English Literature

Contact Donovan Rees

British literature and history from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, with an emphasis on poetry, fiction, and drama.

We usually have a selection of literary works from the STC and Wing period (i.e. before 1701), and a broad range of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century fiction and poetry, particularly the Romantics. We also have a selection of historical manuscripts, prints and broadsides, and works in translation.

Among important works which have passed through our hands are the editor's presentation copy of Milton's Lycidas, Swift's Modest Proposal, the autograph draft of Byron's She walks in beauty, the autograph manuscript of Jane Austen's only play Sir Charles Grandison, Dickens’s copy of Vanity Fair, Trollope's classical library, and, over the years, some fifty Shakespeare First Folios.

  1. BARONE, Giuseppe.

    IA-Z Pam, le baton du muet, (traduit du...

    Louvain, Ch. Peeters, 1882.

    First separate edition, rare (apparently...


  2. [BERKENHOUT, John].

    Clavis anglica Linguæ botanicæ; or, a...

    London: Printed for the Author. Sold by...

    First edition, dedicated to John Hope of...



    Primi principi della gramatica Turca ad...

    Rome, stamperia della Sac. Congr. di Prop....

    The first complete Ottoman Turkish grammar...


  4. HENNEQUIN, Pierre.

    Nouveau cours de rhétorique, à l’usage...

    Moscow, Auguste Semen, 1818.

    Only edition, very uncommon, of this guide...


  5. LINDSETH, Jon A., and Alan TANNENBAUM, eds.

    Alice in a World of Wonderlands: the Translations...

    Newcastle, DE, Oak Knoll Press, 2015.

    This is the most extensive analysis ever...


  6. MACFARLANE, Patrick.

    A new and copious English and Gaelic Vocabulary,...

    Edinburgh: Printed [by R. Menzies] for...

    First edition of this early English-Gaelic...


  7. MULERIUS, Carolus.

    Les nouveaux rudimens de la langue latine ...

    Paris, the widow of Claude Thiboust, and...

    ‘Sixth edition’ of this popular manual...


  8. OSTROGORSKII, Aleksandr Iakovlevich.

    Zhivoe slovo. Kniga dlia izucheniia rodnogo...

    New York, Association Press, 1920.

    Stereotype (first American?) edition....


  9. PIOZZI, Hester Lynch.

    British Synonymy; or, an Attempt at regulating...

    London: Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson...

    First edition of a fascinating collection...


  10. POSTEL, Guillaume. 

    De originibus, seu, de varia et potissimum...

    Basel, Johannes Oporinus, [1553].

    First edition of Postel’s investigations...


  11. [PRIMER.] 

    Abbecedario per imparar facilmente a sillabicare,...

    Turin, Giacinto Marietti, [c. 1840?]. 

    A seemingly unrecorded Torino-printed...


  12. [RIVERS, David].

    Literary Memoirs of living Authors of Great...

    London: Printed for R. Faulder … sold...

    First edition of a collection of literary...



    Miscellanea berolinensia ad incrementum...

    Berlin, Johann Christoph Papen, 1723. 

    First continuation of Leibniz’s Miscellanea...


  14. SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de.

    Cours de linguistique générale.

    Lausanne & Paris, Payot, 1916.

    First edition. In general the study of...


  15. URCEO, Antonio [or Codro]. 

    Hoc Codri volumine haec continentur. ...

    Bologna, Giovanni Antonio Benedetti, 7...

    First edition of a quintessential piece...



    Argonauticon … libri VIII, a Ludovico...

    Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, [15 July] 1565. 

    First edition, a very attractive copy,...


  17. WALKER, John.

    Hints for Improvement in the Art of Reading ...

    London, Printed for the Author, and sold...

    First edition. The future lexicographer...
