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  1. MOWRER, Ernest R.

    Family disorganization.

    Chicago, University Press, 1927.

    First edition. A study of divorce and desertion in families, related to Isaac’s and Znaniecki’s work on The Polish peasant in America (1918-20), which recorded cases of the disintegration of family life through the same ‘case-study methods’.

    From the University of Chicago Sociological Series.


  2. OGBURN, William Fielding, editor.

    Recent social changes.

    Chicago, University Press, 1929.

    First edition, essays on all aspects of social life in America.

    From the University of Chicago Sociological Series.


  3. OGBURN, William Fielding, editor.

    American society in wartime. The Charles R. Walgreen Foundation lectures.

    Chicago, University Press, 1943.

    First edition. Eleven lectures by major sociologists delivered at the University’s Social Science Research Building in the autumn of 1942.


  4. PARK, Robert Ezra.

    Human communities: the city and human ecology. [The collected papers of Robert Ezra Park, volume II].

    Glencoe, IL, Free Press, 1952.

    First edition. A work absolutely typical of Chicago School sociology, covering hobos, criminal delinquency, and using tribal ethnology (e.g. magic) in the urban context. Park, along with Ernest W. Burgess, was a leading figure of the Chicago School, co-editing the Sociological Series published by the...


  5. PIERSON, Donald.

    Negroes in Brazil. A study of race contact at Bahia.

    Chicago, University Press, 1942.

    First edition of Pierson’s study into the history of race relations in Brazil, and of racial intermarriage. This was based on his doctoral study at the University of Chicago.

    From the University of Chicago Sociological Series.


  6. RICE, Stuart A.

    Methods in social science.

    Chicago, University Press, 1937.

    Second edition, first published 1931. A text-book of the Chicago School.


  7. SHAW, Clifford R.

    The jack-roller. A delinquent boy’s own story. [Behavioral Research Fund Monographs].

    Chicago, University Press, 1930.

    First edition. A typical study of the school, charting the life and downfall of a single semifictional delinquent, called “Stanley”, as he joins a gang in the criminal underworld of Chicago. A ‘jack-roller’ was a criminal who hung around on street-corners to rob passing drunks. Shaw propounded...


  8. SHAW, Clifford R and Maurice E.

    MOORE. The natural history of a delinquent career.

    Chicago, University Press, 1931.

    First edition of what is essentially a sequel to The Jack-roller (1930), this time charting “Sidney” in his journey to the bottom, and told as if from his own mouth.


  9. [SIMMEL, Georg.]

    SPYKMAN, Nicholas J. The social theory of Georg Simmel.

    Chicago, University Press, 1925.

    First edition. An interesting study that identifies Simmel as a predecessor to the Chicago School, and acts as a tribute from this ‘new school’ to Simmel, whom Spykman credits with the formulation of a separate branch of scientific sociology based on ‘group unity’, i.e. the collective interaction...


  10. SMALL, Albion.

    The Meaning of Social Science.

    Chicago, University Press, 1910.

    First edition. An interesting book of lectures by Small, delivered at Chicago, in which he staked a claim for the legitimacy of sociology but also for its methods as developed by his own colleagues, including W. I. Thomas in the Source book for social origins (1909).


  11. SMITH, Thomas Verner and Leonard D.

    WHITE, editors. Chicago: an experiment in social science research. [The University of Chicago...

    Chicago, University Press, 1929.

    First edition. An assessment of the first five years of work by the Local Community Research Committee.


  12. STEVENS, William H. S.

    Unfair competition. A study of certain practices. With some reference to the trust problem in the United...

    Chicago, University Press, 1917.

    First edition. Something of the spirit that would define the Sociological Series can be found in this study, which takes an isolated, detailed look at industries such as the lumber trade to identify the dark arts of industry, including espionage, intimidation, white lies and boycotts.


  13. THOMAS, William I.

    Source book for social origins: ethnological materials, psychological standpoint, classified and annotated bibliography...

    Chicago, University Press, 1909.

    First edition, uncommon, an early work of Chicago sociology and a foundational one, prefiguring the entire ethnological approach of the Chicago School. The supplementary bibliography is a useful reference work in itself.


  14. WHITE Leonard D., editor.

    The new social science. [Social Science Studies XVIII]. Chicago University Press 1930.

    Chicago, University Press, 1930.

    First edition. A series of essays marking the dedication of the Social Science Research Building at the University, featuring W. C. Mitchell, by this time an economist at Columbia.


  15. ZORBAUGH, Harvey Warren.

    The gold coast and the slum. A sociological study of Chicago’s near north side.

    Chicago, University Press, 1930.

    First edition, third impression, first published 1929. This book contrasts the opulence of Chicago’s affluent Gold Coast and the city’s worst slums, both of which were born out of the destruction caused by Chicago’s Great Fire in 1871.

    Provenance:This copy belonged to Donald Pierson,...



    An Essay on the Passions: with other Poems … Shrewsbury: Printed by T. Wood … for P. Owen … Welshpool; sold...

    Welshpool; sold by Champante and Whitrow … London, and all the Booksellers in Shrewsbury. 1799.

    First edition. ‘I have felt as many woes as ever tore the bosom of a Petrarch’, writes the author in the Preface, ‘and have struggled with as many penurious calamities as ever agonized the soul of a Chatterton; will not then a generous public pardon my presumption, when informed, that I woke my...


  17. SEGNERI, Paulo.

    Devotus Mariae Virginis … Ad ejusdem Virginis gloriam, & honorem, Mariaeque devotorum fructum latine redditus...

    Lincii, Joan. Michaelis Pramsteidel, ‘1858’ [i.e. 1758].

    An apparently unrecorded edition of this work of Marian devotion by the Italian Jesuit Paolo Segneri (1625-1694), printed for the Jesuit College at Linz in Austria and bound, probably as issued, with a short unpaginated work providing instructions for Marian feasts, reprinted by Pramsteidel from numerous...



    A collection of fifteen county reports on the present state of agriculture in Scotland produced for the...

    Edinburgh and London, 1794-5.

    The agricultural improver and social campaigner Sir John Sinclair had long desired a Board of Agriculture ‘as a means of publicizing agricultural developments, advising the government, spreading information, conducting experiments, and promoting legislation’. Finally Pitt granted him an annual stipend...


  19. [‘E. S.’, sometimes attributed to Elizabeth SANDHAM].

    A Cup of Sweets, that can never cloy: or, delightful Tales for good Children....

    London: Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery … 1807.

    ‘Third edition’, scarce with the frontispiece; first published 1804. A typically moralistic collection, with one very gruesome tale pertaining to animal welfare. Straying unwarily into the kitchen one day, the unfortunate dog Fido is horribly scalded by a falling pan of boiling water, losing an eye...


  20. ELLIOTT, Mary, née Belson.

    Simple Truths, in Verse; for the Amusement and Instruction of Children at an early Age …

    London: William Darton, sold also by Harvey and Darton … and John Harris … [c. 1822].

    ‘Fourth edition, corrected and revised’. Elliott was an extremely prolific author for Darton. These poems are settings of Anna Letitia Barbauld’s Hymns in Prose for Children (1791).

    There is the intriguing possibility of a fossil-hunting connection here: Mary Ann Mantel, or Mantell (1795-1869),...
