Search results

  1. MÜLLER, Johann Baptist.

    Erfahrungssätze über die contagiöse oder ägyptische Augenentzündung. Gesammelt am Krankenbette.

    Mainz, Florian Kupferberg, 1821.

    A fine presentation copy of Müller’s ophthalmological study of a disease then known as the ‘Egyptian eye infection’. A physician and surgeon with the Prussian military, Müller describes his findings in cases of eye infections amongst soldiers sometimes so severe as to result in blindness. He...


  2. ZAMPELIOS, Spiridion.

    Βυζαντιναι Μελεται [Byzantine Studies]...

    Athens, Christos Nikolaidos, 1857.

    First edition. Spyros Zampelios was a champion of the continuity theory in the history of the Greek nation in the crucial decades of the mid nineteenth century, and the first Greek historian to adopt a tripartite examination of historical periods, divided into ancient, medieval and modern Hellenism....


  3. SCARBOROUGH, William,

    translator. 話叢語諺. A collection of Chinese proverbs.

    Shanghai, American Presbyterian mission press, 1875.

    First edition of a collection of 2720 Chinese proverbs, translated and arranged by Rev. William Scarborough (1841 – 1894), a Wesleyan missionary in China since 1865.


  4. [ARIZZI, Francesco.]

    Il buffone di nuova invenzione in Italia. O sia i viaggi del vagabondo Salsiccia Salisburgese […] con un...

    Venice, Antonio Bortoli, 1740.

    First and only edition of Arizzi’s adaptation of Gottfried Prehauser’s Wienerische Hannswurst nebst lustige Reyss-Beschreibung aus Salzburg in verschiedene Länder, published anonymously and for a long time wrongly attributed to Benedetto Marcello.


  5. MORI, Ascanio de’.

    Giuoco piacevole.

    Mantua, Giacomo Ruffinello, 1575.

    First edition of a rare Renaissance collection of tales in prose and verse.


  6. BLANCHON, Jacques.

    Iacobi Blanchoni ucessiensis adversus Ludovicum beneventanum abbatem selestensem defensionum liber.

    Lyon, Jean de Tournes, 1550.

    First edition of a very rare work of sixteenth-century Lyonnese Neoplatonism, an elegantly-printed de Tournes edition. Ostensibly a simple series of remarks against the theses of the (presumably sternly Scholastic) abbot of Selestan, this is a tract of Renaissance moral philosophy. The theme of...


  7. CHOUFFE, Jean-Baptiste-P.

    Des accidens et des maladies qui surviennent à la cessation de la menstruation.

    Paris: Croullebois et Gabon, Floréal an X [April-May 1802].

    First and only edition. This work discusses the cessation of menstruation and its causes, beginning with female bodies and the changes they undergo from puberty to old age. Chouffe, formerly a military doctor, then focuses on ten case studies of individual patients in whom the menses had ceased,...


  8. [PALOSCHI, Carmela, ed.]

    STAMPA ALTERNATIVA. Manuale di autocura.

    London, Lewis Mc Cann, 1974.

    First edition of a handbook on women’s self health and sexuality distributed in Italy by the countercultural publisher ‘Stampa Alternativa’, and modelled on the famous Circle One: self health handbook, published in the USA in 1973 by the Colorado Springs Women’s Health clinic.



    Ditta G. Bellavita. Macchinario, attrezzi e prodotti per: produttori e negozianti vini, fabbriche liquori,...

    Milano, Arti grafiche Stella, 1926.

    A rare survival, especially in such good condition, of a trade catalogue of machinery, chemicals and a wide range of products for wine, spirits and beer makers and merchants, including pubs and wine shops. Each item is illustrated and accompanied by specifics and prices; the newly introduced machinery...



    [Cover title:] ‘My Treasure Box’ [Title-page:] ‘Some selected...

    Shanghai, Spring 1938.

    A charming and insightful trade catalogue compiled by a female Chinese arts dealer, covering porcelains, cast bronzes and irons, stone and wood sculpture, lacquered figures, furniture and screens, pottery and embroidery. The colours and dimensions are often described in the text, and the final...



    [Cover title:] Views of China - 中國名勝 [Zhongguo ming sheng].

    Shanghai, Commercial Press, [1913 ca.].

    A pictorial multilingual souvenir book by China’s first modern publishing house.


  12. [CHINA.]

    Précis des nouvelles reçues des missions de Chine et des royaumes voisins, en 1819.

    [Paris, Adrien Le Clere, 1819?].

    An extremely rare summary of the state of French Christian missions in Su-Tchuen (China), Tong-King (Vietnam), Cochinchine (Vietnam), Siam (Thailand), and Pondichery (India) in 1819.


  13. [NAUDÉ, Philippe, attr. author].

    Histoire abrégée de la naissance & du progrez du Kouakerisme avec celle de ses dogmes.

    Cologne, Pierre Marteau, 1692.

    First edition of the earliest work on the Quakers to be published in French. In his survey of English Quakerism the author gives voice to widespread contemporary English criticisms of the movement, radicalizing the charge of Socinianism into one of ‘pure deism’ and ultimately atheism.


  14. CONDILLAC, Etienne Bonnot de.

    Traité des sensations, a Madame la Comtesse de Vassé.

    Londres & Paris, Chez de Bure l’aine, 1754.

    First edition of this great classic of psychology and Condillac’s most important work: ‘no student of the history of philosophy can afford to neglect [it]’ (IESS, vol 3, pp. 213). The work ‘had a double purpose: to show how modifications of mind, or impressions received by way of the senses,...



    Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de. Esquisse d’un tableau historique des progres de l’espirit humain.

    Paris, Agasse, L’an III [1795].

    First edition of Condorcet’s main work, the summation of the Enlightenment belief in man’s perfectibility, the outline which provided humanity with a view of its own history as a narrative of progress and emancipation. Condorcet ‘forecasts the destruction of inequality between nations and classes,...


  16. FERGUSON, Adam.

    An essay on the history of civil society.

    Edinburgh, A. Millar and T. Caddell, 1768.

    Third edition, corrected: the edition owned by Thomas Jefferson.


  17. HELVÉTIUS, Claude Adrien.

    De l’homme, de ses facultés intellectuelles et de son éducation.

    Londres, Société Typographique [recte The Hague], 1773.

    A rare edition, published in the same year as the first, which appeared in mid-June 1773, eighteen months after the author’s death. ‘In this edition, there is no comma after “intellectuelles”, line 6 of title reads “et de son”and the titlepage ornament is a flower with leaves around the petals’...


  18. MALTHUS, Thomas Robert.

    Principles of political economy considered with a view to their practical application.

    London, Murray, 1820.

    First edition. The Principles were developed through controversy with Ricardo, especially with regard to the theory of value, but the origins of the essay are in the Essay, which constituted Malthus’s earliest writings on prices, income and savings. The difference that emerges between...


  19. MILLAR, John.

    Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society. Under the following heads: 1. Of the ranks and condition...

    London, Murray, 1773.

    Second London edition, ‘greatly enlarged’, first published 1771. The first section of Millar’s book is a study of matrilineal ‘savage’ societies, in which early social development counts most when it comes to kinship with the mother, is remarkably prescient (see Morgan, Systems)....


  20. [MONTESQUIEU, Charles Louis de Secondat].

    De l’esprit des loix, ou du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution...

    Geneva, Barrillot [sic], [1748].

    First edition, first issue. Montesquieu’s masterpiece of political theory, the principles of which formed the ideological basis of the French and American revolutions and were the cornerstone of the United States Constitution. Montesquieu argues that culture cannot be abstracted from the climate...
