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  1. [CHOLERA.]

    Unterricht über die Erkenntniß, die erste Behandlung und die Verhütung der epidemischen Cholera für Nichtärzte....

    Lemgo, in der Meyerischen Hof-Buchdruckerey, 1831.

    Very rare, seemingly unrecorded, guide for lay people to the identification, initial treatment, and prevention of cholera, published at the height of the European pandemic of 1831-2 in the Westfalia town of Lemgo. The five sections deal with the diagnosis and symptoms of the disease, its treatment,...


  2. [TACCONI, Gaetano.]

    ‘Medicae inst[ructio]nes’, ‘Tractatus de febribus’, and ‘Compendiosa nonulloru[m] m[or]boru[m] peculiariu[m]...

    [Bologna, Italy,] 1739.

    An extensive manuscript compendium of apparently unpublished medical texts compiled by a student at the Archiginnasio of Bologna who studied under Gaetano Tacconi (1689–1782), comprising notes on the prescription and preparation of medication, on fevers, and on a wide variety of illnesses. The...



    Volume of nineteen items concerning the treatment and care of war wounded.

    Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Milan, Paris, 1855-1875.

    A remarkable sammelband of scarce works on military medicine in French, Italian, Dutch and German, including an item on Florence Nightingale and treatises on gunshot wounds, the Red Cross, field hospitals, battlefield first aid, and ambulances. Several items bear inscriptions by Félix Hippolyte...


  4. BAINES, Thomas.

    Explorations in South-West Africa. Being an account of a journey in the years 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch Bay,...

    London, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1864.

    First edition. ‘The volume contains an interesting account of hunting and exploration in the country of the Namaquas and Damaras, and the illustrations are very spirited; there is a good description of the flora and fauna of the country, together with an account of the habits of the natives. It is...


  5. BAKER, Samuel White, Sir.

    Ismailïa. A narrative of the expedition to central Africa for the suppression of the slave trade organized...

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1874.

    First edition. In 1869 ‘the Khedive Isma’il appointed Baker to a four-year term as governor-general of the equatorial Nile basin, with the rank of pasha ... Baker’s duties included annexing the equatorial Nile basin, establishing Egyptian authority over the region south of Gondokoro, suppressing...


  6. BARCLAY, Edgar.

    Mountain life in Algeria ... With illustrations by the author.

    London, Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1882.

    First edition of this illustrated account of the Kabyle people of northern Algeria by the English artist Edgar Barclay (1842-1913). ‘From the city of Algiers, looking eastwards across the bay, is seen a snow-covered mass towering above lower ranges of mountains. It is to the country lying immediately...


  7. BARING-GOULD, Sabine.

    Iceland: its scenes and sagas ... With numerous illustrations and a map.

    London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1863.

    First edition of this account of a visit to Iceland by the clergyman, collector of folk songs and hymn writer Baring-Gould (1834-1924), undertaken for ‘examining scenes famous in Saga, and filling a portfolio with water-colour sketches’ (Preface).


  8. BARTH, Heinrich.

    Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa: being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices...

    London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1857-1858.

    First edition of Barth’s unparalleled and authoritative account of western Sudan, and his remarkable 10,000-mile journey from Tripoli to Timbuktu, illustrated with 15 maps, 60 tinted lithograph plates, and numerous wood engravings. ‘The material he collected constitutes a mine of original research...


  9. BROOKE, Thomas Henry.

    A history of the island of St Helena, from its discovery by the Portuguese to the year 1806; to which is...

    London, for Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, 1808.

    First edition of this thorough historical account of St Helena by Thomas Henry Brooke (1774-1849), dedicated to the directors of the East India Company, a copy of which was apparently read by Napoleon on his way to the island.


  10. CAMPBELL, John.

    Travels in South Africa. Undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society.

    London, printed for the author by T. Rutt, 1815.

    First edition, first issue. Campbell (1766-1840) had been fascinated by Africa since his youth, and in 1812 was sent by the London Missionary Society ‘to restore good relations between the missionaries and the governor of Cape Colony, Sir John Cradock (in which he was successful), and to survey the...


  11. DAMBERGER, Christian Frederick.

    Travels in the interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco, from the years 1781 to...

    London, G. Woodfall for T.N. Longman, O. Rees, J. Cuthell, and C. Geisweiler, 1801.

    ‘One of the cleverest volumes of fabricated travels ever produced. The details are so circumstantial, and the mixture of fact and fiction is accomplished with so much skill, that it is not uncommon to find people who do not know that the account of the travels is nothing more than a well-contrived...


  12. DONALDSON, Florence Annesley.

    Lepcha land or six weeks in the Sikhim Himalayas ... With a map showing route, and 106 illustrations....

    London, Sampson Low Marston & Company, 1900.

    First edition, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker’s copy. ‘In this account of what may best be described as a prolonged picnic in one of the byways of the Himalayas – where Time still walks on crutches – I have attempted no description of the flora and fauna of a country which, though it offers few facilities...


  13. ELLIOT, George Francis Scott.

    A naturalist in mid-Africa. Being an account of a journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika.

    London, A.D. Innes & Co., 1896.

    First edition. ‘The idea of going to Africa again suddenly occurred to me after a long conversation on African Floras. I came to the conclusion that if I entered the continent by the Zambesi and went up via Tanganyika to Ruwenzori and thence by Uganda to Mombasa, I should be able to solve the question...


  14. ELLIS, William.

    Narrative of a tour through Hawaii, or, Owhyhee; with remarks on the history, traditions, manners, customs, and...

    London, published for the author by H. Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson, 1826.

    First edition. ‘The Narrative of English missionary William Ellis is particularly important, as it was the first book written about the Hawaiian Islands and the first serious notice of the Islands since Captain Cook’s discovery of them forty-eight years earlier. It may be called the first scientific...


  15. FLEMYNG, Francis Patrick.

    Mauritius; or, the Isle of France: being an account of the island, its history, geography, products,...

    London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1862].

    First edition. ‘A condensed account of the Colony and Island of Mauritius, which has in part been compiled from old and voluminous works, such as “Baron Grant’s” account, “Montgomery Martin’s,” and other valuable and authentic sources; whilst the remainder is the result of observations...


  16. GARDINER, Allen Francis.

    Narrative of a journey to the Zoolu country, in South Africa ... undertaken in 1835.

    London, William Crofts, 1836.

    First edition of this account of the Zulu Kingdom by the naval officer and missionary Gardiner (1794-1851). ‘In 1834 he went to Africa ... explored Zululand, and started the first missionary station at Port Natal. From 1834 to 1838 he attempted to establish Christian churches in Zululand, but political...


  17. GRAY, William.

    Travels in Western Africa, in the years 1818, 19, 20, and 21, from the River Gambia, through Woolli, Bondoo, Galam,...

    London, John Murray, 1825.

    First edition, with fine aquatint plates. The Colonial Office’s Niger expedition, commanded by Major John Peddie, reached the River Senegal in November 1815; Peddie immediately fell victim to fever, leaving Staff Surgeon Dochard and Captain Gray to take over the mission. They set out with 100 men and...


  18. HÖHNEL, Ludwig von.

    Discovery of lakes Rudolf and Stefanie. A narrative of Count Samuel Teleki’s exploring & hunting expedition...

    London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1894.

    First English edition (first published in German in 1892). In 1887 and 1888 Count Samuel Teleki von Szek, an Austrian nobleman with an estate in Transylvania, undertook a sporting and exploratory expedition into the East African interior. Departing from Zanzibar with von Höhnel, he ventured into the...


  19. LAING, John.

    An account of a voyage to Spitzbergen; containing a full description of that country, of the zoology of the north,...

    London, for J. Mawman and David Brown, 1815.

    First edition of Laing’s acccount of his voyage as a ship’s surgeon under Captain Scoresby to the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen in 1806 and 1807, in which he describes the ice conditions, whaling methods, the walrus, seal, polar bear, reindeer, and arctic fox, as well as some of the island’s...


  20. LANDON, Perceval.

    Lhasa: an account of the country and people of central Tibet and of the progress of the mission sent there by...

    London, Hurst and Blackett, 1905.

    First edition of this handsomely illustrated work on Tibet by Perceval Landon (1869-1927), written following the British expedition to the country under Francis Younghusband in 1903-4, initiated by Lord Curzon to counter Russia’s perceived ambitions in central Asia. After an introductory history of...
