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  1. TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis de, and Gustave de BEAUMONT.

    Du système pénitentiaire aux États-Unis, et de son application en France, suivi...

    Paris, H. Fournier jeune, 1833.

    First edition of de Tocqueville’s forerunner to Democracy in America. A detailed report on the innovative penitentiary system in the young United States, Du système pénitentiaire was published by Tocqueville and Beaumont after their observational tour of North America at the behest of the July Monarchy....


  2. THÜNEN, Johann Heinrich von.

    Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie …[Part I and part II/1].

    Rostock, G. B. Leopold, 1842–50.

    Scarce second edition of the first part, revised and enlarged, being the repository of Thünen’s major theories, and the edition used by Roscher in his Geschichte der National-Oekonomik, here bound with the first edition of part II/1, the last to be published during the author’s lifetime;...


  3. TATE, William.

    The modern cambist; forming a manual of foreign exchanges, in the direct, indirect, and cross operations of bills...

    London, Effingham Wilson, 1836.

    Third edition, corrected and expanded to reflect changes in the monetary systems of Portugal and Geneva, a new coinage introduced by the East India Company and the opening of trade with China. There is also a new appendix which discusses the mintage regulations for the coins of the United States, reflecting...


  4. SWOBODA, Hermann.

    Die Perioden des menschlichen Organismus: in ihrer psychologischen und biologischen Bedeutung.

    Leipzig, Deuticke, 1904.

    First editions, all rare, the first two being foundational works in the formation of the theory of biorhythm. Swoboda’s early studies on the recurrence or periodicity in phenomena acquired a psychological character and application in his work since his encounter and brief experience of analysis with...


  5. STUART, Gilbert.

    Observations concerning the Public Law, and the constitutional History of Scotland: with occasional Remarks concerning...

    Edinburgh, Printed for William Creech; and J. Murray, London, 1779.

    First edition. At the time of the publication of these Observations, Gilbert Stuart (1742–1786), a prolific reviewer, sometime reader for John Murray, co-founder of the short-lived Edinburgh Magazine, and author of various historical works, was a candidate for the professorship of public law in the...


  6. SISMONDI, J. C. L. Simonde de.

    Nouveaux principes d’économie politique, ou de la richesse dans ses rapports avec la population...

    Paris, Delaunay, Treuttel & Wurtz, 1819.

    First edition. ‘A number of concepts and theories that later became important in the history of economics first appeared in the writings of the Swiss economist J. C. L. Simonde de Sismondi … Sismondi developed the first aggregate equilibrium income theory and the first algebraic growth model....


  7. SCIALOJA, Antonio.

    I Principî della economia sociale esposti in ordine ideologico … II. edizione riveduta, corretta ed aumentata.

    Turin, Giuseppe Pomba, 1846.

    Second edition, enlarged. Antonio Scialoja (1817–1877) studied at Naples, publishing the Principi della economia sociale (1840) there when he was only 22. It proved a great success in Italy and elsewhere, receiving many editions in Italian and a translation into French in 1843. In 1846, the year of...


  8. SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de.

    Cours de linguistique générale.

    Lausanne & Paris, Payot, 1916.

    First edition. In general the study of language in the 19th century concerns philology. While great steps were made at the beginning of that century to put the study of language on a scientific basis, the vital distinction was not made between philology and non-historical linguistics. Saussure made...



    A Collection of Advertisements, Advices, and Directions, relating to the Royal Fishery within the British...

    London, printed for H.M. and sold by J. Whitlock, 1695.

    First edition. The Royal Fishery Company, incorporated in 1662, had great trouble finding subscribers. Initially, Charles II offered £9000 as an incentive to investors but on these only raising £3680 he withdrew his undertaking, instead allowing a lottery to aid the Company’s fortunes. After attempts...


  10. RIPLEY, Percy.

    A short history of investment.

    London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1934.

    First edition of this work aimed at a British audience of bankers, members of the Stock Exchange and City workers, charting the history of investment from early times and the Elizabethans through to 1933, passing both prosperity, and tragedy and national debt. The work is dedicated to the financial journalist...


  11. RHOADS, James Evans.

    Autograph letter signed (‘James E. Rhoads’) to Henry Horniman.

    Philadelphia, 22 July 1869.

    A letter from the first president of Bryn Mawr College near Philadelphia. Rhoads (1828–1895) helped establish the college as a nondenominational, internationally respected school, and the first higher education institution to offer graduate degrees to women.


  12. RENTSCH, Carl, Edler von Ehrenthal.

    Die Staatswirtschaft nach Naturgesetzen.

    Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1819.

    First edition. Rentsch’s political economy offers an in-depth analysis of concepts such as income and expenditure, value and cost, market value, and competition; particular attention is paid to coin, notes, circulation, public and private credit, and exchange.


  13. POPE, Alexander.

    An essay on man… with illustrations, and notes, by S. R. Wells.

    New York, Wells, 1867.

    First edition thus: Pope’s Essay on man edited, with many notes, by the phrenologist Samuel Wells. ‘Looked at from a phrenological stand-point, this Poem exhibits rare beauties not seen, or rather not fully appreciated, by other eyes’ (preface). Phrenological thinking was influential in 19th-century...


  14. PINDER, Richard.

    The Spirit of error, found, and discovered, in the accounted pastors and teachers of the Island Bermuda, in the...

    [London, Robert Wilson, 1660].

    First and only edition of this tract by Richard Pinder, a Quaker who, with George Rose, was among the first to take the Society of Friends to Bermuda –and to appear before the Council of Governor William Sayle, charged with disturbing the peace. The most particular object of Pinder’s attacks is the...


  15. GRUBBE, Margaret Julia Maria.

    Archive of drawings, watercolours, and photographs.

    England and Scotland, c. 1900 – 1960s.

    A charming archive of the Suffolk artist Margaret Grubbe (1911-97), tracing her development as an artist from her childhood into middle age. Grubbe became an accomplished painter of flowers, exhibiting in the 1940s and 50s, when she was a member of the Ipswich Art Club. She came from a family of artists:...


  16. [NILE, Battle of the.]

    View 1st. of the memorable victory of the Nile, gained in August 1798, over the French by the British fleet...

    London, published by G. Riley, 1799.

    This view of Nelson’s victory at the Nile illustrates the opening of the action at the point where the Goliath, her captain having realised that the French were at single anchor, daringly sneaked his ship inshore around the head of the French line. It proved to be a decisive point in the battle, the...


  17. [SINO-JAPANESE WAR, 1894–5.]

    Punitive forces attacking Pyöngyang.

    Tokyo, Tsujiokaya Bunsuke, Meiji 27 [1894].

    First edition. The battle of Pyöngyang, 15 September 1894, was the second major land battle of the First Sino-Japanese War. In it, the town of Pyöngyang fell to the attacking Japanese forces who were then able to advance north to the Yalu River without opposition. Although the Chinese suffered heavy...


  18. DITTRICH, Max, and Max HENZE, artist.

    Der Deutsch-Französische Krieg 1870 und 1871. Gedenk-Blätter in Wort und Bild an die Ehrentage...

    Dresden and New York: ‘Druck & Verlag von H.G. Münchmeyer’, 1895.

    Fortieth edition and 25th anniversary ‘Jubel-Ausgabe’. This lavishly-illustrated account of the Franco-Prussian War was published to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of this conflict that was, in retrospect, a harbinger of the political and military turmoil of the following century: ‘the...


  19. [NILE, Battle of the.]

    ‘View 3d. of the memorable victory of the Nile, gained in August 1798 over the French by the British fleet...

    London: Alexander Riley, 1st December 1800.

    This engraving depicts the dramatic escape of four French ships from their fleet’s crushing defeat at the Battle of the Nile, and the accompanying text recounts the fortunate circumstances which allowed the French escape. The four ships from the French fleet still flying colours cut their cables and...
