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  1. SMALL, Albion Woodbury.

    General sociology, an exposition of the main development in sociological theory from Spencer to Ratzenhofer.

    Chicago and London, Chicago University Press and Fisher Unwin, 1909.

    First edition. Small was one of the founders of academic sociology in the United States and was the first President of the new American Sociological Association. His study of Spencer and Ratzenhofer is a significant development on stage-based sociological theory, i.e. the development from savagery to...



    The study of sociology. [The International Scientific Series].

    New York, Appleton, 1874.

    First edition thus, the first American appearance of the sociological portion of Spencer’s ‘philosophical system’, which commenced in 1860, and thus the first appearance in America of his foundational system of sociology, which unified Darwinian evolution and social science, famous for introducing...


  3. [SPENCER, Herbert.]

    GEORGE, Henry. A perplexed philosopher, being an examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer’s various utterances...

    New York, Webster, 1892.

    First edition. A perhaps ill-conceived attack on Herbert Spencer, considering that at the time, as the author freely admits, the British philosopher, ‘of all his contemporaries, [held] the foremost place in the intellectual world, and through a wider circle than any man living, and perhaps than any...


  4. SPURZHEIM, Johann Gaspar.

    A view of the elementary principles of education, founded on the study of the nature of man.

    Boston, Marsh Capen and Lyon, 1832.

    First American edition, ‘revised and improved by the author, from the third London ed.’; first published in Edinburgh in 1821. A typically eccentric work by the German phrenologist Spurzheim including observations on development of the brain, drawn in part from the study of ancient cultures. The...


  5. SULLY, James.

    Illusions, a psychological study. [The International Scientific Series, Vol. 34].

    London, Kegan Paul, 1881.

    First edition of Sully’s study of perception, dreams and memory, with his discussion of psychology as a ‘positive science’. It was supposedly praised by Freud and Wundt.


  6. TARDE, Gabriel.

    Les lois sociales. Esquisse d’une sociologie. [Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine].

    Paris, Baillière, 1898.

    First edition. The result of discussions at the Collège Libre des Sciences Sociales, founded 1895 in Paris, in October of 1897. Tarde’s ‘social laws’ are another example of an attempt at empirical sociology, a scientific law or ‘loi d’uniformisation’ to cover the social phenomena of history...


  7. VEBLEN, Thorstein.

    An inquiry into the nature of peace and the terms of its perpetuation.

    New York, Macmillan, 1917.

    First edition. Veblen considers the situations in Germany and England during the First World War and projects the economic consequences of plenty in peacetime, which he frames as the rise of the middle-class ‘gentleman’, based on a model of Victorian English, peacetime gentlemanliness. This envisages...


  8. VEBLEN, Thorstein.

    The higher learning in America, a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men.

    New York, Huebsch, 1918.

    First edition. Veblen’s project for the ideal university and his consequent criticism of American Universities for failing to reach his ideal. He describes the dominance of American universities by business interests, making academic communities subservient to concerns of accountancy and conformity,...


  9. WAYLAND, Francis.

    The elements of political economy.

    New York, Leavitt, Lord & Co., 1837.

    First edition of an important work, long held as the leading principal economics text in American colleges; Wayland was president of Brown University for twenty-eight years. The Elements was not universally popular, upsetting many businessmen with its support for free trade. It was, however, very successful...


  10. [WEBER, Max].

    ROGERS, Howard J. Congress of Arts and Science. Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. [Volume VII, economics, politics,...

    Boston and New York, Houhgton, Mifflin & Co., Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1906.

    First edition. This volume apparently contains Max Weber’s first appearance in English, entitled “The Relations of the rural community to other branches of social science”. The paper was delivered by Weber at the St. Louis World’s Fair and was first published in this translation. It never appeared...


  11. WEBER, Max.

    Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie.

    Tübingen, Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1920-21.

    First edition thus, a collection of Weber’s work on religion including his most famous and controversial essay, Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus (The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism), as well as his studies of ancient Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. Weber...


  12. WUNDT, Wilhelm.

    CREIGHTON, James Edward and Edward Bradford TITCHENER, translators. Lectures on human and animal psychology....

    London and New York, Sonnenschein and Macmillan, 1894.

    First edition in English, first published 1863-1864. A significant appearance in English considering the establishment of Sully’s laboratory at University College London in 1898, Wundt’s lectures developed a scientific link between psychology and anatomy, through experiments on sensation, by which...


  13. WUNDT, Wilhelm.

    Julia GULLIVER and Edward Bradford TITCHENER, translators. Facts of the moral life.

    London and New York, Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., 1897.

    First edition in English, first published as Ethik, eine Untersuchung der Tatsachen und Geseze des stlichen Lebens (Ethics, an investigation of the facts etc.) in 1886. This is a more broadly sociological work and a departure from Wundt’s scientific sociology, considering social groups and actions...


  14. ZIMMERMANN, [Johann Georg].

    Solitude considered, in regard to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written originally in...

    London, Printed for John Fairbairn and Archibald Constable, 1797.

    Rare late edition of Zimmermann’s immensely popular Solitude, first published 1756, the first appearing in English in 1779. Its combination of rational philosophy and irrational, romantic melancholy caught the mood of the later eighteenth century. Zimmermann’s own romantic eccentricity comes...


  15. ANDERSON, Nels.

    The Hobo. The sociology of the homeless man.

    Chicago, University Press, 1923.

    First edition of Nels Anderson’s first book, and a seminal work of the Chicago School of Sociology: it was the first monograph in the University of Chicago Sociological Series and – as a pioneering work that used participant observation as a research method to reveal the features of a society –...


  16. BOGARDUS, Emory S.

    Social problems and social processes.

    Chicago, University Press, 1933.

    First edition, a series of essays on social tensions, including one by Florian Znaniecki, mostly caused by religion or immigration, including “Mohammeden India”, racial tensions in the United States, and the “Personality of Chinese in Hawaii.”

    From the University of Chicago Sociological Series.


  17. BRECKENRIDGE, Sophonisba Preston.

    Legal tender. A study in English and American monetary history. [Decennial Publications, second...

    Chicago, University Press, 1903.

    First edition, rare in commerce. A detailed history of coinage from medieval English history to modern American banking. Sophonisba Breckenridge (1866-1948) was the first woman to earn a doctorate in political science from the University of Chicago, thereafter joining the newly founded law school, becoming...


  18. BURGESS, Ernest W, editor.

    The urban community.

    Chicago, University Press, 1927.

    Second edition, first published 1926. Something of a tour-de-force of the Chicago School’s ideas, with an introduction by Park and essays by several prominent names including Thomas, Wirth, Bogardus, Reckless and Zorbaugh.


  19. HILLER, Ernest Theodore.

    The strike: a study in collective action. Introduction by Robert E. Park.

    Chicago, University Press, 1928.

    First edition. The introduction is by Robert E. Park, who was one of the founders of the Chicago School and on the editorial board of the Sociological Series. Hiller studies historic strikes by miners and hop-pickers to narrate a typical strike and study the characteristics of strikers and strike-breakers....


  20. MACIVER, Robert Morrison.

    As a tale that is told. The autobiography of R. M. MacIver.

    Chicago, University Press, 1968.

    First edition, a nice presentation copy of MacIver’s somewhat self-indulgent autobiography, an interesting account of American sociology in the 1920s and 30s including his time teaching at Barnard College, the women’s college of Columbia University.
