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  1. [ROUSSEAU, Pierre.] 

    Considérations sur le théatre de l’opéra.  Novembre 1822. 

    [Paris,] de l’imprimerie de Rignoux, [1822].

    Very rare proposal for a new opera house in Paris by the architect Pierre Rousseau (1751–1829), annotated by the author and accompanied by an autograph letter. 


  2. ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques. 

    Du contract social; ou Principes du droit politique ... 

    Milan, François Pogliani, 1796. 

    Rare first edition printed in Italy of Rousseau’s Contrat social. 


  3. H.M.S. COMUS and H.M.S. TOURMALINE. [HELBY, Harold Wildey Hasler.]   

    Log Book.  Hong Kong, Singapore, Palau, Yokohama,...

    Dec 1881–Feb 1884. 

    A characterful log book charting the voyage of Royal Navy steamer H.M.S. Comus, beginning with its berth in Hong Kong and following its course around the Pacific, before its passage home across the Atlantic. It records the technicalities of cruising by steam; the significant international...



    Thèse de chirurgie, sur l’opération de l’empyeme, dédiée à messieurs les capitouls. Soutenue sous la présidence...

    Toulouse, de l’imprimerie de la veuve de J.F. Desclassan, [1780].

    Very rare thesis on empyema thoracis (infection of the pleural cavity) by Dr Fraissines, first surgeon at Saint-Eloi hospital in Montpellier and a member of the city’s Société Royale des Sciences. Identified by Hippocrates, pleural infection remains a severe disease with a significant mortality...



    Carnaval 1929.

    Paris, Festa, 1929.

    Fancy dress French style, a showcase of products available wholesale for the 1929 Carnival, from a costume merchant.


  6. VERLAINE, Paul, and Léon LEBÈGUE (illustrator).

    Fêtes gallantes.

    Paris, F. Ferroud for the Librairie des Amateurs, 30 July 1913.

    Limited edition on vélin teinté d’Arches, numbered 430 of 500 copies, with etchings by Lebègue. First published in 1869, Verlaine’s Fêtes gallantes are here exquisitely printed and illustrated by Léon Lebègue (1863 – 1944) and finely bound by Flammarion.


  7. WEBER, Max.

    Wirtschaftsgeschichte … Abriss der universalen Sozial- und Wirtschafts-geschichte. Aus den nachgelassenen Vorlesungen...

    Munich and Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1923.

    First edition of this posthumous compilation of lectures.



    Archive of photographs, printed material, student manuscripts relating to Crofton Grange School.


    A charming archive from the Crofton Grange girls’ boarding school, including over 3,600 leaves of poetry, short stories, and artwork produced by the students between 1930-1955, a poignant insight into a community – and a nation – irrevocably altered by war.


  9. BROWN, Arthur Henry.

    Autograph manuscript notebook mainly of Christmas carols.

    [Brentwood?, 1864–87].

    An autograph manuscript notebook composed primarily of Christmas carols, compiled carefully over some twenty-five years from various sources including manuscripts in the British Museum, early printed books, and contemporary books and periodicals.


  10. HERNÁNDEZ, Miguel.

    Viento del pueblo. Poesia en la guerra.

    Valencia, Ediciones ‘Socorro Rojo’, 1937.

    First edition of a scarce collection of Civil War poems by the ‘soldier-poet’ Miguel Hernández; from the library of Stephen Spender, who met Hernández in Madrid in the summer of 1937 and would champion and translate his work.


  11. [MAGRATH, Cornelius.]

    ‘Ein Irländer Riss …’

    Nuremberg, 1756.

    A delightful promotional image for the Continental tour of ‘The Irish Giant’ Cornelius Magrath (1736/7–1760), ‘To be seen in Nuremberg in the month of July 1756’.


  12. NIEUHOF, Jean, and Jean LE CARPENTIER (translator). 

    L’ambassade de la compagnie orientale des provinces unies...

    Leiden, Jacob de Meurs, 1665. 

    Lavishly illustrated first French edition of Nieuhof’s travels through China from 1655 to 1657. 



    ‘Journal of a trip to Holland July 1825’.

    The Netherlands and Belgium, 1825.

    An entertaining and informative diary of a holiday in the Netherlands and Belgium by an anonymous Englishman, recording his adventures in Rotterdam, Delft, The Hague, Leiden, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Waterloo, Ghent, and Bruges.


  14. BRADLEY Gertrude M., illustrator.

    An archive of drawings for Just Forty Winks.

    [c. 1897].

    Fifty-eight delightful preliminary pencil sketches by the illustrator Gertrude M. Bradley for Just Forty Winks, Hendry’s tale for children, offered with a copy of the first and only edition, rare in the dustjacket.


  15. CAMPBELL, Duncan. 

    A Poem upon Tea.  Wherein its Antiquity, its several Virtues and Influences are set forth; and the Wisdom...

    London, Mrs. Dodd, J. Roberts, J. Wilcox et al., 1735. 

    First and only edition, very scarce, of a series of poetical sketches in praise of tea over alcohol, dedicated ‘To the Fair Sex’ and with an unusual double preface to the masculine and then the feminine reader.  Tea had arrived in Britain in the 1650s, but its expense made it very exclusive;...


  16. AVGERINOS, Hypatios.

    Πονηµατα δραµατικα. [Ponemata dramatika.]

    Trieste, Austrian Lloyd, 1849.

    Very rare first edition of Avgerinos’ dramas of Greek Romanticism, three pieces uniting sentiments of nationalism, liberty, and philhellenism with aesthetic and literary reflections on the style and scope of dramatic poetry.


  17. [SATIRE.]

    L’Art de plumer la poulle sans crier.

    Cologne [i.e. the Netherlands?], Robert le Turc, 1710.

    First(?) edition of this scarce collection of twenty-one satirical anecdotes, mostly about the law, money and women, exposing hypocrisy and abuses of authority. Several stories mention the lieutenant-criminel of Paris, Jacques Deffita. In one story a poor lawyer escaping a storm stumbles upon...


  18. [HABINGTON, William.] 

    Castara … the third Edition.  Corrected and augmented. 

    London, T. Cotes, for Will. Cooke, 1640. 

    First complete edition.  The first two parts were published in 1634 and 1635-6.  The third part (pp. 167-228) appears here for the first time, and turns from love to religious reflection.  Where the first two parts had expressed their dominant themes (courtship and married love) with the prose...


  19. BEARDSLEY, Aubrey, art editor; Henry HARLAND, literary editor

    The Yellow Book.  An Illustrated Quarterly.  Volume...

    London [– & New York], Elkin Mathews & John Lane [– John Lane, The Bodley Head], and Boston, Copeland & Day, April 1894 [− April 1897]. 

    An excellent set of the first edition of The Yellow Book, the decade-defining illustrated quarterly that captured the spirit of decadence and aestheticism and gave its name to ‘the yellow nineties’. 


  20. [ROZIER.] 

    Le rozier historial de France contenant deux roziers.  Le p[re]mier rozier contient plusieurs belles rozes et boutons...

    Paris, [Gilles Couteau for François Regnault,] 26 February 1522 [i.e. 1523]. 

    First edition, the very handsome Fairfax-Murray copy, of the Rozier historial de France
