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  1. DALI, Salvador.

    Alpes: French Railways.

    France, Draeger for SNCF, 1970.

    A gorgeous and colourful surrealist design of delicate butterflies fluttering against a rugged Alpine backdrop, one of six designs commissioned from Dali by SNCF, French national railways, to promote travel into the Alpine region.


  2. DALI, Salvador.

    Normandie. French Railways.

    France, Draeger for SNCF, 1970.

    Mont Saint-Michel meets stone circles, butterflies and surrealist heads in this promotional SNCF poster for train travel in Normandy.


  3. DALI, Salvador.

    Roussillon. French Railways.

    France, Draeger for SNCF, 1970.

    Further butterfly-interspersed surrealism for SNCF, this time for the Roussillon
    region, featuring a stylised cross of Languedoc above a beach scene against a
    mountainous backdrop


  4. DALI, Salvador.

    Alsace. French Railways.

    France, Draeger for SNCF, 1970.

    A striking monochrome image of the Temple Saint-Étienne, also known as the Cathedral of Mulhouse, against a murky sky. A vast butterfly blends into the foreground.


  5. GANF, Iulii Abramovich, and P. PISKUNOV, editor.

    Да здравствует конституция страны социализма!...

    Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva, 1953.

    Typically Soviet poster illustrated by graphic artist Iuli Ganf, whose satirical work was published in magazines and newspapers such as Krokodil.



    Finis les mauvais jours! Papa gagne de l’argent en Allemagne! [The bad days are over!...

    [Paris], Office de Répartition de l´Affichage, 1943.

    Rare, encouraging the voluntary relocation of French workers from impoverished and semi-starved France to Germany factories.


  7. [FASCISM.]

    Ordinamento Corporativo dello Stato Fascista.

    Padua, Edizione di propaganda corporative, 1935.

    Italian Fascism primarily followed the economic model of corporatism to organise capital and labour interest groups into trade unions and employer associations such as agriculture, industry, commercial trade, professionals and artists, as well as banks and credit associations. These trade associations...



    Votez toujours. Je ferai le reste [Always vote. I’ll do the rest].

    Paris, Comite d'initiative pour un movement revolutionnaire, Imprimerie Robert et Cie, 1968.

    First edition. A striking image of General De Gaulle patting France on the head for obediently voting, a baton cunningly concealed behind him. 1968 was a year when passions were flying high in France. The communist and socialist parties had formed an alliance in February with a view to replacing...



    Which? Have you a reason or only an excuse for not enlisting Now!

    London, The Abbey Press, 1915.

    A forthright call to the men of London, encouraging them to enlist for military service during World War One.


  10. PIECK, Henri C.

    10 Dagen Die De Wereld Deden Wankelen.

    Amsterdam, Skovino, 1927.

    A rare lithograph of Pieck’s dramatic illustration for Ten Days that Shook the World (October in English), a silent film commissioned by the Soviet government to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the October Revolution. Made by the director of Battleship Potemkin (1925), Sergei Eisenstein, the...


  11. [RALEIGH, Henry Patrick].

    Must children die and mothers plead in vain? Buy More Liberty Bonds.

    New York, Sakett & Wilhelms Corp., [1918].

    This poster was produced to for the sale of the third or fourth liberty loans in 1918, which saw the printing of 9 and 10 million promotional posters produced, respectively. The large-scale of the effort was seen to reflect a turning point in war advertising. As the US was an immigrant nation, the Federal...



    За антиимпериалистическую солидарность, мир и прогресс! [For...

    Moscow, Izdatelstvo Plakat, 1975.

    A dramatic manifestation of the Soviet Union’s claim to be the foremost enemy of imperialism, and a vehement supporter of independence movements throughout the third world, as demonstrated here by the traditional dress of some of the figures in the background.


  13. MARINI, Giovanni Ambrogio.

    The Desperadoes; an heroick History. Translated from the Italian of the celebrated Marini (the Original...

    London: Printed by W. R. and sold by T. Asltey … J. Isted … and T. Worrall … 1733.

    First and only edition in English of Le gare de’ disperati (1644), the second of three romances by Marini (1596-1668). Inevitably, ‘It was necessary to omit many Things that were contrary to our Morals; to Decency, and to the Purity of the English Tongue …’. But the general scheme of events...


  14. PENN, Christopher.

    The Nicholas Brothers & A. T. W. Penn: photographers of South India 1855 – 1885. With a foreword by John Falconer.

    London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2014.

    An examination of the successful studios established by John and James Perratt Nicholas and Albert Penn in Madras and Ootacamund. The majority of the photographs are published here for the first time. Also includes a copy of the scarce Nicholas & Co. 1881 catalogue listing over 450 subjects.


  15. [BROWN, Thomas, pseud.].

    Brighton; or, the Steyne. A satirical Novel. In three Volumes …

    London: Printed for the Author. Sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones … 1818.

    First edition, a ‘novel’ heavily interspersed with disguised character sketches. The main plot, such as it is, centres on Lord Heathermount and a ‘beautiful incognita’, but everywhere they turn they bump into the notables of the day, from the Prince Regent’s close circle to the Lake Poets.


  16. DESENFANS, Noel Joseph.

    Les deux Hermites, dédié a mylord Lyttelton …

    A Londres; chez R. Davis … J Ridley … W Owen … 1773.

    First and only edition, uncommon, of an epistolary novel by the future art dealer Noel Joseph Desenfans. The scene is Paris in the 1680s, the theme is Enlightenment, and the author’s aim was to inspire ‘l’horreur de l’oppression, sentiment nécessaire à l’harmonie de la Société, & vertu...


  17. [PATCH, Richard, defendant.]

    The Trial of Richard Patch, for the wilful Murder of Mr. Isaac Blight, on the 23d of Sept. 1805, at...

    London: Printed, by the express Appointment of the Sheriff, for Edward Jeffery ... Sold by John Walker ... H. D. Symonds ... Harris ... W....

    First edition of this report of a famous trial (there was a rival version from the shorthand of Joseph and W. B. Gurney). Richard Patch (1770?-1806) was an unsuccessful farmer near Exeter who mortgaged his farms in 1803 and departed to London, where he entered the service of Isaac Blight, a ship-breaker...


  18. [SHIPLEY, William].

    Comparative Observations on two of the Poems which were honoured with Prizes in a late Certamen at Ch. Ch....

    York: Printed in theYear 1767

    First edition of an undergraduate prank in which the future Dean of St. Asaph ridicules the awarding of prizes by the Dean of Christ Church and his fellow judges to two Latin poems written in honour of a visit by the Prince of Brunswick. An ironic dedication to the Dean is followed by the text of the...


  19. [SMOLLETT, Tobias George.]

    Autograph letter, signed, from one Charles Young to an unnamed recipient offering for sale the original...

    London, undated, c.1850

    Although he had already embarked on his career as a novelist ‘Smollett continued to practise medicine and write on medical matters. In June 1750, with supportive references from other practitioners and having paid the fee of £28 Scots, he was awarded the degree of MD by Marischal College’ (Oxford...


  20. ALEXANDER, Jonathan, and Francis WORMALD, eds..

    An Early Breton Gospel Book. A Ninth-Century Manuscript from the Collection of...

    The Roxburghe Club, 1977.

    This ninth-century manuscript was the oldest and most important in the collection formed by Harry Bradfer-Lawrence. The book was begun by Professor Francis Wormald. He discusses the manuscript’s antecedents, both Carolingian and Merovingian, and the marked influence of Tours that points to a Breton...
