfest, and the North Cape, with further notes on the Nordic Exhibition of Industry, Agriculture and Art and on the International Art Exhibition held respectively in...


  13. [UNGER, Salomo Gottlob.]

    Geschichte des Oesterreich-Russischen und Türkischen Krieges, in den Jahren von 1787. bis 1792. Nebst...

    Leipzig, Wilhelm Gottlob Sommer, 1792.

    First and only edition, extremely rare, of this account of the Austro-Turkish War of 1788-1791, and of the concurrent Russo-Turkish war of 1787-92. It includes the full texts of the Treaty of Sistova of 4 August 1791 and of a separate convention attached to it, in both French and German. While...


  14. ABBEVILLE, Claude d’.

    Histoire de la mission des peres capucins en l’isle de Maragnan et terres circonvoisines ou est traicte...

    Paris, François Huby, 1614.

    Second edition, enlarged and revised from the first edition published earlier the same year, a handsome copy. The first written account of the Capuchin mission to Maranhão, an island on the coast of Brazil, of which, Sabin notes, this is the earliest mention. In 1612 the mission, composed of...


  15. [SAINTE-HILAIRE, Émile Marco de.]

    Réclamation addressée à S. Ece. Mgr. Delavau, préfet de police, par Modeste Agnès, patentée...

    Paris, chez les marchands de nouveautés, 1821.

    Rare first edition of this work on Parisian prostitution, attributed to the writer and journalist Émile Marco de Sainte-Hilaire (1796–1887). The Réclamation is presented as a letter from the prostitute Modeste Agnès to the newly-appointed Paris chief of police, Guy Delavau (1787–1874),...


  16. BACON, Francis. 

    Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio, Vice-Comitis Sancti Albani, operum moralium et civilium tomus … cura...

    London, Edward Griffin [and John Haviland] for Richard Whitaker [and John Norton], 1638. 

    First edition, first issue, a copy from the celebrated Albani library: tangible witness to the early and fecund reception of Bacon’s thought in the circles of Galilean science in Italy. 



    Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Urbani Papae Octavi auctoritate recognitum.

    Antwerp, Balthasar Moretus ‘ex officina Plantiniana’, 1663.

    An attractive Plantin-Moretus Pontifical, splendidly preserved in a richly baroque binding.


  18. SCARPA, Antonio.

    Index rerum Musei Anatomici Ticinensis accedit Antonii Scarpa in solemni Theatri Anatomici Ticinensis dedication....

    Pavia, Bolzani, 1804.

    Uncommon catalogue of the Anatomical Museum in Pavia, built as a complement to the anatomical theatre which was established by the anatomist Antonio Scarpa (1752-1832), who had been appointed professor of anatomy at the university in 1783 with the intention of transforming Pavia into one of the leading...


  19. [BEER.]

    Jenaischer allgemeiner Bier-Comment nebst angehängtem Bier-Prozess.

    ‘Eschwig, Otter & Kunitz, 183*.’

    An apparently unrecorded humorous handbook of drinking rules for students at the university of Jena, famous both as a centre of German idealism and Romanticism, and for its professors, who included Schiller, Fichte, Hegel, and Schlegel.


  20. [CHARITY.]

    Costituzioni della Congregazione della Carità di Parma sotti gli auspizi di San Filippo Neri rinnovate nell’anno...

    Parma, Stamperia Reale, [1778].

    Uncommon set of constitutions for the Congregazione della Carità of Parma, printed after its refoundation in 1777. After a brief introduction, the constitutions set out the procedures for the election of the confreres and their reception, the times and order for meetings, discipline within the...
