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  1. WICKSTEED, Charles.

    The Land for the people: how to obtain it and how to manage it. Being an attempt to draw out the lines on which...

    London, William Reeves, 1885.

    First edition. Wicksteed (1810–1885), a Unitarian minister and father of the economist Phillip Wicksteed, was ‘an erudite and thoughtful man and a popular and important preacher’ (Oxford DNB). He is described on the title of the present work as ‘President of Kettering Liberal Association’....


  2. ZVIAGINTSEVA, Vera Klavdievna.

    Na mostu. Stikhotvoreniia [On the Bridge. Poems.].

    Moscow, [Gostip,] 1922.

    First edition of one of Zviagintseva’s (1894–1972) earliest publications. She also produced translations of Armenian, Estonian, and Ukrainian poetry.


  3. DOLCE, Lodovico.

    Somma della filosofia a’Aristotele, e prima della dialettica. [with:] Somma di tutta la natural filosofia di...

    Venice, Giovanni Battista, & Marchio Sessa, & fratelli, [1565].

    First edition of this exposition of Aristotle’s dialaectics, moral, and natural philosophy by ‘one of the major transmitters of culture in cinquecento Italy’ (Ronnie H. Terpening, Lodovico Dolce: Renaissance Man of Letters, 1997).


  4. ANDREADES, Andreas Michael.

    De la monnaie et de la puissance d’achat des métaux précieux dans l’Empire Byzantin . . . Extrait...

    Liège, Imprimerie H. Vaillant-Carmanne, 1924.

    An offprint, with its own title-page and pagination, of this important study. This is a presentation copy, inscribed in ink ‘To Robert Byron. A. A.’ at the head of the front wrapper. Andreades was the first professor of public finance at the University of Athens and the author of a monumental work...


  5. EBERSOLT, Jean.

    Monuments d’architecture byzantine.

    Paris, Les Editions d’Art et d’Histoire, 1934.

    First edition of this classic account of Byzantine architecture, published posthumously in the series Histoire de l’art byzantin under the direction of Charles Diehl.


  6. [JOHNSON, Samuel].


    London: J. Bretell for Hector McLean, 1819.

    Third Smirke edition, ordinary-paper issue. ‘All travel has its advantages,’ the lexicographer, essayist and critic Samuel Johnson (1709-84) wrote in his Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. ‘If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own, and if fortune...


  7. LAWRENCE, Thomas Edward.

    The Mint. A Day-Book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922 with Later Notes, by 352087...

    London: The Alden Press for Jonathan Cape, 1955.

    First British edition, the trade issue. 'One of Lawrence’s avowed purposes in joining the RAF, though not the only one, was to write of the ranks from the inside. He began immediately making notes when he enlisted in 1922. With his dismissal in January 1923, because of unfavourable publicity,...


  8. MIGEON, Gaston.

    Les arts musulmans.

    Paris and Brussels, G. van Oest, 1926.

    First edition, published in the series Bibliothèque d’histoire de l’art.


  9. PARK, Mungo.

    The journal of a mission to the interior of Africa, in the year 1805 . . . Together with other documents, official...

    London, John Murray, 1815.

    Second edition, revised and expanded. Park perished in the course of this, his second expedition to Africa, but fortunately he had earlier sent back his journal, which is the basis of this volume. It was edited for publication by John Whishaw, who contributed a substantial biographical introduction....


  10. TALBOT RICE, David.

    Notice on some religious buildings in the city and vilayet of Trebizond. Extrait de Byzantion, tome...

    Brussels, Secrétariat de la Revue, 1930.

    An offprint from Byzantion. The distinguished Byzantine scholar David Talbot Rice was a lifelong friend of Robert Byron, one of his travelling companions during the visit to Mount Athos recorded in Byron’s The Station, and co-author with him of The birth of Western painting.



    Pang tao ba xian hui, or Pang tao (flat peaches): eight fairies festival: a festival held on the 3d of the 3d lunar...

    N.p., n.p., n.d. [1900].

    First edition. The parallel Chinese and English text with an illustration accompanying each page of text tells the stories of various figures from Chinese mythology including the eight immortals revered by Taoists. The eight immortals were also known as the eight genies, or sometimes the eight fairies....


  12. ANDREUCCI, Andrea Girolamo.

    De vicariis basilicarum urbis tractatus Canonico-Theologicus.

    Rome, typis Antonii de Rubeis in via Seminarii Romani prope Rotundam, 1744.

    First edition, rare, of Andreucci’s treatise of the juridical and hierarchical prerogatives of the prelates of the basilicae. It was to be reprinted twenty years later as part of the author’s work on ecclesiastical hierarchies.


  13. [THOMPSON, Thomas].

    The genuine tryal of Dr. Nosmoth, a physician in Pekin; for the murder of the Mandarine Tonwin … Taken in...

    London, for Mary Cooper, 1746.

    First edition, a satire, putting Dr. Nosmoth, aka Thomas Thompson, on trial for causing the death of ‘Mandarine Tonwin’, aka Thomas Winnington, the Paymaster of the Forces. The somewhat shady circumstances surrounding the death soon attracted the attentions of Society gossip, including being discussed...


  14. BERKELEY, George.

    Traktat o nachalakh chelovecheskogo znaniia.

    St Petersburg, O. N. Popov, 1905.

    First Russian edition of George Berkeley’s Principles of Human Knowledge, translated by E. Dobolsky and edited by N.G. Dobolsky. The text, on the chief causes of error and difficulty in the sciences, examining the grounds of scepticism, atheism and irreligion, was first published in Dublin in 1710,...


  15. BERLIN Isaiah.

    The Naiveté of Verdi.

    [New York, The Hudson Review, 1968].

    First edition. Presentations by Berlin are rare, and this one is presumed to be for one of his closest friends, Stephen Spender. Spender had dedicated his World within World (1951) to Berlin, and this inscription most probably refers to Berlin’s forthcoming Four Essays on Liberty (1969) dedicated to...


  16. BONACINA, Martino.

    Tractationes Variae ... Prima ... De Simonia. Secunda, De Alienatione bonorum ecclesiasticorum. Tertia, De Largitione...

    Venice, Giunta, 1628.

    Rare early edition of six legal tracts by Bonacina, one of the foremost jurists, theologians and moralists of his age. Bonacina was to die suddenly three years later, immediately after having been appointed Nuncio of Urban VIII at the court of the Emperor.


  17. BOOTH, Charles.

    In darkest England and the way out.

    London, Salvation Army, [1890.]

    First edition. ‘In 1890, the same year that Stanley published In Darkest Africa, Booth published In Darkest England. In this book he analysed the causes of pauperism and vice of the period, and proposed a remedy by ten expedients. These included land settlement, emigration, rescue work among prostitutes...


  18. BROUGHAM, Lord Henry.

    Lives of men of letters and science who flourished in the time of George III … with portraits, engraved...

    London, Charles Knight and Co., 1845-47.

    First edition of the first volume (1845), later edition of the second volume (dated 1847, first published 1846) of Brougham’s lives which includes Voltaire, Hume, Davy, Johnson, and Adam Smith to name a few stars in the firmament of the reign of George III, or, in Brougham’s terms, the ‘Augustan...


  19. CAREY, Henry Charles.

    Principles of social science … In three volumes …

    Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1858-1859.

    First edition, a very attractive copy, of Carey’s principal work. ‘His treatment of social science was original, and led him to a series of supposed discoveries, the order of which he has stated in the introduction of his most important work The Principles of Social Science. His point of departure...
