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  1. SMITH, Hubert, and Thomas Charles BROMWICH, photographer

    A short Memoir of the late eminent Shropshire Genealogist...

    Madeley (Shropshire), J. Randall, 1879. 

    First separate edition, photographically illustrated, of this short memoir of the Shropshire antiquary William Hardwicke. 


  2. WIEST, Stephan.

    De iustitia dei punitiva contra quaedam adserta cl. Eberhardi et Steinbartii aliorumque disserit P. Stephanus Wiest...

    Ingolstadt, Johann Wilhelm Krüll, [1787].

    Rare dissertation under the supervision of the Cistercian theologian and philosopher Stephan Wiest (1748–1797), at the time rector of the University of Ingolstadt, on the subject of whether divine justice is to be seen as punitive or restorative.


  3. MACHIAVELLI, Niccolò.

    Opere inedite di Niccolò Machiavelli.

    ‘Londra’ [Lucca, Jacopo Giusti], 1760.

    First edition of previously unpublished writings by the great Florentine statesman and philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527), edited by Giovanni Maria Lampredi (1732–1793).


  4. DAMPIER, William et al.

    A collection of voyages. In four volumes. Containing I. Captain William Dampier’s voyages round the world...

    London, for James and John Knapton, 1729.

    The first collected edition, ‘considered by many to be the best’ (Hill), illustrated with 17 maps and 46 plates.


  5. WILLIAMS, Clement.

    Through Burmah to western China being notes of a journey in 1863 to establish the practicability of a trade-route...

    Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood and Sons, 1868.

    First edition of an important work on Myanmar by the surgeon, traveller, and photographer Clement Williams (1833–1879).


  6. [GUARINI, Giovanni Battista.]

    Il Pastor Fido.

    ‘In Parigi, appresso Tomaso Iolly, 1706’.

    Scarce Parisian edition of Guarini’s immensely popular ‘pastoral tragi-comedy’, charmingly illustrated by Antonio Luciani.


  7. SPENCE, James.

    The Light of Heaven, on the Path of Youth: A Sermon tot the Young, preached in Cannon Street Chapel, Preston, on...

    Preston, John Walker, and London, John Snow, [1849].

    First edition, apparently unrecorded, of this sermon on Psalm 119, ‘Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word’.


  8. TULL, H., Rev.

    A Sermon preached in St. Mary’s Church Oldham on Sunday Evening December 22 1850 … being the first of six sermons...

    Oldham, D. Evans, 1851.

    First edition, very rare, of an anti-Catholic sermon by Henry Tull (1791–1859), graduate of St Edmund Hall, Oxford, and vicar of St John’s Chadderton, preached and printed in Oldham.


  9. [ALMANACK.]

    Edinburgh Almanack, for the Year M.DCC.LI. being the third after leap year …

    Edinburgh, R. Fleming, and sold by the Widow of James Voy, [1750.]

    Very rare Edinburgh almanack for the year 1751, dedicated on the title-page to the provost, baillies and council of the city.


  10. CAESAR, Gaius Julius.

    Commentarii … tradotti di latino in volgar lingua per Agostino Ortica della Porta Genovese, nuovamente...

    Venice, Heirs of Aldus, 1547.

    Best edition in Italian of Caesar’s Commentaries, a copy with attractive Scottish provenance.


  11. [FRASER, William Augustus, Sir.]

    Poems by the Knight of Morar.

    London, Whittingham and Wilkins, 1867.

    First edition, privately printed, a presentation copy inscribed on the title-page ‘From the Author . Paris. 1867.’


  12. MARTIN, Theodore, Sir.

    Horace and his Friends. Two Lectures delivered at the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution …

    Printed for private Circulation. 1881.

    First editions of two privately-printed pamphlets by the poet, translator and biographer Theodore Martin (1816–1909) – presentation copies, to the Scottish journalist John Skelton, a frequent contributor to Blackwood’s Magazine (as was Martin).


  13. PATON, Joseph Noel, Sir.

    Address read at the Delivery of the Prizes to the Students of the School of the Honourable the...

    [London, Clay & Sons, 1875].

    Presentation copies of two very rare academic addresses, that by Sir Noel Paton (one of 20 copies printed according to a note on the title-page) inscribed ‘John Skelton Esq., with N.P.’s kindest regards’, the Tulloch with a slip inscribed ‘From the Author’ tipped in.


  14. SPOTISWOOD, John.

    An Introduction to the Knowledge of the Stile of Writs, Simple and Compound, made Use of in Scotland ... The...

    Edinburgh: William Brown and John Mosman, and sold by William Brown, 1727.

    Third edition, annotated by Neil Ballingall (1750–1843), factor to the Balfour family at Balbirnie, Fife.


  15. [WALKER, Patrick.]

    Some remarkable Passages of the Life and Death of Mr. Alexander Peden, late Minister of the Gospel at Glenluce...

    Glasgow: J. and M. Robertson, 1794.

    Very rare chapbook life of the Covenanter Alexander Peden (1626–1686), first published 1724 and much reprinted; the ‘second part’ first appeared in an edition of 1778.


  16. [WISHART, George.]

    I. G. de rebus auspiciis serenssimi, & potentissimi Caroli Dei gratia Magnae Brittanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae...

    [Amsterdam or The Hague,] 1647.

    First edition, rare, a fine paper copy in a handsome binding, of an account of the campaign of James Graham, Marquess of Montrose, against the Covenanters in 1644−46.


  17. [MACKY, John.]

    A Journey through England. In familiar Letters from a Gentleman here, to his Friend abroad … The Second Edition,...

    London: Printed for J. Hooke … 1722.

    Second edition of Vol. I, more than a hundred pages longer than the edition of 1714 and long delayed because ‘immediately after the Publication …. Queen Anne’s Death, and King George’s Accession to the Throne, took up so much of the Attention of Mankind, that the Author could...


  18. ANNAN, James Craig, photographer.

    Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, Works of Art, and Decorative Objects, the Property of...

    [London,] Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods …, 1882.

    First edition of the sale catalogue for the Hamilton Palace Collection, notable for its early and lavish use of photographic illustrations; the catalogue was also available without illustrations (at 5s – the illustrated set cost 21s), a copy of which is also offered here.


  19. ANNAN, Thomas.

    Memorials of the Old College of Glasgow.

    Glasgow, T. Annan Photographer; J. Maclehose, Publisher and Bookseller to the University, 1871

    A very good copy illustrated with albumen rather than carbon prints.


  20. [BURNS, Robert.] BRIGHT, Henry A[rthur].

    Some Account of the Glenriddell MSS. of Burns’s Poems: with several Poems never before...

    Liverpool, Gilbert G. Walmsley …, 1874.

    First edition, scarce, a presentation copy: a privately-printed catalogue of the famous Glenriddell manuscripts; Burns’s preface and several poems are printed here for the first time.
