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    Favola di due gatti e della scimia coll’ appello de’ medesimi gatti all’ orso, divisa in due...

    Florence, Bernardo Paperini, 1730.

    First complete edition. A rare fable in parallel Latin and Italian verse by members of the Accademia dell’Arcadia, comprising Due gatti ed una scimia (first published in 1728) and the first appearance of the second part, Appello de’ due gatti all’ orso. Both are published only pseudonymously under...


  2. DUCAREL, Andrew & James Coltée, and Gerard DE LISLE & Robin MYERS, eds.

    Two Huguenot Brothers: Letters of Andrew and James Coltée...

    Leicester, The Garendon Press, 2019.

    James Coltée Ducarel’s letters sent from France to his elder brother Andrew in London are a hitherto unknown resource for the study of the Enlightenment and the French Huguenots in the mid-eighteenth century.


  3. [DEY, Robert.]

    Foulsham and Themelthorpe inclosure award, dated 23rd June, 1813. Notice with extracts from award.

    [Norfolk?] Parson, Printer, [1813].

    Scarce printed award, completed in manuscript, granting a piece of land in Foulsham, Norfolk to one Robert Dey, following the 1811 ‘Act for inclosing lands in the parishes of Foulsham and Themelthorpe’. In addition to carrying the shaky signature of the recipient, the award is signed by the three...


  4. VINCENS, Jean Alexandre.

    Account book.

    Nimes, France, 1783-1800.

    A unique record of the financial transactions and business dealings of a leading Protestant family of bankers and merchants in Nîmes, in the south of France, prior to and during the French Revolution, covering the period between May 1783 and Fructidor year VIII i.e. 1800.


  5. [IRWIN, Eyles.]

    Eastern eclogues; written during a tour through Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of Asia and Africa, in the year...

    London, for J. Dodsley, 1780.

    First edition of these travel-inspired poems by the Calcutta-born East India Company servant Eyles Irwin (1751-1817), composed during his journey from India to England in 1777, and containing several interesting references to the British presence in India.


  6. BARKER, Nicolas, ed.

    The Pirie Library. A Short-Title Catalogue of the Collection of Robert S Pirie.

    London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2019.

    The library of Robert S Pirie, ‘one of the finest private libraries of English literature, not just of our time but of all time’ (James Stourton), was sold at Sotheby’s New York on 2-4 December 2015. This account is based on Sotheby’s catalogue of the sale, and augmented by Mr Pirie’s acquisition...



    Les Indiens, ou Tippoo-Saïb, fils d’Hyder-Ally, &c. Avec quelques particularités sur ce prince, sur ses ambassadeurs...

    A Londres [i.e. Paris?] et se trouve à Paris, chez Le Jay, 1788.

    The apparently unrecorded first issue of this work on Tipu Sultan (1750–1799), ruler of the kingdom of Mysore and implacable enemy of the British East India Company. The only copies recorded institutionally (on ESTC, COPAC, and OCLC) have the title Les indiens, ou Tipou-Sultan, fils D’Ayder-Aly...


  8. MANN, Thomas.

    Tristan. Sechs Novellen …

    Berlin, Fischer, 1903.

    First edition of Thomas Mann’s third book, a collection of stories including his two principal Novellen, ‘Tristan’ and ‘Tonio Kröger’.


  9. BINGFIELD, William, pseud.

    The Travels and Adventures of William Bingfield, Esq; containing, as surprizing a Fluctuation...

    London: Printed for E. Withers ... and R. Baldwin ... 1753.

    First edition of one of the most entertaining imaginary voyages of the eighteenth century.


  10. GALLOP, Annabel.

    Malay seals from the Islamic world of Southeast Asia.

    Singapore, NUS Press in association with the British Library, 2019.

    A new publication by Annabel Teh Gallop, Lead Curator in Southeast Asia Collections at the British Library, published by NUS Press in Singapore. The British Library website describes Malay seals as ‘a catalogue of 2,168 seals sourced from more than 70 public institutions and 60 private collections...


  11. ALAI, Beatrice.

    Le miniature Italiane del Kupferstichkabinett di Berlino.

    Florence, Edizioni Polistampa, 2019.

    From the presentation leaf: ‘Bernard Quaritch Ltd is delighted to be a sponsor of this magnificent publication. We feel sure that our German founder, both as publisher of scholarly works and dealer in medieval manuscripts, would have been proud to support Beatrice Alai’s catalogue of the Italian...


  12. NORTH, Roger.

    The Life of the Right Honourable Francis North, Baron of Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, under King Charles...

    London, Davidson for W. Clarke and Sons, 1819.

    Third edition. The lawyer, politician and writer Francis North, first Baron Guildford (1637-1685) was educated at St John’s College, Cambridge and the Middle Temple. Application, ability and fortunate associations all contributed to his rapid advance in his profession and in 1668 he was appointed King’s...


  13. ZECH, Franz Xaver.

    Hierarchia ecclesiastica, ad Germaniae Catholicae principia et usum delineata.

    Ingolstadt, Schleig, 1750.

    First edition of a comprehensive exposition of the prerogatives, duties, jurisdiction, authority and responsibilities of the secular and regular German Catholic clergy. Forty tituli set out the legal profiles and relative hierarchy of pope, patriarchs, cardinals, envoys, bishops, canons, members of religious...



    De Vrouwen-Peirle, ofte dryvoudige historie van Helena de Verduldige, Griseldis de Zagtmoedige, en Florentina de...

    Ghent, J. Begyn, [1780-1810].

    An attractive copy of the ‘Women-pearls’, a Flemish chapbook portraying three remarkable women and their marvellous stories derived from Medieval romances. It went through numerous and mostly undated editions, alluring readers with the added, winning visual appeal of naïve-style woodcuts and archaic...


  15. WALKER, Francis Amasa.

    Discussions in Economics and Statistics.

    New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1899.

    First edition of this collection edited by Professor Dewey of more than fifty articles by Francis Amasa Walker, some published here for the first time, classified under the heads of Statistics, National Growth, Social Economics, Finance and Taxation, Money and Bimetallism, and Economy Theory.



    A Sammelband of three pamphlets, comprising:

    A Sammelband of three pamphlets, comprising:

    A Sammelband of three late-nineteenth-century British political works, bound up for the owner by Bickers. The first item, The Sabbath, is by the scientist John Tyndall (1820-1893), and was an address delivered to the Glasgow Sunday Society in his capacity as president. The Society was formed to obtain...



    Discorsi concernenti la pubblica economia il gius pubblico e l’antico gius romano.

    Bologna, Masi, 1809.

    First edition of Valeriani’s (1758–1828) rare work of political economy presented as a science which stands as an organic complement to a nation’s set of legislation.



    Instituciones economicas de la Sociedad de Amigos del Pais, de la ciudad, i reino de Valencia....

    Valencia, Monfort for the Society, 1777.

    Rare first and only edition of the prospect, statutes and plans of the Valencia Royal Society of the friends of the Country. The Sociedades Económicas de Amigos del País were private associations established in various cities throughout Enlightenment Spain, and to a lesser degree in some of Spain's...


  19. TOOKE, Thomas.

    Thoughts and Details on the high and low Prices of the last thirty Years.

    London, John Murray, 1823.

    First edition of Tooke's first work, discussing the influence of climatic conditions and changing demand on agricultural prices. ‘During the three years which followed the Resumption Act of 1819 prices of nearly all commodities decreased, and the opinion that the fall in prices was the result of the...


  20. TOMPSON, John, editor.

    English Miscellanies consisting of various Pieces of Divinity, Morals, Politicks, Philosophy and History;...

    Gottingen by Abram. Vandenhoeck, Printer and Bookseller to the University 1746.

    Second edition, revised, of John Tompson’s important English Miscellanies, expanded to almost twice the size of the first edition, including up-to-date content published since 1737.
