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  1. [LAWRENCE, George Alfred].

    Barren Honour. A Tale. By the Author of ‘Guy Livingstone.’ In two Volumes ...

    London: Parker, Son, and Bourn ... 1862.

    First edition. Lawrence has been grouped with Kingsley and Hughes in the ‘muscular’ school of Victorian fiction with its sturdy heroes and Christian Socialism. Barren Honour is ‘a study of magnificently chivalrous self-destruction’ on the part of its hero Sir Alan Wyverne, ‘a thoroughbred’...


  2. LEBEDEV, V.P.

    175 godovshchina Pervago Kadetskago korpusa. 17 fevralia 1907 g. [175th Anniversary of the First Corps of Cadets,...

    [St Petersburg,] Press of the First Corps of Cadets, 1906.

    Only edition of this collection of poems commemorating the 175th anniversary of the First Corps of Cadets, set up under Anna Ivanovna. Each of the ten ‘scenes in verse’ is narrated by a cadet, once for each Tsar under which the Corps has served.


  3. LEONOV, Leonid Maksimovich.

    Begstvo Mistera Mak-Kinli. Kinopovest’ [Mr MacKinley’s Flight. A Screen-play].

    Moscow, Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1963.

    First edition of Leonov’s screenplay satirising Western capitalist society, used by Mikhail Shveister in 1975 for his film of the same name, with a presentation inscription from the author on the front endleaf, signed and dated 1964.


  4. LIEBER, Francis.

    Autograph letter in French, signed ‘François Lieber’, to Joseph Bonaparte, comte de Survilliers, Napoleon’s...

    Columbia, South Carolina, 9 May 1836.

    The German-American political scientist Francis Lieber (1800–1872) was a prolific theorist of political ethics and jurisprudence. He emigrated to Boston in 1827, where he impressed John Quincy Adams, and became Tocqueville’s principal informant for Democracy in America (1835–40). In 1835 he was...


  5. LUCIAN, of Samosata.

    Deorum dialogi... una cum interpretatione e regione latina nusquam antea impressi...

    Strassbourg, Johannes Schott, 1515.

    First edition edited and translated by the German humanist (and musician) Ottmar Nachtgall.


  6. MADELENET, Gabriel.

    Carminum libellus. Parisiis, apud Claudium Cramoisy... M. DC. LXII.

    Paris, 1662.

    First edition, the author’s only book, edited after his death by Loménie de Brienne, this copy ruled in red and bound for the editor with his arms.



    Influence de l’Habitude sur la Faculté de Penser.

    Paris, Henrichs, 1803.

    First edition of Maine de Biran’s first major work, in which he draws a distinction between what he calls passive habits, i.e. sensations and impressions which become dulled with repetition, and active habits, i.e. those which are conscious, and willed. “The effect of this, which was borne out by...


  8. MARSHALL, Alfred.

    Official papers.

    London, Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society, 1926.

    First collected edition of all the written memoranda and oral evidence Marshall prepared on economic questions for government departments and official enquiries, with the exception of his work on the Labour Commission. The collection was edited by Keynes, who provides a preface: ‘generally speaking,...



    Monsell Digby. A Novel, in three Volumes ...

    London: Remington and Co. ... 1880.

    First edition. Set in industrial and rural Lancashire against the background of the economic unrest of 1815, Monsell Digby follows the fortunes of a number of young men caught up in a murderous Luddite riot and its aftermath. Not in NUC and Supplement; UCLA and Texas only on OCLC. Wolff 4582.


  10. MEREDITH, George.

    One of our Conquerors ... In three Volumes ...

    London: Chapman and Hall ... 1891.

    First edition of a ‘striking study of marital misery’ (Sutherland). Sadleir 1700.


  11. MEREDITH, George.

    One of our Conquerors ... In three Volumes ...

    London: Chapman and Hall ... 1891.

    First edition of a ‘striking study of marital misery’ (Sutherland). Sadleir 1700.


  12. MICHELETTI, Giacomo Lolli.

    Tivoli illustrata proposta ai giovani della medesima citta.

    Rome, Mordacchini, 1818.

    First edition of this history of Tivoli.


  13. MICHETTI, Charles.

    Catalogue des estampes des plus grands maitres, tableaux, bagues, livres, vases, idoles, &. qui composent la...

    Vienna, 1790.

    First edition. Description of the cabinet assembled by Charles Michetti in Vienna. Michetti stresses in his introduction that his collection was put together not for financial gain but because he liked the look of the pieces and appreciated their artistic merit. The bulk of the collection is made up...


  14. MORELLET, André, Abbé.

    Lettres inédites … sur l’histoire politique et littéraire des années 1806 et 1807 …

    Paris, Ladvocat [and London, Martin Bossange], 1822.

    First edition of a collection of fourteen letters from the Abbé Morellet (1727–1819) to an anonymous correspondent in Italy, published as a supplement to his Mémoires sur le XVIIIe siècle et sur la Révolution (1821).


  15. MOROZOV, Nikolai Aleksandrovich.

    Zvezdnyia pesni … [Celestial Songs].

    Moscow, “Zadruga”, 1920.

    First published in 1910, this second, enlarged edition is the ‘first complete edition’ of Morozov’s poetry, bringing the collection up-to-date (i.e. 1919). We offer volume I; a second appeared in 1921.


  16. MOROZOV, Mikhail Mikhailovich.

    O’tao. Drama v 2-kh deistviiakh [Drama in Two Acts].

    Moscow, Sozvezdie, 1921.

    First edition of a short play, set in Japan, by the Shakespeare scholar and translator M.M. Morozov (1897–1952). It was premiered on 15 June 1921.



    Notice des tableaux exposés dans la Galerie Napoléon.

    Paris, Bubray, 1810.

    Pocket guide to the pictures exhibited in the Musée Napoléon. The collection was largely composed of paintings looted by Napoleon; the museum was dissolved after Waterloo and and attempts were made to return the pictures to their rightful owners.


  18. MUSIL, Robert.

    Vinzenz und die Freundin bedeutender Männer. Posse in drei Akten.

    Berlin, Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, 1924.

    Rare first edition of Musil’s (1880–1942) early farce, featuring an abduction, extramarital affairs, and a staged murder.


  19. MYRDAL, Gunnar.

    Asian Drama. An inquiry into the poverty of nations.

    New York, Pantheon, 1968.

    Third printing, published in the same year as the first edition, of this important study which took ten years to complete.
