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  1. GIORDANO, Vito.

    Il giudice di se stesso … Naples, Gaetano Tardano, 1793. [bound with]: Il conoscitore del mondo …

    Naples, Gioacchino Milo, 1796.

    Two very uncommon works on philosophical and legal themes by the Neapolitan lawyer and judge Vito Giordano.


  2. KOCH, Manfred (pr.), Primo SCHLECHTEN and Feliciano SCHARRER (resp.).

    Philosophia rationalis sive logica centum assertionibus comprehensa...

    Augsburg, Afra Sturmin, 1695.

    A good copy of this rare dissertation from the Augustinian college at Rottenbuch in Bavaria, attempting to reduce logic (the science of reasoning) to one hundred numbered paragraphs. Describing the function and limits of logic, the authors, both Austin canons at Rottenbuch, explain the use of syllogisms,...


  3. [MACEDO, José Agostino de, editor].

    Jornal encyclopédico de Lisboa, coordenado pelo P. J. A. de M. Tomo primeiro [-segundo].

    Nos 1-12 (Janiero – Dezembro de 1820). Lisboa, impressão Regia, 1820.

    First edition, complete, of this rare periodical, edited and in large part written by the prolific writer, pamphleteer, court preacher, and controversialist José Agostoni de Macedo (1761-1831).


  4. MONIGLIA, Tommaso Vicenzo.

    Osservazioni critico-filosofiche contro i materialisti, divise in due trattati ...

    Lucca, Vincenzo Giuntini, 1760.

    Uncommon anti-materialist work by the Tuscan philosopher Tommaso Moniglia (1686-1767).


  5. SAY, Jean-Baptiste.

    Olbie, ou Essai sur les moyens de réformer les moeurs d’une nation.

    Paris, Deterville and Treuttel & Wurtz, ‘an VIII de la République’ [1799–1800].[bound with:][ANON]. Principes politiques, par F. M....

    Presentation copy with the author’s inscription of the rare first edition of Say’s utopia, written in response to a competition organised by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques on the question: ‘Quelles sont les institutions capables de fonder la morale chez un peuple?’. Say...


  6. AINSWORTH, William Harrison.

    The Combat of the Thirty. From a Breton Lay of the fourteenth Century. With an Introduction, comprising...

    London: Chapman and Hall … 1859

    First edition of the first English translations of these two texts, inscribed to ‘James Crossley from his old friend William Harrison Ainsworth’. The two men had been friends since 1817 when Crossley, a solicitor, was articled to Ainsworth’s father and later became a partner in the firm. He was...


  7. ZAPPI, Giambattista and Faustina.

    Rime di Giambattista Felice Zappi e di Faustina Maratti sua consorte.

    Nice, Società Tipog. 1781.

    Uncommon Nice printing of the collected poetry of one of the most prominent literary couples of early 18th century Rome, Faustina Maratti (1679–1745) and her husband Giambattista Zappi (1667–1719). First published after Zappi’s death in 1723, the collection consists of 73 poems by Zappi and 38...


  8. [HERISSANT, Louis Théodore].

    Le fablier françois, ou élite des meilleurs fables depuis La Fontaine.

    Paris, Lottin le jeune, 1771.

    First edition, rare, of what has a claim to be the first comprehensive collection of French fables from the period after La Fontaine, assembled by the diplomat, lawyer, and historian Louis-Théodore Herissant (1743–1811). Collecting together fables from writers both famous (Voltaire, J.B. Rousseau,...


  9. MASTAI FERRETTI, Conte Paolino.

    Notizie storiche delle accademie d’Europa, con una relazione piu’ diffusa dell’accademia...

    Rome, I Lazzarini, 1792.

    Only edition, and a lovely copy, of this finely printed history of the academies of Europe, produced in honour of Pope Pius VI’s reestablishment of, and support for the Accademia nobile ecclesiastica (now the Pontifical Ecclesiastic Academy), which had been founded in 1701, was suppressed in 1764,...


  10. [ALEXANDER VII, Pope.]

    Vero e pieno ragguaglio delle ceremonie fatte per l’incoronazione di n. sig. Alessandro papa settimo il...

    Rome and Florence, nella stamperia si S. A. S. alla condotta, 1655.

    Very rare first(?) edition of this detailed and entertaining account of the coronation of Pope Alexander VII in April 1655, capturing the splendour, colour and emotion of the occasion. The blow-by-blow narrative has a very modern feel, resembling present-day reporting of such events. After describing...


  11. BARONE, Giuseppe.

    IA-Z Pam, le baton du muet, (traduit du chinois)... extrait du muséon.

    Louvain, Ch. Peeters, 1882.

    First separate edition, rare (apparently one other copy known), almost certainly printed for presentation, of this transliteration of a Chinese play with parallel French translation, which first appeared in the French journal Muséon. Barone’s article seeks to introduce a French audience to the great...


  12. APULEIUS (Julien FLEURY, editor).

    Lucii Apuleii Madaurensis Platonici philosophi opera interpretatione et notis illustravit...

    Paris, Frederic Leonard, 1688.

    First Delphin edition of the works of Apuleius, ‘une des meillures éditions qui soient dans la collection des Ad usum’ according to Brunet, comprising the Metamorphoses, his popularisations of Platonic philosophy, and excerpts from his lectures known as the Florida. The Delphin classics were a landmark...



    Il buon’ uso della vittoria, ossia Publio Cornelio Scipione nella nuova Cartagine: azione accademica...

    Modena, eredi di Bartolomeo Soliani, [1776].

    First edition. A scarce play with music and ballet, prepared and performed by the Collegio dei Nobili di Modena for celebrations of the birthday of Francesco III d’Este, Duke of Modena. The work comprises a play in three acts on Scipio Africanus by Alessandro Guinigi, three short ballets drawn...


  14. ZINANO [or ZINANI], Gabriele.

    L’Almerigo. Tragedia.

    Reggio, Ercoliano Bartoli, [1590].

    First edition of this Renaissance tragedy in five acts accompanied by the author’s essay on the theory on the tragic genre. Zinano, or Zinani, did not produce drama only: three of his best-known works are in fact political essays detailing the prerogatives of various components of a Republic. The Almerigo...


  15. RIEMANN, Georg Friedrich Bernhard.

    Ein Beitrag zu den Untersuchungen über die Bewegung eines flüssigen gleichartigen Ellipsoids.

    Göttingen, Dieterichsche Buchhandlung, 1861.

    the very rare offprint issue from the abhandlungen der königlichen gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu göttigen of riemann’s classic paper on rotating liquid ellipsoids, containing solutions of the equations of fluid dynamics that were later applied to the physics of rotating stars by chandrasekhar...



    Almae Urbis Medicorum ex antiquis Romanorum Pontificum bullis congesta, & hactenùs per Sedem Apostolicam...

    Rome, Printer of the Apostolic Chamber, 1676 [– c.1745].

    The very rare enlarged and updated issue of the statutes of the medical faculty of Rome, a very rare and interesting document on its internal organization.


  17. PINELLI, Bartolomeo.

    I Promessi Sposi.

    Rome, Litografia delle Belle Arti, 1829-1831.

    First edition of one of the earliest attempts to illustrate Manzoni’s masterpiece, by one of the most celebrated engravers of the time. Manzoni, however, apparently objected to Pinelli’s illustrations on the grounds that the figures and costumes were too ‘Roman’ and publication was halted after...


  18. RENGGER, Albrecht.

    Bericht über die Armen-Erziehungs-Anstalt in Hofwyl, im Namen der zu Beaufsichtigung derselben niedergesetzten...

    Tubingen, Cotta, 1815.

    First edition of an account of the agricultural school for poor children founded by Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg on the estate of Hofwyl in Switzerland in 1799. This is a detailed account of the workings of the school, and its ethos, which was designed to be self supporting and taught children the...



    Temple Hill Cut-outs. [Legends of Ancient China].

    Chefoo, China,Women's Bible School Presbyterian Mission, c. 1930.

    The work of un-idle hands, produced by local Chinese women enlisted at the Ai Dao Bible School in Chefoo, modern-day Yantai, to raise money for their ongoing maintenance and education at the hands of the American Presbyterian Mission. The present work describes seven of the most popular legends of Ancient...


  20. [MATHIEU, Adolphe.]

    Notice sur Frédéric-Auguste-Ferdinand-Thomass Baron de Reiffenberg ...

    Mons, Hoyois, 1850

    Only edition, published in 100 copies by the Société des Bibliophiles Belges. Reifenberg (1795-1850) was the Keeper of the Belgian Royal Library from 1837 until his death in 1850. This obituary was written by his friend the poet Adolphe Mathieu. He gives a bibliography of works written or edited by...
