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  1. Aristotle: From Antiquity to the Modern Era.

    Preface by Martin J. Gross. Essays by Benjamin Morison and Barbara Scalvini.

    Lewes, D. Giles Ltd for the Martin J. Gross Family Foundation, 2021.

    Aristotle’s influence towers over western philosophy and science. His astonishing range and depth – philosophy and logic, the physical and natural sciences, ethics and politics – make him indisputably the most important intellectual figure in the western tradition before the modern age.


  2. DUHAMEL du Monceau, Henri-Louis, [and John MILLS (translator)].

    A practical Treatise of Husbandry, wherein are contained,...

    London, J. Whiston & B. White, R. Baldwin, W. Johnston, and P. Davey & B. Law, 1759.

    First English edition, edited and expanded by John Mills – his first agricultural publication. Among the most prolific and respected agricultural authors of the second half of the eighteenth century, John Mills (c. 1717–1786) is first recorded in 1743 in Paris, working on a French edition...


  3. [BECCARIA, Cesare.]

    Dei Delitti e delle pene. Edizione sesta di nuovo corretta ed accresciuta.

    Harlem, et se vend a Paris, chez Molini, 1766.

    Sixth edition, expanded to forty-seven paragraphs, of Beccaria’s principal work, one of the founding texts of penology and an important statement of criminal law reform, here with the additions of the ‘Giudizio di celebre professore sopra il livro dei delitti e delle pene’ and ‘Risposta...


  4. GONZAGA, Curzio.

    Il Fido amante, poema eroico.

    Mantua, [(colophon:) Giacomo Ruffinello, 1582].

    First edition of an Italian Renaissance heroic poem in thirty-six cantos, much appreciated by Tasso and published the year after the first authorized edition of the Gerusalemme liberata.


  5. [COURTILZ DE SANDRAS, Gatien de.]

    Les dames dans leur naturel, ou la galanterie sans façon. Sous le regne du Grand Alcandre.

    ‘A Cologne’ [but Netherlands], ‘chez Pierre Marteau’ [Elzevier?], 1686.

    First edition, uncommon, of this story, ‘found in a cabinet, long after it had been written’ by the French novelist and pamphleteer Gatien de Courtilz de Sandras (1644–1712), nowadays best known for his semi-fictionalised Mémoires de Mr. d’Artagnan, which heavily influenced Dumas’...


  6. FREUD, Sigmund.

    Die Zukunft einer Illusion.

    Leipzig/Vienna/Zürich, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1927.

    First edition, in the first issue of 5000 copies, of Freud’s work on the origins and future development of religion (the ‘illusion’ of the title), centred on the notion of religion as, in one form or another, wish-fulfilment and the longing for a paternal figure as a response to a realisation...



    The Danish Laws; or, the Code of Christian the Fifth, Faithfully translated for the use of the English...

    London, N. Gibson, 1756.

    First English translation of the parts of Christian V’s Danske Lov of 1683 that were relevant to the inhabitants of the Danish West Indies (the present-day U.S. Virgin Islands, plus the islands of St Thomas, St John, and St Croix).


  8. DODGSON, Campbell (editor).

    Woodcuts of the XV Century in the Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum.

    London, British Museum, 1934 [– 1935].

    First edition, scarce, of Dodgson’s authoritative and thoroughly illustrated catalogue of fifteenth-century woodcuts in the British Museum. Published after two decades as Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, the monumental Woodcuts of the XV Century is considerably scarcer...


  9. [THORNTON, Robert John].

    The Politician’s Creed. Being the Great Outline of Political Science. From the Writings of Montesquieu,...

    London, printed for T. Cox, and sold by Johnson, Robinsons, Owen, and Manson, 1795-6.

    First editions of The Politician’s Creed, by the physician and writer on botany Robert John Thornton (1767-1837). Written as a fundraiser for war widows and orphans, this comprehensive work examines politics as a science, different forms of government and popular responses to them, corruption, the...


  10. DUBOIS-AYMÉ [Jean Marie Joseph Aimé DUBOIS, known as].

    Examen de quelques questions d’économie politique, et notamment de...

    Paris, Pelicier, 1823.

    First edition. Dubois-Aymé uses mathematical methodology to examine two of the cases he considers. In the first instance he ‘compares the power due to the riches of two countries. This power he maintains is in proportion to the goods available to each country over and above its indispensable requirements...


  11. LAEMMEL, Rudolf.

    Untersuchungen über die Ermittlung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten.

    Zurich, Jean Frey, 1904.

    The doctoral dissertation of Rudolf Laemmel, produced under the auspices of Burkhardt of Zurich, and the first attempt at founding probability theory on set theory and measure theory (the axiomatization of probability). The work discusses the rules of total and compound probability as axioms. The rule...


  12. [HUNTING].

    Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britannie, Franciae & Hiberniae, Decimo Tertio. At the Parliament begun and holden...

    Edinburgh, printed by Alexander Kincaid, His Majesty’s Printer, 1773.

    Unrecorded edition of an act ‘for the more effectual preservation of the Game in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland’, which brought Scottish game law in line with English. The act sets out the strict hunting seasons for each type of game (muir fowl or tarmargen are banned between 10 December...


  13. [COAL].

    The miner’s journal. Coal statistical register, for 1869… also, statistics of the iron trade… rates of wages… together...

    Pottsville, PA, Miners’ Journal Office, 1869.

    First edition, rare. A synopsis of the trade, transportation and activities connected with coal between Pennsylvania and New York. The Miner’s Journal tracked the pulse of American coal trade, including importations of foreign coal and exports of domestic material. It prided itself on circulating ‘more...


  14. SURTEES, Robert Smith.

    The Horseman’s Manual, being a Treatise on Soundness, the Law of Warranty, and generally on the Laws relating...

    London, M.A. Pittman for Alfred Miller, 1831.

    First edition of Surtees’s first work, the only publication to bear his name, from the family of the dedicatee. Though best known for his sporting articles and novels, Robert Smith Surtees (1805–1864) was, alongside his landed interests, a respected jurist in County Durham, serving as justice...


  15. [SURTEES, Robert Smith,] and John LEECH (illustrator).

    Handley Cross series.

    London, Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., 1899-1900.

    Limited ‘Master of Foxhounds’ edition, finely printed at the Whitefriars Press. Having published the first editions of several of Surtees’s sporting novels, Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. gathered and reprinted the six most successful as the ‘Handley Cross series’ as luxury sets. Publisher’s...


  16. MULERIUS, Carolus.

    Les nouveaux rudimens de la langue latine ...

    Paris, the widow of Claude Thiboust, and Pierre Esclassan, 1683.

    ‘Sixth edition’ of this popular manual of Latin grammar for French students, also called the ‘Rudiments de Ferrand’ after the name of the dedicatee, Antoine-François Ferrand.


  17. ALLEN, John.

    Principles of modern Riding for Gentlemen, in which the late Improvements of the Manege and military Systems are applied...

    London, C. & C. Whittingham for Thomas Tegg, Glasgow, for R. Griffin & Co., and Dublin, for J. Cumming, 1825.

    First and only edition of an uncommon riding manual. A riding master teaching near Bryanstone Square, John Allen ‘flatters himself that, at a time when riding has become so fashionable an exercise, his work will more than any preceding one ensure the security, ease, and grace of the rider, both...


  18. [APPERLEY, Charles James.] ‘NIMROD’, and Henry ALKEN (illustrator).

    The Chace, the Turf, and the Road.

    London, A. Spottiswoode for John Murray, 1837.

    First edition of a series of articles first published in the Quarterly Review, illustrated by Henry Alken. A sporting writer who ‘may even be said to have created the role of gentleman hunting correspondent’ (ODNB), Charles James Apperley (1778–1843) published widely on hunting and...


  19. [APPERLEY, Charles James.] ‘NIMROD’, and Henry ALKEN and GILBERT (illustrators).

    The Chace, the Turf,...

    London, Vizetelly Brothers & Co. for John Murray, 1843.

    Second edition, in the publisher’s gilt cloth, illustrated by Henry Alken. A sporting writer who ‘may even be said to have created the role of gentleman hunting correspondent’ (ODNB), Charles James Apperley (1778–1843) published widely on hunting and horsemanship, from 1822 under the pseudonym...


  20. BERENGER, Charles Random de.

    Helps and Hints how to protect Life and Property, with Instructions in Rifle and Pistol Shooting, &c.

    London, J. & C. Adlard for T. Hurst ‘for the Proprietor … at the Stadium, Chelsea’, 1835.

    First edition, with advice on riding and driving, illustrated by George and Robert Cruikshank. A marksman and inventor with an ‘inclination to self-publicity and aggrandisement’ (Credland), Charles Random de Berenger (1772–1845) in 1830 established ‘the Stadium’ or ‘British National...
