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    Souscription patriotique de la part du beau-sexe de Strasbourg.

    [S.l., s.n., 1789?.]

    Rare first edition of this entertaining satirical piece on women's clothing, published in the aftermath of the French Revolution. After complaining that the recent craze for ‘gauze, muslin, linen and feathers’ had brought the country to its knees, the text describes how the patriotic women...



    The Birds … Translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary … With Notes.

    London: Printed for Taylor and Hessey … 1824.

    First edition. ‘Given how much there is in Aristophanes to outrage and violate nineteenth-century manners and sensibilities, it may seem surprising how popular he was. The popularity came at the price of bowdlerizing much of the “grossness”, but there was admiration and even a certain yearning...


  3. DIOGENES LAERTIUS, [and Henri ESTIENNE (editor)].

    Περι βίων, δογμάτων και αποφθεγμων...

    [Geneva,] Henri Estienne, 1570.

    First Estienne edition of The Lives of the Philosophers, a very important edition in the original Greek, ‘in which appear for the first time many passages discovered in manuscripts by Estienne’. ‘The volume also contains thirty-six pages of important textual annotations by Henri Estienne,...



    To tou Epiktetou encheiridion. Ex editione Joannis Upton accurate expressum.

    Glasgow, Foulis, 1751.

    The first miniature Foulis edition of Epictetus in Greek, and the first Foulis Epictetus in Greek only; it had been preceded by a larger format, duodecimo (1748) edition in Greek and Latin. A 1765 reissue was, according to ESTC, reset.


  5. HOMER, and Alexander POPE (translator).

    The Iliad of Homer. Translated from the Greek by Alexander Pope, Esq. Philadelphia,...

    McCulloch, P. Stuart, 1795.

    First American edition of Pope’s rendering of the Iliad. Pope began his reinterpretation of Homer’s epic poem when in his early twenties. Following several years of ‘great pain and apprehensions’, as Pope drafted his text on the backs of letters sent to him and his mother (now preserved...


  6. [VOLTAIRE.]

    Das Mädchen von Orleans. Ein komisches Heldengedicht in zwölf Gesängen nach Voltaire frei bearbeitet.

    Neustadt, ‘im Verlags-Comptoir’, n. d. [mid nineteenth century].

    A good copy of this very rare German rendition of Voltaire’s La Pucelle d’Orleans. Fromm gives the date as around 1865 (and the place of publication as Hamburg), the online Staatsbibliothek catalogue (the only copy listed by KVK) as c.1830. The translator remains anonymous.


  7. VANSITTART, Nicholas.

    Substance of two speeches [on the bullion question], made by the Right Hon. N. Vansittart, on the 7th and...

    London, J. Hatchard, 1811.

    First edition of this important contribution by Vansittart (1766-1851) to the so-called Bullionist Controversy, ‘the series of debates about monetary theory and policy which took place in Britain over the years 1797-1821, when the specie convertibility of Bank of England notes was suspended’, the...


  8. [SMITH, Adam.] ADLERSPARRE, Georg, et al., editors.

    Läsning i blandade ämnen. Första [– Femte och Sista] Årgången.

    Stockholm, Henrik A. Nordström, 1797–1801.

    First edition of all 50 parts of the Swedish literary periodical Läsning i blandade ämnen, containing over 200 pages of passages from various sections of the Wealth of Nations, making it the first opportunity for Swedish speakers to study Adam Smith. Georg Sartorius’s abridgement of the Wealth of...


  9. SCHREBER, Daniel Gottfried.

    Sammlung verschiedener Schriften, welche in die öconomischen, Policey- und cameral- auch andere Wissenschaften...

    Halle, im Verlag Johann Jacob Curts, 1755-65.

    First edition, a complete set of this collection of agro-economical articles and essays. Schreber was the first professor of economics at Leipzig. His Abhandlung von Kammergütern appeared in 1743. In these collected essays he assembled his own treatises and those of other authors to provide a systematic...


  10. [PINNOCK, William].

    A catechism of the history of France, containing a clear outline of all the important changes which that country...

    London, Pinnock and Maunder, [c.1819].

    First edition (?) of this much-reprinted guide to French history up to the fall of Napoleon, one of Pinnock’s many catechisms on historical and scientific subjects. “It is extraordinary, that, while almost every kind of knowledge has been so laudably disseminated among British youth, the history...


  11. PATINKIN, Don.

    Money, interest, and prices; an integration of monetary and value theory.

    Evanston, Ill., Row, Peterson [1956].

    First edition, rare on the market, of the book which was for many years one of the most widely used works on monetary economics. ‘Money, Interest and Prices is perhaps as great in its vision as Keynes’ General Theory. … Don Patinkin states his theory of the labour market and corresponding notion...


  12. [PATERSON, William].

    Proposals and reasons for constituting a Council of Trade.

    Edinburgh, [n. p.], 1701.

    First edition, rare, of a plan for the setting up of a council of trade in Scotland for the purpose of controlling and directing the nation’s ailing economy at the turn of the century, by a remarkably entrepreneurial proto-banker who participated in the Darien project and became one of the founders...


  13. OWEN, Robert.

    Robert Owen’s Journal. Explanatory of the means to well-place, well-employ, and well-educate, the whole population....

    London, James Watson, 1850-1.

    The first 23 issues of Robert Owen’s Journal, which would go on to reach a total of 104 issues ending in October 1852. Almost entirely written by Owen himself, the Journal was the main vehicle of Owenite social and political philosophy, directed to a general readership as well as policy-makers.


  14. [NOLHAC, Jean-Baptiste-Marie.]

    Réflexions sur la punition des grands crimes, considérée dans ses rapports avec la morale, extraites...

    Lyon, Louis Perrin, 1836.

    First and only edition, inscribed from the author. An extensive essay against the death penalty, and especially against public executions by Jean-Baptiste-Marie Nolhac (1770-1878) using arguments derived from ‘la digité de la nature humaine et du danger des spectacles sanglants’, written in response...


  15. [NECKER, Jacques.]

    Eloge de Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Discours qui a remporté le prix de l’Académie Françoise, en 1773.

    Paris, J.B. Brunet, 1773. [bound with:]

    First edition of Necker’s first work. Necker (1732–1804) was the opponent of Turgot (whose position he was to take over in 1777) in action as well as in theory, agreeing with Forbonnais on the side of State-regulation. The encomiastic function of this work, his first book, is in fact a thin cover...


  16. MYLIUS, Georg, and Michael HOPF.

    De visitatione ecclesiastica.

    Jena, Tobias Steinmann, 1593.

    First edition, rare, of an early work on the nature, scope, limits and jurisdiction of canonical visitations, the visitationes ecclesiasticae, a key element in the outline of jurisdiction, responsibility and control established by the Catholic Reformation in the last decades of the sixteenth century.


  17. MOHEAU.

    Recherches et considérations sur la population de la France …

    Paris, Moutard, 1778.

    First edition. This work is held in high regard by both McCulloch and Peuchet, though when first published it received little acknowledgement, being attributed to Baron Auget de Montyon, who assisted in the work and to whom Moheau was secretary. The first part contains statistical tables; the second...


  18. MILL, John Stuart.

    A szabadságról. Fordította és az előszót írta Kállay Béni.

    Béni. Pest, Ráth Mór, 1867.

    Extremely rare (1 copy worldwide) first Hungarian edition of John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty. This translation, published in Pest, came out as the Habsburg Emperor accepted the consequences of a twenty-years-long strife for autonomy and rights on the part of Hungarian subjects. Mill’s anti-paternalistic...


  19. MILL, John Stuart, and Jánosi FERENCZ (translator).

    A képviseleti kormány.

    Pest, Emich Gusztáv Tulajdona, 1867.

    First Hungarian edition of Considerations on representative Government, Mill’s most important political work after On Liberty. In his major work on political institutions Mill ‘discusses to what extent forms of government are a matter of choice, the criterion of a “good form of government”, and...


  20. MILL, John Stuart.

    A szabadságról ... Angolból forditotta és az elöszót irta Kállay Béni.

    Pest, Kiadja Ráth Mór, 1867.

    First Hungarian edition of John Stuart Mill’s great essay On Liberty, with a lengthy introduction by the Austro-Hungarian statesman Béni Kállay (1839–1903). First published in 1859, Mill’s vastly influential essay was dedicated to his wife Harriet who had provided the stimulus for...
