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  1. [RUSSELL, William].

    The history of modern Europe. With an account of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and a view of the...

    London, Robinson, Robson, Walter and Sewell, 1779.

    Extremely rare first appearance of an ‘Enlightened history’. This first edition was published in the same year as a Dublin imprint. Two further volumes were issued in 1784, and the whole work issued as a five-volume set in 1786.


  2. MONTESQUIEU, Charles Louis de Secondat.

    Miscellaneous pieces … translated from the new edition of his works in quarto printed...

    London, Wilson and Durham, 1759.

    Only edition thus, apparently the first appearance in English of these pieces. It contains, amongst other titles: the Essay on taste, which was published in England in the same year under Alexander Gerard’s work of the same title; eleven Persian letters that did not appear in his main work by that...


  3. ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques.

    [half-title: Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau. Tome neuvieme. Contenant les …] Lettres écrites de la montagne....

    Amsterdam, Rey, 1764.

    Rare. The ninth volume of the first collected edition of Rousseau’s works to be published by Rey (1762-1764), and printed the same year as the first edition, using a reprinted title-page conjugate with the half-title present here, and without the errata leaf. In 1762, the same year that the Contrat...


  4. [SINCLAIR, Sir John].

    Account of the origin of the Board of Agriculture, and its progress for three years after its establishment....

    London, Bulmer, 1796.

    First and only edition, rare in commerce. Sinclair pushes the importance of statistical agricultural surveying in his capacity as president of the Board of Agriculture, founded in 1793. The agricultural improver Arthur Young was his secretary. This includes the blank sample tables for population data...


  5. SMITH, Adam.

    Essays on philosophical subjects. To which is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author; by Dugald...

    London, J. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies... and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1795.

    First edition, published five years after Smith’s death. The second section of the work contains a discussion of the dissertation on the origin of languages, which was first annexed to the third edition of the Theory of Moral Sentiments. An important text in the history of linguistics and one...


  6. ADORNO Theodore W. Else FRENKEL-BRUNSWIK Daniel J. LEVINSON and R. Nevitt SANFORD.

    The authoritarian personality.

    New York, Harper Brothers, 1950.

    First edition. Theodore Adorno is well known as having been a leading light of the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Less known, but nevertheless worthy of note, are his co-authors, each of whom made notable contributions to the field of psychology. The authoritarian personality is itself a groundbreaking...


  7. ARNOLD, Matthew.

    Culture and anarchy: an essay in political and social criticism.

    [N.p.], Smith, Elder & Co. 1869.

    First edition in book form, scarce, of Arnold’s momentous sociological essays, which had appeared in the in the Cornhill Magazine in 1867-68.


  8. BASCOM, John.

    Growth of nationality in the United States: a social study.

    New York, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1899.

    First edition. As President of the University of Wisconsin Bascom advocated the ‘Wisconsin Iidea’ the Universities should work to improve the lives of people beyond the borders of its campus. ‘In a way unmatched by any leader of a major American university in his time, Bascom outlined a social...


  9. [BELL, Benjamin].

    Three essays on taxation of income, with remarks on the late act of parliament on that subject. On the national...

    London, T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1799.

    First edition. On 3 December 1798, the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, William Pitt the Younger, denounced the ineffectuality of traditional methods of taxation and announced the introduction of a tax ‘upon the leading branches of income’. One of the major weaknesses of his plan was...


  10. CALVERT, George.

    Introduction to social science, a discourse in three parts.

    New York, Redfield, 1856.

    First edition. The first to hold the Chair of Moral Philosophy at the newly established College of arts and sciences at the University of Baltimore, Calvert went on to be elected major of Newport, Rhode Island; he keenly translated and wrote essays on many pieces of European literature. In his Introduction...


  11. CAREY, Henry Charles.

    Essay on the rate of wages, with an examination of the cause of the differences in the condition of the labouring...

    Philadelphia, Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1835.

    First edition. In this, his first work, Carey (1793–1879) opposed trade restrictions as running counter to the providential order, and postulated harmony between capitalists and workers, the former benefitting from rising profits and the latter from wages that rose as a result of the accumulation of...


  12. CAREY, Henry Charles.

    The Past, the present and the future.

    Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1848.

    First edition. Carey vigorously appeals for tariff protection and attacks the Ricardian theory of rent. He argues that ‘the historical sequence of cultivation at least in the United States was the exact reverse of the one proposed by Ricardo, namely, from inferior to superior land, apparently because...


  13. CAREY, H.

    C. The British Treaties of 1871 & 1874: letters to the President of the United States.

    Philadelphia, Collins, 1875.

    First edition of a pamphlet which marks the completion of the arc in Carey’s thinking regarding bilateral trade deals, described in his time as ‘reciprocity’ arrangements. Having endorsed such deals early in his career as acts that promoted free trade, in the 1840s and 1850s Carey came to believe...


  14. CAREY,

    H.C. Commerce, Christianity, and civilization, versus British free trade. Letters in reply to the London times.

    Collins, Printer, Philadelphia [PA], 1876.

    Throughout his political economy, Carey asserted that there was a harmony of interests among men and nations in their economic relationships. Unfortunately, the British system of free trade was not in keeping with this harmony. It was his opinion that countries like India, for example, that were in trade-dependent...


  15. COMTE, Auguste.

    Cours de philosophie positive.

    Paris, Bachelier, 1830-1842.

    First edition, an attractive set, of Comte’s principal work, the outline of positivism. In the course of six volumes Comte sets out the terms of a new sociology and its status in relations to the other fields of knowledge. In fact it is in the forty-seventh lesson that the neologism ‘sociologie’...


  16. COMTE, Auguste.

    Systeme de politique positive ou Traite de sociologie, instituant le religion de l’humanite.

    Paris, L. Mathias, 1851-4.

    First edition. ‘Comte’s sociology was overly intertwined with his conception of the right polity. In Comte’s view, society had broken down with the French Revolution. The Revolution had been necessary because the old order, based on outdated “theological” – Catholic – knowledge, no longer...


  17. COUSIN, Victor.

    Elements of psychology, included in a critical examination of Locke’s Essay on the human understanding ... translated...

    Hartford, CT, Cooke and Company, 1834.

    First edition in English, and first American edition, translated from the French with an introduction, notes and additions by the Transcendentalist C.S. Henry. This is the first work in English with ‘psychology’ in the title. Cousin’s stress on the importance of method in philosophy led him to...


  18. DEL GIUDICE, Odoardo.

    Psychologiae eclecticae elementa ad usum studiosae juventutis.

    Perugia, Constantiniana, 1793.

    First edition, very rare: OCLC records a single copy, and a few of the second edition, published in altered circumstances in 1825. A Franciscan, Del Giudice writes a compendium on the theory of the human mind for students. His account tackles contemporary philosophies, such as materialism, in ample footnotes,...


  19. FECHNER, Gustav Theodor.

    In Sachen der Psychophysik.

    Leipzig, Breitkopf und Hartel, 1877.

    First edition. ‘Fechner for the first time clearly states the problem of a scientific psychology: how can the subjective realm be made the object of an exact and experimental science? … Fechner’s answer is, only by [psychology] becoming psychophysics’ (A. Kim, in The Routledge companion to...


  20. GILBRETH, Frank B.

    Motion Study. A method for increasing the efficiency of the workman.

    New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1911.

    First edition, rare, of this pioneering work in scientific management. The field of ‘motion study’ was developed by engineer Frank B. Gilbreth and his wife, psychologist Lillian M. Gilbreth, in order to increase the efficiency of work processes through methods that promoted the welfare of the worker...
