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  1. LA SALLE, Antoine de.

    Méchanique morale, ou essai sur l’art de perfectionner et d’employer ses organes, propres, acquis et...

    Geneva, [s.n.], 1789.

    Uncommon first edition of La Salle’s wide-ranging work in which he examines, inter alia, understanding, learning, reasoning, syllogism, the Baconian method, asking and answering questions, physiognomy, qualities of character, and eloquence. Having travelled widely in his youth – to Newfoundland,...


  2. LIVINGSTONE, David.

    Explorations dans l’intérieur de l’Afrique Australe et voyages à travers le continent de Saint-Paul de...

    Paris: Imprimerie de Ch. Lahure et Cie for Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, 1859.

    First appearance in French of Livingstone’s Missionary Travels and Researches in Southern Africa (1857), describing his early years in the region and the first of his three great expeditions across the continent: ‘Livingstone’s services to African geography during thirty years are almost...


  3. SAY, Léon.

    Les solutions démocratiques de la question des impots. Conférences faites à l’École des science politiques …...

    Paris, Guillaumin et Cie, 1886.

    First edition. Léon Say (1826–1896), grandson of Jean-Baptiste Say, ‘became one of the most prominent statesmen of the French Third Republic. He served as Finance Minister from 1872 to 1879, and again in 1882, overseeing the largest financial operation of the century – payment of war reparations...


  4. RUGE, Arnold, and Clair James GRECE, Paul NERRLICH (ed.).

    Unser System ... Herausgegeben von C. J. Grece, LL.D. Zum 100. Geburtstage...

    Frankfurt, Neuer Frankfurter Verlag, 1903.

    A rare celebrative reprint of the most detailed exposition of Arnold Ruge’s philosophy (originally published in 1850).


  5. ROBERTS, Henry.

    The dwellings of the labouring classes, their arrangement and construction, illustrated by a reference to the model...

    London, Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes, 1850.

    First edition of one of the most important publications on philanthropic housing by the architect and housing reformer Henry Roberts (1803-1876).


  6. RICHARDSON, Ralph.

    Coutts & Co. Bankers Edinburgh and London, being the memoirs of a family distinguished for its public services...

    London, Elliott Stock, 1901

    Second edition, revised and enlarged, narrating the instrumental role of the Coutts family in establishing a magnificent system of banking in Scotland.


  7. RICCI, Giovanni and PORTA, Ercolano.

    Storia della missione francescana e del Vicariato Apostolico del Hunan meridionale dalle sue...

    Bologna, Stabilimenti tipografici riuniti, 1925.

    First and only edition of this history of the Franciscan Mission in South Hunan from its establishment to 1924, with particular attention to the persecution of the Christians during the Boxer Rebellion and the following years of restoration and progress of the mission. The appendix comprises letters,...


  8. [PORTUGAL.]

    Memorias economicas da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da Agricultura, das Artes, e da Industria...

    Lisbon, Officina da Academia Real das Sciencias, 1789 1815.

    First edition. The long period of publication accounts for the rarity of complete sets of this important periodical, containing articles on industry, agriculture, political economy, statistics and general social and geographical matters. They exhibit the continued influence of Physiocratic ideas after...


  9. WOOLLEY, C. Leonard and Thomas Edward LAWRENCE.

    The Wilderness of Zin ... With a Chapter on the Greek Inscriptions by M.N. Tod....

    London: The Alden Press for Jonathan Cape, 1936.

    Second English edition. The Wilderness of Zin originally appeared as the Palestine Exploration Fund Annual for 1914-1915, and was the first work by Lawrence to appear in book form. However, it was included in the P.E.F. series on somewhat disingenuous grounds: ‘During January and February 1914,...


  10. VICTORIA, Crown Princess of Sweden.

    Vom Nil. Tagebuchblätter während des Aufenthalts in Egypten im Winter 1890/91... Mit Lichtdruckbildern...

    Karlsruhe: G. Braun’sche Hofbuchdruckerei, 1892.

    First edition, printed for private circulation. Vom Nil records a journey along the Nile made between October 1890 and April 1891 by Princess Victoria of Baden (1862–1930), later Queen Victoria of Sweden (queen consort 1907–1930).


  11. ALBERTI, Leon Battista.

    El Momo. La moral e muy graciosa historia del Momo; compuesta en Latin por el docto varon Leon Bapista...

    Alcalá de Henares, Joan Mey Flandro, 1553.

    First edition in Spanish of Alberti’s Momus [or De principe], translated by Augustín de Almaçan and with an introductory 8-page Exposición by the Toledo ascetic writer and scholar Alejo Venegas (1495?–1554?).


  12. HAEFTEN, Benedictus van.

    Regia via crucis.

    Antwerp, Ex officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1635.

    First edition of an important counter-reformation devotional emblem book, with a title-page designed by Peter Paul Rubens. Haeften (1588-1648) was provost of the Benedictine abbey of Affligem, Belgium, and played an important role in the reform of the Benedictine order. The Regia via crucis was his most...


  13. PACE, Giulio.

    Artis Lullianae emendatae libri IV. Quibus docetur methodus, per quam magna terminorum generalium, attributorum,...

    Naples, Secondino Roncagliolo, 1631.

    Rare third edition (first 1618) of this summary of Ramon Lull’s Ars Magna by the famous Protestant Italian Aristotelian scholar and jurist Giulio Pace (1550-1635), whose edition of the Organon was for a long time the standard edition of Aristotle’s works on logic. Pace’s introduction to Lull dates...


  14. SUCQUET, Antoine.

    Via vitae aeternae iconibus illustrata per Boetium a Bolswert.

    Antwerp, Martin Nutius, 1620.

    First edition, a very clean, attractive copy, of an emblem book which unites the spiritual meditations and practices of the Belgian Jesuit Antoine Sucquet with fine emblematic illustrations devised by the great baroque engraver Boetius a Bolswert (c. 1580-1633), called by Praz ‘the illustrator...


  15. [MELO, Antonio de.]

    La Famosa y temeraria compañia de Rompe Columnas. Traduzida, y acrescentada, por el Capitan Flegetonte, comico...

    Paris, Joseph Cotterau, 1609.

    First edition, rare, a loose translation by Antonio de Melo of the burlesque Della compagnia de Tagliacantoni (1601), by Tommaso Buoni.



    La Liturgie. C’est a dire, le formulaire des Prieres publiques, de l’Administrations des Sacreman;...

    A Londres, pour Jean Dunmore & Octavien Pulleyn le Jeune … 1667.

    First edition of this translation, printed for the use of ‘toutes les Eglisses Paroissiales & dans les Chapelles de Isles de Jersey, Guernsey, & autres Isles adjacentes’, as well as for the French congregation at the Savoy in London.


  17. FORDYCE, James.

    Addresses to young Men … The second Edition.

    London: Printed for T. Cadell … 1777.

    Second edition, uncommon, of Fordyce’s popular conduct book for young men. The work was published a sequel to his Sermons to young Women (1766), a work probably best known for its censure by Mary Wollstonecraft and its pointed appearance in the hands of Mr Collins in Pride & Prejudice....


  18. LINDBERGH, Anne Morrow.

    Listen! The Wind ... With Foreword and Map Drawings by Charles A. Lindbergh.

    New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1938.

    First edition of an award-winning book. Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001) met the celebrated American aviator Charles Lindbergh in 1927, when her father Dwight Morrow, the American ambassador to Mexico, invited Lindbergh to visit the country. They married in 1929, she soon learnt to fly under...


  19. CLEVELAND, John.

    Poems … With Additions, never before printed … [Bound with:]

    London, Printed by S. G. for John Williams … 1665.

    The first title here was one of the most popular collections of mid-seventeenth century verse, with seventeen editions in the first eighteen years from 1651. At the end are some short prose pieces including ‘The Character of a Diurnal-Maker’. Editions after 1659 include ‘Additions’: 33 new poems...


  20. SWIFT, Jonathan (attr.).

    The Life and genuine Character of Doctor Swift. Written by Himself.

    London: Printed for J. Roberts … and sold at the Pamphlet Shops … 1733.

    First edition. Authorship of this fine poem has long been debated. It was explicitly repudiated by Swift himself, though it has much in common with Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift and Faulkner printed it as genuine in 1746.
