Human Sciences

Contact Jonathan Harrison, Alfred Pasternack or Barbara Scalvini

Human Sciences at Quaritch embraces a wide range of books and manuscripts documenting the history of ideas from the earliest times up to about 1960. Our strengths are in the history of economic thought and in philosophy, but we also deal in law; finance and banking (including speculation, actuarial science and insurance); politics and political theory; sociology; psychology; agriculture; education; logic; and the theory of language.

Some notable items which have recently passed through our hands include the only known copy of the Communist Manifesto inscribed by Karl Marx, Rudolf Carnap’s annotated copy of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung), Joseph Penso de la Vega’s Confusion de Confusiones (1688, the first book to describe the practice of a stock-exchange) and a copy of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (4th edition, 1786), inscribed in Smith's own hand to Bonnie Prince Charlie's private secretary.

As well as dealing in individual books and manuscripts, we also offer collections. In recent years we have sold author collections of Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, Thorstein Veblen, Emile Durkheim and Jeremy Bentham. Among subject collections we have offered are the Herwood Library of accounting literature (including Pacioli's Summa de Arithmetica, 1494, the first printed exposition of double-entry book-keeping); the philosophy of language; texts pertaining to the theory and study of language in the West, and the history of probability - the calculus of probabilities, statistics and their applications.

  1. [CAVALLERI, Paolo Agostino.]

    Lettera dall’Adriatico del signor Antonio Bianchi sopra l’opera de’diritti dell’uomo del sig....

    Rome, Giovanni Zempel, 1792 (colophon 1793).

    First edition, uncommon, of this counter-revolutionary polemic written in response to Spedalieri’s I diritti dell’uomo of the previous year and attributed to the Barnabite Paolo Agostino Cavalleri (1742-1803). Spedalieri had attempted a Catholic response to the revolutionary ideas of the rights of...


  2. [CERI, Giovacchino Domenico.]

    Prodromo all’estirpazione del pirronismo dalla ragion civile d’Italia.

    [Florence?] 1769.

    Only edition, uncommon, of this analysis of the political and legal organisation of Italy, and proposals for its improvement, by the Prato lawyer and historian Giovacchino Domenico Ceri (1734–1798).


  3. CHEVRET, Jean.

    Épitre a l’humanité et a la patrie en particulier, sur le bon ordre & l’idée de la véritable liberté. Suivie...

    [Paris?], au temple de la vérité, 1789.

    A good copy of this rare essay on the workings of society and the conditions required for human flourishing, by the controversialist and librarian Jean Chevret (1747-1820). After a brief letter addressed to humanity in general and France (even, perhaps, Chevret’s own home town of Meulan) in particular,...



    An Act for the better regulating the Nightly-Watch, and Beadles within the City of London, and Liberties thereof;...

    [London, 1737].

    Rare first edition of an act providing for the ‘raising and levying of Monies’ for the employment of night-watchmen in the City of London. ‘The said Constables, shall … use their best Endeavours, to prevent Fires, Murders, Burglaries, Robberies, and other Outrages, and Disorders …’. The act...


  5. [CLIFFORD, Jeronimy].

    The case of Jeronimy Clifford, merchant and planter of Surinam. Paper, No. 160.

    [London, n.p., 1711].

    First extended account of Clifford’s long-running legal battle with the Dutch West India Company in Surinam over Corcabo, his sugar plantation. The earlier publications had been just four pages long; this work furnishes us with plantation account details and testimonies, chronologically arranged with...


  6. CLIFFORD, Jeronimy.

    The case and replication of the legal representatives of Jeronimy Clifford; a British subject; and late merchant...

    London, C. Say, 1763.

    First edition of this comprehensive summary of Clifford’s long-running legal battle with the Dutch West India Company in Surinam over Corcabo, his sugar plantation, from the Macclesfield library, including a handsome folding ‘map of the colony of Surinam’.


  7. CONSTANT, Benjamin.

    Discours de M. Benjamin Constant à la Chambre des Députés.

    Paris, Ambroise Dupont, 1827-8.

    First edition of a collection of speeches delivered to the Chamber of Deputies by Benjamin Constant whose eloquence and oratorical skill led him to become a leader of the parliamentary block known first as the indépentants and later as libérals. One of the first liberals to go by the name, he was the...


  8. COWLEY, John.

    The Candidates Guide: or the Electors Rights decided. Shewing the Resolutions of the Honble the Commons of Great...

    London: Printed for J. Brindley ... and sold by Mrs. Dodd ... and by the Booksellers of London and Westminster: likewise in most great Towns...

    First edition of a guide to electoral rights ‘from the controverted Election for New-Castle-Under-Line, in April 1624, to that of Weymouth in May 1730’.



    Théorie des lois sociales.

    Paris, Demonville, An XII (1804).

    First edition of Dauray de Brie’s survey of ‘natural order’. Published in the year of Napoleon’s coronation as Emperor of France, the author’s tendency is anti-revolutionary, rejecting Rousseau’s statement that rule of a minority is against the natural order. Rather Dauray de Brie deplores...


  10. [DEFOE, Daniel.] 

    [Incipit:] Ye True-born Englishmen proceed … 

    [London, 1701.] 

    One of a number of editions (at least seven) in 1701, priority not established, of this popular poem attacking Parliament for its failure to support the Dutch against the aggressions of Louis XIV of France.  The texts ‘vary considerably’ (Moore) across the printings, which all appeared without...


  11. [DEFOE, Daniel, attributed author].

    A golden mine of treasure open’d for the Dutch. By a lover of Britain.

    London, [n.p.], 1718.

    First edition. ‘Ostensibly by two authors: p.1-32 by a foreigner, presumably a Swede; the “Application” which follows by an Englishman. Probably, not certainly, by Defoe’ (Moore, J.R. A checklist of the writings of Daniel Defoe). While Moore, in his Second Supplement, modified his statement to...


  12. DE LUCA, Giovanni Battista. 

    Il Cardinale della S.R. Chiesa pratico di Gio. Battista de Luca nell’ozio Tusculano della Primavera...

    Rome, nella stamperia della Reverenda Camera Apostolica, 1680. 

    Scarce first edition of this thorough work on the cardinalate by the Italian jurist and cardinal De Luca (1614–1683).  De Luca studied and practiced law at Naples before moving to Rome in 1645, where he established his reputation as one of Italy’s pre-eminent jurists and worked closely with...


  13. DISRAELI, Benjamin.

    Autograph envelope signed.

    [Probably London, c. 1874–1880.]

    An envelope probably dating from Disraeli’s second premiership (1874–1880). Lady Emily Peel (1836–1924) was the seventh daughter of the eighth marquess of Tweeddale. Lady Emily Hay, as she then was, married the politician Sir Robert Peel, third baronet, on 13 January 1856, but she left her husband...


  14. DOBB, Maurice.

    On economic theory and socialism. Collected papers.

    London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956.

    First edition, second impression. This work includes Dobb’s critique of ‘market socialism’ as developed by Oscar Lange and Abba Lerner, which first appeared in the Economic Journal, (1933).


  15. DOUBLEDAY, Thomas.

    The Touchstone: a series of letters on social, literary, and political subjects. Originally published in the...

    Newcastle, R. Todd, 1863.

    First edition. Thomas Doubleday (1790–1870), the son of a Newcastle soap manufacturer, ‘was a radical of Cobbett’s stamp [and] of great influence during the agitation for the Reform Act of 1832’ (Palgrave I, 634). He had also indirectly attacked Malthus in The True Law of Population shewn to...



    Ordonnance du Roy pour le reglement & reformation de la dissolution & superfluité qui est és habillemens,...

    Paris, Federic Morel, 1583.

    A rare example of one of the early attempts by the French authorities at sumptuary law relating to clothing, prohibiting the wearing of certain types of adornment and dress by the vast majority of the population. Similar prohibitions had been made by Henri III’s predecessors, and one of his...


  17. DUNOYER, Charles-Bathélemy.

    L’industrie et la morale considérées dans leurs rapports avec la liberté.

    Paris, A. Sautelet, 1825.

    First edition of this defence of the old economic liberalism against the new democracy by the French economist and politician Dunoyer (1786-1863). ‘In anticipation of Spencer, Dunoyer here developed the idea that society was an organism, in which it fell to the lot of a congeries of institutions and...


  18. [EDUCATION.]

    Lois et réglemens pour les lycees.

    Paris, ‘de l’imprimerie de la République, an XII,’ 1803.

    Rare first edition of this extremely interesting collection of laws and regulations governing secondary education in France, reflecting the historic changes enacted between 1801 and 1803 by Napoleon as First Consul, in particular the establishment of lycées.



    La Princesse Elisabeth fille du Duc d’York, et héritier, du trône d’Angleterre …


    Princess Elizabeth on the day of the announcement of the abdication of Edward VII.


  20. ELLIS, Charles Thomas.

    Practical Remarks and Precedents of Proceedings in Parliament; comprising the Standing Orders of both Houses,...

    London, Brooke and Rider et al., 1802.

    First edition of the earliest comprehensive treatment of the important subject of private bill legislation, being a greatly revised and enlarged version of the author’s Solicitor’s Instructor in Parliament concerning Estate and Inclosure Bills (1799). Further, updated editions and supplements were...
