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  1. SCHÖFFLER, Benedict.

    Die Phototelegraphie und das Elektrische Fernsehen.

    Wien und Leipzig, Wilhelm Braumüller, 1898.

    A treatise by a German artillery officer on the electrical transmission of images, occasioned by newspaper reports of Jan Szczepanik’s invention. ‘On February 24, 1897, Jan Szczepanik and Ludwig Kleinberg of Austria applied for a patent for a method and apparatus for reproducing pictures and the...


  2. SECHENOV, Ivan Mikhaylovich.

    Fisiologia nervnoy sistemy [in Cyrillic].

    St. Petersburg, 1866.

    first edition, rare, of Sechenov’s influential lectures at the St. Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy. Sechenov states in his preface that as soon as he began to lecture (St. Petersburg in 1860 was his first professorship) he discovered the deficiencies of the existing textbooks, which tended to be...


  3. SELKIRK, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of.

    Observations on the present state of the Highlands of Scotland, with a view of the causes...

    London, Longman et al., 1805.

    First edition. ‘In 1792 … Selkirk [1771–1820] undertook an extensive tour through the Scottish Highlands and became convinced that emigration thence was unavoidable. He also recognised the need of some controlling hand to direct it. He first conceived the idea of a settlement at the Red River (what...


  4. [SHERSHENEVICH, Vadim Gabrielevich, translator and editor.] VILDRAC, Charles, and Georges DUHAMEL.

    Teoriia svobodnogo...

    Moscow, “Imazhinisty”, 1920.

    First edition of Shershenevich’s translation of Vildrac and Duhamel’s Notes sur la technique poétique (1910), ‘which served as the basis for Shershenevich’s theory of the “vers libre of images,” in his imagist book, 2 × 2 = 5 (1920)’ (Terras).


  5. SHIRMAN, Grigorii Iakovlevich.

    Klinopis’ molnii [Cuneiform of Lightnings].

    Moscow, All-Russian Union of Poets, 1926.

    First edition. A friend of Esenin and Mariengof, Shirman (1888–1956) graduated from the medical faculty at Moscow University in 1912 and worked as a doctor in the city. He was arrested four times (1927, 1937, 1941, 1949), but was released each time without charge. His first book of verse, Mashina...


  6. SIDGWICK, Henry.

    The development of European polity.

    London, Macmillan, 1903.

    First edition, published posthumously and edited by Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick. A collection of a series of lectures delivered by Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900) on the development and evolution of European polity from the earliest known, i.e. Greek and Roman, through to the ‘constitution-making’ 19th century.


  7. SIDOROV, Gurii Aleksandrovich.

    Vedro ognia [A bucket of fire].

    Moscow, [All-Russian Union of Poets, 1920].

    Sidorov published only a handful of verse collections (Stilts, Skiff, both 1920; A Cloven Sun, 1921; Stalks, 1922). According to one contemporary reviewer, he was a poetic ‘builder of a second Rome’.


  8. STABLES, Gordon.

    Hints about home and farm favourites for pleasure, prizes, and profit.

    London and New York, Frederick Warne, 1889.

    First edition of this charming work on the care of pets, with chapters on dogs, cats, poultry, rabbits, goats, ferrets, monkeys, guinea-pigs, ‘fancy rats’, and tortoises, as well as on ‘monkeys as pets’. The book is dedicated to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.


  9. SWEEZY, Paul Malor.

    The theory of capitalist development. Principles of Marxian political economy.

    London, Dennis Dobson, 1946

    First British edition (first issued in 1942), of Sweezy’s ‘seminal work’ (The New Palgrave). Based on lectures which he gave at Harvard on the economics of socialism, this work is a ‘comprehensive review of Marxian economics up until the time of World War II’ and ‘did much to determine the...


  10. TAMAMSHEV, Aleksandr Artem’evich.

    Iz plamia i sveta [From the Flame and Light].

    Petrograd, [R. Golike & A. Vil’borg,] 1918.

    First edition. The title is taken from a poem by Lermontov (Est’ rechi—znachen’e / Temno il’ nichtozhno … ‘There are speeches – whose meaning / Is obscure or insignificant / But it is impossible to hear them without being moved … From the flame and light / The born word...


  11. TARSIS, Valerii Iakovlevich.

    Skazanie o sinei mukhe. Krasnoe i chernoe [The legend of the bluebottle. Red and black].

    Frankfurt am Main, Posev, 1963.

    First edition in Russian of Tarsis’ first work to be published abroad, a political allegory of a philosopher who kills a fly and then asks himself why he cannot likewise kill people who get in his way.


  12. THENOT, Jean Pierre.

    Vollständige Anweisung zur Aquarellmalerei und zum Tuschen ... 1. Heft (all published).

    Leipzig, Kirchner, 1837.

    First German edition, originally published the preceding year in Paris. A charming watercolour manual.


  13. THOMSON, James.

    Essays and Phantasies …

    London: Reeves and Turner … 1881.

    First edition of a volume of essays by the author of The City of Dreadful Night. Most are probably reprinted from the National Reformer, the Secularist, or Cope’s Tobacco Plant, to which ‘the laureate of pessimism’ was a regular contributor.


  14. TISSOT, Samuel August André David.

    Traité de l'épilepsie ...

    Paris, P.F. Didot, 1770.

    The scarce first edition of Tissot’s important monograph on epilepsy, the “first book on this subject to show all the characteristics of Enlightenment in medicine. Written in the French vernacular, it is at once learned, scientific, and readable...” (Temkin, The Falling Sickness p. 229).


  15. [TWISS, Horace].

    Posthumous Parodies and other Pieces, composed by several of our most celebrated Poets, but not published in any...

    London: Printed for John Miller. 1814.

    First edition. Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden, Pope and Johnson are among the poets parodied.


  16. WAAGEN, Gustav Friederich.

    Verzeichnis der Gemälde-Sammlung des Königlichen Museums zu Berlin.

    Berlin, 1837.

    Sixth edition of Waagen’s catalogue of the Berlin picture gallery, with fifteen new paintings.


  17. WEYLAND, John.

    Observations on Mr. Whitbread’s Poor Bill, and on the Population of England: intended as a supplement to A Short...

    London, J. Hatchard, 1807.

    First edition of each work. The barrister John Weyland (1774–1854) ‘was a well-to-do man whose landed possessions were extensive enough for him to be a magistrate in three counties, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Surrey’ (James, p. 372). In 1807, he wrote two works supporting the poor laws, entitled...
