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  1. [BLIXEN, Karen.] DINESEN, Isak, pseud.

    Babettes Gaestebud [Babette’s Feast].

    Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, [1952].

    First edition in book form of Babette’s Feast by Danish author Karen Blixen (1885–1962), author of Out of Africa.


  2. [BESLER, Georg, Hector PÖMER, and Wolfgang VOLPRECHT.]

    Appellation unnd Beruffung der Pröbst unnd des Augustiner Priors...

    [Nuremberg, Friedrich Peypus,] 1524.

    First and only edition of this pamphlet by the Lutheran provosts and Augustinian prior of Nuremberg, appealing Bishop Weigand von Redwitz’s ruling to excommunicate them as heretics, with magnificent near-contemporary hand-painted and illuminated illustrations of the defendants’ arms.


  3. CLÜVER, Philipp.

    Introductio in universam geographiam tam veterem, quam novam …

    Wolfenbüttel, Caspar Johann Bismarck for Conrad Buno, 1686.

    The 1686 edition of perhaps the most important geographical textbook of the early modern period, an introduction to global geography by the German antiquarian and geographical pioneer Philipp Clüver, enlarged and supplemented by the German geographer Johann Buno.


  4. [FACCHINEI, Ferdinando.]

    Note ed osservazioni sul libro intitolato Dei delitti e delle pene.

    [Venice, Zatta,] 1765.

    First edition of this influential Enlightenment work with profound philosophical, political, and economic implications, containing in a single page both one of the earliest instances of the term ‘socialist’ in print and an early reference to the concept of the ‘invisible hand’, pitched one...


  5. BERNARD of Clairvaux.

    Opera omnia, tam quae vere germana illius esse nemo inficias eat, quam quae spuria & supposititia (quanquam...

    Paris, [Nicolas Bruslé for] Sébastien Nivelle, [1571-] 1572.

    A rare Parisian edition of the works of Bernard of Clairvaux, beautifully preserved in a contemporary Spanish plateresca binding with elaborate fore-edge lettering.


  6. LANGE, Norah.

    45 Días y 30 marineros. Novela.

    Buenos Aires, Editorial Tor (Colección Cometa), 1933.

    First edition: Norah Lange’s second novel, which follows a 20-year old girl, Ingrid, the only woman on the ship, on a voyage from Buenos Aires to Oslo.


  7. GARCIA, Gregorio.

    Origen de los Indios de el nuevo mundo, e Indias Occidentales, averiguado con discurso de opiniones por el padre...

    Madrid, Francisco Martinez Abad, 1729.

    Second enlarged edition (first 1607) of an extraordinary work on the origin of the Americans by the Spanish Dominican missionary Gregorio Garcia (c. 1556–1627), ‘a work of vast erudition’ (Sabin).


  8. SANSON, Nicolas.

    L’Asie en plusieurs cartes nouvelles, et exactes; et en divers traittés de geographie, et d’histoire. Là...

    Paris, for the author, 1658.

    Scarce second edition, featuring seventeen maps of Asia by the great French cartographer Nicolas Sanson, supplemented with his notes on Asiatic geography.


  9. [BARSANTI, Pier Vincenzo.] 

    Della futura rinnovazione de’ cieli e della terra e de’ suoi abitatori libri tre. 

    [Florence,] Stamperia Bonducciana, 1780. 

    First edition of this utopia by the Tuscan Dominican Pier Vincenzo Barsanti. 


  10. KRASHENINNIKOV, Stepan Petrovich; James GRIEVE, translator.

    The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski Islands, with the countries...

    Gloucester, R. Raikes for T. Jefferys, 1764.

    First edition of this English abridgement of Stepan Krasheninnikov’s account of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands, ‘the first scientific account of those regions’ (Hill), illustrated with two maps by Thomas Jefferys and five engraved plates.


  11. OSTERVALD, Samuel Frédéric.

    Hn. Friedrich Osterwalds, Pannerherrn in Neufchatel, Anfangs-Gründe der Erdbeschreibung, zum Nutzen...

    Strasbourg, Bauer und Treuttel, 1777.

    Uncommon German edition of an introduction to world geography for children by the Swiss writer and publisher Ostervald (1713–1795), co-founder of the Société Typographique de Neuchâtel.


  12. TILLEY, Henry Arthur.

    Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific; with notices of other places comprised in a voyage of circumnavigation...

    London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1861.

    First edition, illustrated with eight handsome tinted lithographs of Japanese scenes.


  13. MORENO VILLA, José.

    Carambas. (I.a serie [– 3.a serie]).

    Madrid, Ediciones Posibles, 1931.

    First edition of the complete series of Moreno Villa’s Carambas.


  14. FREEMAN, Arthur, and Janet ING FREEMAN.

    Courtship, Slander, and Treason: Studies of Mary Queen of Scots, the Fourth Duke...

    London, 2019.

    Courtship, Slander, and Treason presents two independent but complementary studies of episodes in the career of Mary, Queen of Scots after her flight to England in 1568: her ‘forbidden match’ with the ranking English peer Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, in 1568–72, and her own...


  15. WORCESTER, Edward Somerset, Marquess of.

    A Century of the Names and Scantlings of such Inventions, as at present I can call...

    Reprinted, and sold by T. Payne … 1746.

    Second edition of a charming catalogue of inventions claimed to have been ‘tried and perfected’ by the royalist second Marquess of Worcester (1601–1667), first published in 1663. 


  16. [COLUMBUS.] QUARITCH, Bernard, and Michael KERNEY.

    The Spanish Letter of Columbus … A facsimile of the original edition...

    [London,] Quaritch, 2006.

    Over the centuries, booksellers have contributed much to the elucidation and sometimes to the falsification of historical documents. The story of the first printed account of the New World, usually known as Christopher Columbus’s Letter to Santángel or simply the Columbus Letter, illustrates...


  17. BLAND-SUTTON, John, Sir.

    Man and Beast in eastern Ethiopia. From Observations made in British East Africa, Uganda, and the Sudan...

    London, Macmillan and Co., 1911.

    First edition, a presentation copy from the author to the Welsh surgeon Sir John Milsom Rees (1866–1952). Bland-Sutton (1855–1936) served as President of both the Royal Society of Medicine and the Royal College of Surgeons.


  18. MCNAIR, Frederick.

    Perak and the Malays: “Sārong” and “Krīs” … Illustrated with thirteen engravings by R. Knight, from...

    London, Tinsley Brothers, 1878.

    First edition. The author, who had held the position of chief commissioner in Perak during the disturbances which followed the murder of the British resident in 1875–6, wrote this account of the region whilst recuperating from jungle fever. It is ‘a substantial book, drawing heavily on his own experience...


  19. [CHOLERA.]

    Bitte wegen der Cholera, welche bei den Gottesdiensten in das Schluβ-Gebet aufzunehmen ist.

    [Württemberg: s.n., 11 October 1831].

    Cholera, the ‘plague’ of the nineteenth century, affected large parts of populations across Eurasia and can be counted as one of the most devastating types of epidemics until today. The second pandemic of c. 1826 to 1841 swept from Mecca via Egypt to Europe, and reached Central Europe, and thence...


  20. [BRACKEN, Henry (attributed).]

    Ten Minutes Advice to every Gentleman going to purchase a Horse out of a Dealer, Jockey,...

    London, for the author and sold by John Bell, and York, C. Etherington, [c. 1775].

    Very rare second edition of advice on the purchase of horses, with the tricks used by dealers to deceive buyers. Though the text is commonly attributed to Bracken, he is unlikely to have published anything a decade after his death; the author’s preface, signed ‘S.’, may offer a more productive...
