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    Unpolitische Lieder.

    Hamburg, Hoffmann and Campe, 1840–1. [bound with:]

    First edition of each work. Hoffmann (1784–1874), self-ennobled ‘von Fallersleben’, was first librarian (1823) and then professor of German language and literature (1830) at the University of Breslau, before his dismissal in 1842 due to the politically sensitive content of the supposedly Unpolitischen...


  2. [HILLER, Johann Adam, editor].

    Anecdoten zur Lebensgeschichte berühmter französischer, deutscher, italienischer, holländischer...

    Leipzig, Lankisch, 1762.

    Scarce first edition of Hiller’s two-volume collection of literary, philosophical and historical anecdotes. The editor’s note at the end mentions the contemporary publication of a French work of similar inspiration, and states the editor’s intention to translate it and publish it as a sequel to...


  3. HERYNG, Zygmunt.

    Teorja i praktyka ekonomji.

    [Warsaw, G. Centnerszwer], 1897.

    First edition, very rare, of Heryng’s Theory and practice of economics. Zygmunt Heryng, Polish economist and political activist, was deeply concerned with economics as a science. He saw it as a systematic and conscious pursuit of efficiency in resource allocation in relation to targets. One of the...


  4. [HENRI IV.]

    Edict du roy, portant deffences de porter sur les habits aucuns draps, ne toille d’or ou d’argent. Paris, P....

    Paris, F. Morel and P. Mettayer, 1620.

    Three very scarce works on the subject of luxury clothing and accessories employing gold and silver, of significance for the insights they provide into debates around economic and moral regulation in France in the early 17th century.

    In his edict of 1607, Henri IV condemns such luxury clothing as ‘vaine...


  5. [HALE, Thomas. Peter von HOHENTHAL, translator].

    Allgemeine Haushaltungs- und Landwissenschaft, aus den sichersten und neuesten...

    Hamburg and Leipzig, Grunds Witwe and Adam Heinrich Holle and his widow, 1763-1768.

    The first German translation of Thomas Hale’s A compleat body of husbandry, attributed to Peter von Hohenthal and illustrated with handsome engraved plates. Originally issued in 61 numbers, A compleat body was published in a single folio volume in 1756, with an octavo second edition appearing two years...


  6. HAREL, Charles.

    Ménage sociétaire ou Moyen d’augmenter son bien-être en diminuant sa dépense, avec indication de quelques...

    Paris, Bureau de la Phalange, à la librairie Sociale, 1839.

    1. First edition of this work by the entrepreneur and inventor Charles Harel (1771-1852), a friend and disciple of Charles Fourier’s. This plan describes Harel’s project for the founding of a community of 200 celibates: a utopia of communal life detailing rules (‘love’, ‘the library’etc.)...


  7. HADLEY, Arthur Twining.

    Economics. An account of the relations between private property and public welfare.

    New York and London, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1896.

    First edition. ‘In Economics Hadley went further than Marshall by explicitly developing the interrelations between property rights, economic evolution and economic efficiency. Hadley utilized the real world examples of the fisheries and mining to demonstrate the impact of ill-defined property rights...


  8. BACON, Francis.

    Opuscula varia posthuma, philosophica, civilia, et theologica, nunc primum edita. Cura & fide Guilielmi Rawley…...

    London, R. Daniel, impensis Octaviani Pulleyn, 1658.

    First edition, second issue (with the imprint R. Daniel, rather than R. Danielis) of this collection of the philosophical, political, and theological writings of Bacon, including numerous essays previously unpublished, and the first appearance of William Rawley’s biographical sketch of the philosopher....


  9. [LUZAC, Elie, attributed].

    L’homme plus que machine.

    ‘A Londres’ [Leiden?], 1748.

    First edition of this attack against materialism and La Mettrie’s L’homme machine, published in the same year. The work was included in the 1774 edition of the Oeuvres of La Mettrie, volume III.


  10. [KERNER, Johann Georg.]

    Reise über den Sund.

    Tübingen, in der J.G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung, 1803.

    Rare first edition of this historical, political and economic analysis of Sweden, in epistolary form, complete with a folding table detailing land tax revenues by region.


  11. [LA ROCHEFOUCAULD-LIANCOURT, François-Alexandre-Frédéric; CASELLI, Raffaello.]

    Delle carceri di Filadelfia da un Europeo.

    Lucca, Francesco Bertini stampatore di S.A.I., 1808.

    First and only Italian translation of this essay by La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt describing the operation of Philadelphia prisons; the original edition was published in French in 1796. After reading it in the original, Raffaello Caselli – who served on the committee for the financial administration...


  12. [TRENTO, Giulio].

    Gli spiriti. Paragoni poetici. Dialogo d’un giovine, ed un cinico dell’andare alla Guerra. Diario mensuale...

    Treviso, G. Trento, [1788].

    Only edition, mentioned only in one or two pieces of local antiquarian history but not recorded in any of the usual library catalogues. An ephemeral publication containing a short story, a literary divertissement linking passages from Parini’s Mattino with an unidentified poem on gambling and an ode...


  13. [TOYNBEE, Arnold.]

    “Progress and poverty,” a criticism of Mr. Henry George. Being two lectures delivered in St. Andrew’s...

    London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1883.

    First edition. The transcript of two lectures delivered in 1883 by the social reformer and political economist Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883) criticising Henry George’s Progress and Poverty (1879). Toynbee was convinced that George’s work was too one-sided and sought to mitigate its influence on the...


  14. MENGOTTI, Francesco.

    Il Colbertismo dissertazione coronata dalla Reale Società Economica Fiorentina li 13 Giugno 1792. Di Francesco...

    Venice, Tommaso Bettinelli, 1792.

    First edition under this title, absolute second edition, revised by the author and published the same year as the first. This dissertation had first appeared under the title Ragionamento della libertà naturale del commercio de’ generi greggi. Mengotti’s advocacy of free trade was a radical rejection...


  15. [PASCOLI, Livio.] ‘Vilio LOCASPI’.

    Del modo di mantenere abolita la mendicità, discorso familiare.

    Verona, Mainardi, 1817.

    Only edition, very rare, of this proposal for the abolition of begging, and of poverty more broadly, by the poet and essayist Livio Pascoli.



    A special Number to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Bernard Quaritch Ltd.

    The Book Collector, 1997.

    A collection of essays together recounting the history of Bernard Quaritch Ltd, published by The Book Collector to commemorate the firm’s sesquicentenary in 1997.


  17. BURTON, Richard Francis, and James MacQueen.

    The Nile basin. Part I. Showing Tanganyika to be Ptolemy’s western lake reservoir....

    London, Tinsley Brothers, 1864.

    First edition, complete with the three maps. This work, ‘which absolutely exudes venom, was the heart of Burton’s frontal attack on Speke’s geographical theories. Burton dedicated it, with a marked degree of sarcasm, to “those kind friends, especially to those members of the Royal Geographical...


  18. GERARD, Alexander.

    Account of Koonawur in the Himalaya, etc. etc. etc. ... Edited by George Lloyd. With a large map.

    London, James Madden, 1841.

    First edition of this important work on the Kinnaur region in the western Himalayas, now in northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, comprising a detailed account of its geography, transport system, agriculture, flora and fauna, and native culture, religion and language, as encountered in the early...


  19. LANGLEY, Edward Archer.

    Narrative of a residence at the court of Meer Ali Moorad; with wild sports in the valley of the Indus ...

    London, Hurst and Blackett, 1860.

    First edition of this important work on Sindh by Langley, a captain in the Madras cavalry who served as secretary to Mir Ali Murad, ruler of Khairpur (a princely state of British India on the Indus River) from 1842 to 1894. Langley’s Narrative gives a detailed picture of the region around the time...


  20. MARSHALL, John, Sir, editor.

    Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus civilization being an official account of archaeological excavations at...

    London, Arthur Probsthain, 1931.

    Scarce first edition, a handsome set, of Marshall’s outstanding contribution to archaeology, documenting discoveries made in the Indus valley of the Punjab and Sind. ‘His announcement in 1924 that he had there found a new civilization of the third millennium marked an epoch in modern discovery; the...
