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  1. BRULL, Mariano.

    Canto Redondo.

    Paris, Ediciones GLM, 1934.

    First edition of Brull’s third book of poems, no. 8 of 12 copies on Normandy Vellum, from an edition of 212, inscribed one the front endpaper to the French poet and translator Mathilde Pomès, ‘amiga cordialisima, con el afecto y la admiración sincera de Mariano Brull / Paris, 1934’.


  2. BROWNE, Thomas; Paul NASH, illustrator. 

    Urne Buriall and the Garden of Cyrus … with Thirty Drawings by Paul Nash. ...

    London, [Curwen Press, for] Cassell & Co., 1932. 

    First edition, No. 177 of 215 copies on paper handmade by J. Barcham Green, the most celebrated of Nash’s illustrated books, the drawings beautifully reproduced using the pochoir technique by the Curwen Press. 


  3. BERGAMÍN, José.

    Mangas y capirotes. (España en su laberinto teatral del XVII).

    [Madrid], Editorial Plutarco, 1933.

    First edition, a collection of essays on seventeenth-century Spain, centred on Lope de Vega.


  4. [DEZALLIER D’ARGENVILLE, Antoine Joseph.]

    Conchyliologie nouvelle et portative, ou collection de coquilles propres à orner les...

    Paris, ‘chez Regnard, Imprimeur de l’Académie Françoise’, 1767.

    First edition, uncommon, of this pocket guide to the then relatively new craze for collecting shells.


  5. [CHAPBOOK.]

    Narrow Escape from the Punishment of Death, or, The Case of John Taylor and John Burton, who were left for Execution...

    Collins … and Evans and Sons … [c. 1820–1826].

    An uncommon early chapbook from the press of Augustus Applegath (1788–1871), interpreting the real-life stay of execution for two sheep-stealers as an act of divine providence.


  6. FERRER, Ventura Pascual.

    Historia de los Dictadores de la republica Romana …

    Cartagena de Indias, Government Press for Gonzalez Pujòl, 1814.

    First edition, very rare, of this Colombia-printed history of the Roman dictators by the Cuban lawyer and writer Ferrer y Feruz (1772–1851), written in Colombia during the civil strife of early independence.


  7. CARLI, Paolo Francesco da Montecarlo.

    La Svinatura di Barbigi Mezzabarba (Paol Francesco Carli da Montecarlo) resa a miglior lezione...

    Campobasso, Stab. Tip. Del Progresso, 1878.

    Rare edition of a satire by poet and abbot Paolo Francesco Carli (1652–1725) ridiculing the work of his nemesis, the Tuscan priest and schoolmaster Giovan Paolo Lucardesi, who made a tremendous theological blunder in a sonnet in which he describes Christ as ‘crucified and triune’, thus undermining...



    Aristophanis comicorum principis Comoediae undecim, e graeco in latinum ad verbu[m] translatae Andreae Divo Iustinopolitano...

    Venice, 1542 [colophon: apud D. Jacob a Burgofrancho papiensem, 1538].

    First collected Latin edition of Aristophanes, translated from the Greek by Andrea Divo.


  9. CARY, John.

    ‘Cary’s New Pocket Plan of London, Westminster and Southwark; with all the adjacent Buildings in St. George’s...

    London, ‘Printed for J. Cary, Engraver, Map & Printseller, No 181, Strand,’ 1 January 1800.

    Cary’s folding pocket map of London, from Hyde Park and Chelsea in the West to Bethnal Green and Rotherhithe in the East, showing the development of London’s communications network.


  10. GUARINI, Giovanni Battista.

    Il Pastor fido, tragicommedia pastorale … Ora in questa XXVII impressione di curiose, & dotte Annotationi...

    Venice, Giovanni Battista Ciotti, 1602.

    Revised edition, the last lifetime revision, of Guarini’s immensely popular pastoral tragicomedy, passed from father to son and with a touching ownership inscription celebrating the latter’s late wife.


  11. PEROTTI, Niccolò.

    In hoc volumine habentur haec. Cornucopiae, sive linguae latinae co[m]mentarii diligentissime recogniti, atq[ue]...

    Toscolano, Alessandro Paganini, April 1522.

    Handsome edition of the masterful Cornucopiae of the Italian humanist and grammarian Niccolò Perotti (1429–1480), printed in Alessandro Paganini’s distinctive small italic type.


  12. [PERRET, Paul or Gustave DROZ (attributed), and Leonard SMITHERS (translator).]

    Tableaux Vivants, completely...

    Athens [i.e. London], ‘Imprinted by the Erotika Biblion Society for private distribution only’, 1888.

    First edition, no. 162 of 250 copies, of this series of erotic vignettes printed by the Erotika Biblion Society, the second work printed by the society and the first of their Bibliothèque Française series.


  13. LE GRAND, Antoine.

    Institutio philosophiae, secundum principia domini Renati Descartes, nova methodo adornata & explicata, in usum...

    London, J. Martyn, 1672.

    First edition of this influential work in the transmission of Descartes’s ideas in England, with rich evidence of multiple early English owners.


  14. LAET, Joannes de, editor.

    De imperio Magni Mogolis sive India vera commentarius e variis auctoribus congestus …

    Leiden, ‘ex officina Elzeviriana’, 1631.

    Pocket-sized Elzevir edition (one of two issued in the same year) of this work on India and the Mughal Empire compiled by the Dutch geographer Joannes de Laet (1581–1649), this copy, exceptionally, in its original drab boards.


  15. PASSI, Marco Celio.

    Memorie sulla vita di Donna Giuseppina Passi nata Marchesa Lomellini di Genova.

    Bergamo, Stamperia Mazzoleni, 1832.

    Scarce first edition of a touching memorial to Giuseppina Passi (1809–1831), born Marchioness Lomellini of Genoa, who died after complications in childbirth at the age of twenty-one.


  16. [NUPTIALIA.]

    Per le Faustissime Nozze del Nobile Signor Bartolomeo Grillenzoni di Carpi colla Nobile Signora Contessa Luigia Giacobazzi...

    Guastalla, ‘Nella Regio-Ducale Stamperia di Salvatore Costa e Comp.’, 1791.

    Seemingly unrecorded, provincially printed sonnets written to mark the marriage of Bartolomeo Grillenzoni and Luigia Gioacobazzi, dedicated to the father of the groom.


  17. HEWIT, Alexander.

    Poems on various Subjects, (English and Scotch,) …

    Berwick-upon-Tweed, Printed for the Author, by W. Lochhead [1823].

    First edition, scarce, possibly the dedication copy though subsequently defaced, of this collection of poems by ‘The Berwickshire Ploughman’.


  18. [POSTCARDS.] ‘PSH’.

    Twenty-nine manuscript postcards.

    London, 1912–c. 1920?.

    A rare, personal, and comic snapshot into London life and English humour in the first quarter of the twentieth-century.


  19. [RIEZ, diocese of.]

    Officia propria sanctorum ecclesiae Regiensis a … Ludovico Donio d’Attichi, episcopo Regiensi, ac domino,...

    Aix-en-Provence, Charles David, 1675. [bound with:] Hymni in honorem Bti. Maximi Regensis episcopi. Die XXVII. novembris. In I. & II. vesperis...

    Very rare edition of the sanctorale for the diocese of Riez in southeastern France, bound with an unrecorded printing of hymns to St Maximus, the first bishop of Riez, and with thirty-two pages of related manuscript notes.


  20. VIRGIL Maro, Publius, and Giovanni Andrea dell’ANGUILLARA (trans.). 

    Il primo libro della Eneida di Vergilio,...

    Padua, Gratioso Perchacino, 1564. 

    First edition of the first book of Anguillara’s verse translation of the Aeneid, a copy printed on strong paper and inscribed by the author.  The humanist, poet, and successful translator of Ovid Giovanni Andrea dell’Anguillara (1517–1572) undertook to translate into Italian ottava...
