Contact Alfred Pasternack
NIXON, Howard M.
Broxbourne Library: Styles and Designs of Bookbindings from the twelfth to the twentieth Century … with an...
London, Maggs Brothers for the Broxbourne Library, 1956.
First edition, one of three hundred copies, of Howard Nixon’s richly illustrated catalogue of the bindings in the library of Albert Ehrman.
BARKER, Nicolas.
Bibliotheca Lindesiana. The Lives and Collections of Alexander William, 25th Earl of Crawford and 8th Earl of...
The Roxburghe Club, 1977.
The Bibliotheca Lindesiana was perhaps the finest private library assembled in the nineteenth century. Nicolas Barker considers the library’s purpose and traces the circumstances of its formation in detail, in the process adding considerably to the biographies of the 25th and 26th Earls of Crawford,...
ALEXANDER, Jonathan, and Francis WORMALD, eds..
An Early Breton Gospel Book. A Ninth-Century Manuscript from the Collection of...
The Roxburghe Club, 1977.
This ninth-century manuscript was the oldest and most important in the collection formed by Harry Bradfer-Lawrence. The book was begun by Professor Francis Wormald. He discusses the manuscript’s antecedents, both Carolingian and Merovingian, and the marked influence of Tours that points to a Breton...
SPENCER, Eleanor P.
The Sobieski Hours: A Manuscript in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle.
London, [Rampant Lion Press for] Academic Press, 1977.
Limited edition, dedicated and presented to the Roxburghe Club by Robin Mackworth-Young, a member’s copy presented to Adrian McLaughlin.
WORMALD, Francis; Jonathan ALEXANDER, editor.
An Early Breton Gospel Book: A ninth-century Manuscript from the Collection of H.L....
Cambridge, ‘Printed [at the University Press] for presentation to the Members of the Roxburghe Club’, 1977.
First edition, dedicated and presented to the Roxburghe Club by Philip Bradfer-Lawrence, a member’s copy presented to Adrian McLaughlin.
LEAKE, Stephen Martin.
Heraldo Memoriale, or Memoirs of the College of Arms from 1727 to 1744. Edited by Anthony Richard Wagner.
The Roxburghe Club, 1981.
Stephen Martin Leake was Garter principal king of arms from 1754 to 1773. The three volumes of his extensive manuscript journal, Heraldo-Memoriale, are preserved in the College of Arms.
VOLTAIRE. FLOWER, Desmond, ed.
Thérèse, a fragment.
The Roxburghe Club, 1981.
Edited with an introduction by Desmond Flower. The Roxburghe Club, 1981. A facsimile reproduction, with transcription, of the eight pages of autograph manuscript which are all that survive of Therèse, a play written when Voltaire was nearing the height of his powers. Desmond Flower’s introduction...
Aspects of French Eighteenth Century Typography. A study of type specimens in the Broxbourne Collection at Cambridge...
Cambridge, The Roxburghe Club, 1982.
A history of French type design in the eighteenth century based on the author’s detailed examinations of French type ornaments and typefounding methods.
WILLIAMS, Franklin B., ed., with introduction and transcript by.
The Gardyners Passetaunce (c. 1512). With notes on the two unique...
The Roxburghe Club, 1985.
The book contains notes on the two unique editions in Westminster Abbey Library, descriptions of the bindings in which they were preserved, and the other items found in these bindings by Howard M. Nixon. I t has an image of a bust of Henry VIII by Torrigiani as frontispiece, facsimiles of the Pynson...
FERRAR, Nicholas.
Sir Thomas Smith’s Misgovernment of the Virginia Company by Nicholas Ferrar. A manuscript from the Devonshire...
The Roxburghe Club, 1990.
Ferrar’s text is a crucial document in the history of the Virginia Company and its colony. It reveals the intense animosity which destroyed the Company and is a vivid, powerful and one-sided denunciation of the maladministration that had brought the Company down. It is also something more – a vital...
ECCLES, Mary, Viscountess, and Gordon TURNBULL, eds..
James Boswell’s Book of Company at Auchinleck.
The Roxburghe Club, 1995.
The Book of Company is much more than a visitor’s book, since James Boswell comments on the men and women he met and entertained, and the occasions of his doing so, are all his own. It is therefore an important addition to his many-sided self-portrait. Beginning in 1782, two years before Samuel Johnson...
FREZZI, Federico.
Il Quadriregio. With an essay by B.H. Breslauer. Facsimile based on the edition printed in Florence in 1508.
The Roxburghe Club, 1998.
This is the first facsimile reproduction of one of the greatest Florentine illustrated books of the Renaissance – Il Quadriregio is to Florentine book illustration what the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili is to Venetian. The only surviving work of Federico Frezzi (c. 1350–1416), bishop of Foligno, the...
BARKER, Nicolas, ed.
Two East Anglian Picture Books. A facsimile of the Helmingham Herbal and Bestiary and Bodleian MS. Ashmole 1504.
The Roxburghe Club, 1988.
Full-size colour facsimiles of two extraordinary, and almost identical, medieval picture books containing a total of 98 pictures of flowers and trees and 58 of birds and animals together with a variety of other material (ornamental alphabets, drawings of coats of arms, household gear, embroidery patterns,...
BATHO, Gordon R., and Stephen Clucas, eds.
The Wizard Earl’s Advices to his Son. A Facsimile and Transcript from the Manuscript...
The Roxburghe Club, 2002.
The ‘Wizard Earl’, Henry, Ninth Earl of Northumberland, spent much of his life under suspicion. He was, first of all, suspected of being a member of the ‘School of Night’, the butt of Shakespeare’s Love’s Labours Lost. Secondly, and more gravely, he was suspected of involvement in the Gunpowder...
NAUNTON, Robert, Sir.
Fragmenta Regalia. Observations of the late Queene Elizabeth, Hir Times and Fauorites. Edited by Professor...
The Roxburghe Club, 2002.
A classic of memoir literature, Sir Robert Naunton’s Fragmenta Regalia was written c. 1634, circulated in manuscript, and first published in 1641, since when it has seldom been out of print. This edition presents the authentic text for the first time, from the very manuscript that Sir Robert had made...
BARKER, Nicolas, and David QUENTIN.
The Library of Thomas Tresham and Thomas Brudenell. With an introduction by John Martin Robinson.
The Roxburghe Club, 2006.
Sir Thomas Tresham (1543–1605) remains best-known for his buildings, especially the market house at Rothwell, the Triangular Lodge at Rushton and Lyveden New Bield. His library, one of the largest in England of its time, has hitherto attracted comparatively little interest. Now, as a result of a careful...
HEBER, Reginald, and Nicolas BARKER (editor).
A Letter from India.
The Roxburghe Club, 2020.
'I do not expect that with fair prospects of eminence at home, you should go to the Ganges for a mitre,’ wrote Sir Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, President of the Board of Commissioners for Indian Affairs, in 1819 to Reginald Heber at Hodnet in Shropshire, but in vain. Despite a growing reputation...