English Literature

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British literature and history from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, with an emphasis on poetry, fiction, and drama.

We usually have a selection of literary works from the STC and Wing period (i.e. before 1701), and a broad range of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century fiction and poetry, particularly the Romantics. We also have a selection of historical manuscripts, prints and broadsides, and works in translation.

Among important works which have passed through our hands are the editor's presentation copy of Milton's Lycidas, Swift's Modest Proposal, the autograph draft of Byron's She walks in beauty, the autograph manuscript of Jane Austen's only play Sir Charles Grandison, Dickens’s copy of Vanity Fair, Trollope's classical library, and, over the years, some fifty Shakespeare First Folios.

  1. [GOETHE.] 

    REICHARDT, Johann Friedrich.  Goethe’s Lieder, Oden, Balladen und Romanzen mit Musik von J.F. Reichardt.  Erste...

    Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, [1809–11]. 

    Very rare first complete edition of Reichardt’s musical settings of Goethe’s poetry, comprising 128 settings of which thirty-nine appear here for the first time. 


  2. [GRANVILLE, George, Baron Lansdowne].

    Poems upon several Occasions.

    London: Printed for J. Tonson … 1712.

    First edition; containing ‘all the Poems which have been written by the Right Honourable George Granville Lord Lansdown, very few of which have been ever before printed’. Granville (1666-1735) wrote his first play, The She-Gallants, at age 15, and his adaptation of Shakespeare, The Jew...


  3. GRAY, [Thomas].

    Poems by Mr. Gray.

    Dublin, William Sleater, 1775.

    An attractive Dublin edition of Gray’s poems, joined by two parodies and a ‘burlesque ode’, and parallel translations of his Elegy written in a Country Churchyard into Italian and Latin.


  4. [GREATTI, Giuseppe.] 

    L’Educazione. Poemetto in ottava rima. 

    Padua, 1796. 

    Only edition of this poem on the theme of education, dedicated to the Paduan noblewoman Arpalice Savorgnan di Brazzà, well-known in the city for her embrace of radicals and revolutionaries, which led her salon to be known as ‘l’unione dei giacobini’ (see di Brazzà, p. 714). 


  5. GREEN, Matthew.

    The Spleen. An Epistle inscribed to his particular Friend Mr. C. J. …

    London; Printed: and sold by A. Dodd … 1737.

    First edition of Green’s best-known poem. In witty octosyllabics he describes the activities and pleasures of a rural life as the best remedy for the spleen – which at this time meant boredom and melancholy. The poem is addressed to his friend Cuthbert Jackson. It was published shortly after Green’s...


  6. [HABINGTON, William.] 

    Castara … the second Edition.  Corrected and augmented. 

    London, Printed, B. A. & T. F. for Will: Cooke, 1635. 

    Second edition, adding to the contents of the first edition (1634) a commendatory poem that reveals Habington’s identity; a ‘second part’ with twenty-six new poems; and three prose characters: ‘A Mistris’ and ‘A Wife’ to introduce the two parts, and ‘A Friend’ to introduce the section...


  7. [HABINGTON, William.] 

    Castara … the third Edition.  Corrected and augmented. 

    London, T. Cotes, for Will. Cooke, 1640. 

    First complete edition.  The first two parts were published in 1634 and 1635-6.  The third part (pp. 167-228) appears here for the first time, and turns from love to religious reflection.  Where the first two parts had expressed their dominant themes (courtship and married love) with the prose...


  8. HADDON, Walter.

    Poematum Gualteri Haddoni, legum doctoris, sparsim collectorum libri duo.

    Londini, Per Richardum Yardlei, et Petrum Short, propter aßignatos Gulihelmi Seresii. 1592.

    Very rare second edition (first 1576) of the collected Latin verse of the lawyer, poet, and fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, Walter Haddon (1514/15–1571), this copy bound in a contemporary manuscript relating to schoolboy misconduct.


  9. HALIFAX, George Savile, Marquis of.

    Miscellanies … viz. I. Advice to a Daughter. II. The Character of a Trimmer. III. The Anatomy...

    London: Printed for Matt. Gillyflower … 1700.

    First edition, the issue without the two rows of ornaments to the title-page, and with Q4-R3 uncancelled. Defoe’s Letter to a Dissenter (first published 1688) rather than Halifax’s was printed in error on leaves Q4-R3, and these leaves are cancelled in later issues (in the present copy Q4 is torn...


  10. [HALL STEVENSON, John.]

    Makarony Fables …

    London: ‘Printed for Circulation among private Subscribers only’, 1897.

    Limited edition, numbered 172 of 300 copies, of this collection of satiric fables in verse by the poet and satirist John Hall-Stevenson (1718–1785), reprinted from the original edition of 1768. Hall-Stevenson’s reputation relies heavily on his friendship with Laurence Sterne, his contemporary...


  11. HARDY, Thomas.

    Selected Poems … with Portrait & title page design engraved on the wood by William Nicholson.

    London, [Ricciardi Press, Chiswick Press, for] The Medici Society, 1921.

    No. 332 of 1025 copies. Also found bound in full vellum.


  12. HAYWARD, Thomas.

    The British Muse, or, a Collection of Thoughts moral, natural, and sublime, of our English Poets: who flourished...

    London, Printed for F. Cogan … and J. Nourse … 1738.

    First edition of this interesting antiquarian miscellany of literary extracts. The subjects, arranged alphabetically, range from ‘Abbeys’ to ‘Youth’ via ‘Abstinence’, ‘Hypocrite’ ‘Mediocrity’ ‘Rebellion’ ‘Self-Murder’, and ‘Travel’. The authors quoted include Beaumont,...


  13. HAY, William.

    Mount Caburn. A Poem. Humbly inscribed to Her Grace the Dutchess of Newcastle …

    London: Printed for J. Stagg … 1730.

    First edition. Hay’s only original poetic composition, Mount Caburn is a celebration of his native Sussex, historical, antiquarian and archaeological, as viewed from a hill fort on the South Downs near Lewes. The poem is dedicated to Henrietta Pelham-Holles, wife of the secretary of state, hinting...


  14. HEADLEY, Henry, editor.

    Select Beauties of ancient English Poetry …

    London, Printed for T. Cadell … 1787.

    First edition. This important miscellany – which would have been continued had not the young editor died in 1788 at the age of twenty-three – explores some of the byways of Elizabethan and early Stuart poetry. After a long introductory appreciation with biographical sketches of the poets, the verse...


  15. HEWIT, Alexander.

    Poems on various Subjects, (English and Scotch,) …

    Berwick-upon-Tweed, Printed for the Author, by W. Lochhead [1823].

    First edition, scarce, possibly the dedication copy though subsequently defaced, of this collection of poems by ‘The Berwickshire Ploughman’.


  16. HOGG, James.

    The Pilgrims of the Sun; a Poem …

    London, Printed for John Murray … and William Blackwood … Edinburgh, 1815.

    First edition, first issue, of a long poem dedicated to Byron ‘Not for thy crabbed state-creed, wayward wight, / Thy noble lineage, nor they virtues high’, but for ‘thy bold and native energy’. The titular poem is the narrative of a young local woman Mary Lee, and her journey to a heavenly...


  17. HOMER; Alexander POPE, translator

    The Odyssey of Homer.  Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.  To which is added, The...

    London, Baynes & Son (and others) [upper cover: ‘Printed for The Proprietors of the English Classics, by J. F. Dove, St. John’s Square’],...

    Pocket-sized edition of Pope’s translations of the Odyssey and the Batrachomyomachia, with a fine frontispiece and additional title engraved by Charles Rolls; a very well-preserved copy in the original printed boards. 


  18. HOMER, and Alexander POPE (translator). 

    Homer’s Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope, in two volumes. 

    London, John Bell, 1774. 

    First and only Bell edition of Pope’s Odyssey, extremely rare.  Pope’s immensely popular version of the Odyssey, penned in collaboration with William Broome and Elijah Fenton, was first published by Bernard Lintot in 1726.  The work brought Pope around £5600 in profits, and...


  19. HORACE. 

    Opera omnia. 

    Paris, [Didot fils for] A. Mesnier, 1828. 

    A scarce miniature edition of Horace’s works, printed by Didot fils with type cut by Henri Didot. 


  20. HORACE; James TATE (editor). 

    Horatius restitutus: or the books of Horace arranged in chronological order according...

    Smith for J. & J.J. Deighton, 1832. 

    First edition of this attempt to arrange the books of Horace in chronological order by the classical scholar and master of Richmond School, James Tate (1771–1843), this copy presented by him to Thomas Gaisford (1779–1855), classicist, Dean of Christ Church Oxford, Regius Professor of Greek,...
