Art & Architecture

Contact Alex Day or Andrea Mazzocchi

Art & Architecture encompasses a broad sweep of material, from early works concerning architecture and architectural history, and books and manuscripts on the fine arts and aesthetics, antiquities and archaeology, to pattern and design books, and private press books and fine bindings. The department also handles original artwork, artistic archives, posters, and propaganda material.

  1. GARGIULO, Raffaele.

    Cenni sulla maniera di rinvenire i vasi fittili Italo-Greci. Sulla loro costruzione, sulle loro fabbriche più...

    Naples, Tipografia Virgilio, 1843.

    Second, revised and enlarged edition (first 1831), illustrated with sixteen handsome engraved plates.


  2. GROSSI, G. B. Gennaro.

    Le Belle Arti.

    Naples, dalla tipografia del Giornale Enciclopedico, 1820.

    First edition in book form, reprinted from the Giornale Enciclopedico di Napoli, with some additional material in an appendix to the second volume. The first volume is on the music and musicians of Naples, the second volume deals with Neapolitan painters up to the eighteenth century.



    Niclaus Manuel. Leben und Werke eines Malers und Dichters. Kriegers, Staatsmannes und Reformators im sechszehnten...

    Tubingen, Cotta, 1837.

    First edition of the first separate biography of the Bern painter and woodcutter Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch (1525-1571).


  4. HELMAN, Isidore-Stanislas-Henri.

    Faits mémorables des empereurs de la Chine, tirés des annales Chinoises, dédiés à Madame,...

    Paris, chez l’auteur … et chez M. Ponce, [1788].

    Two handsome engraved works by the French engraver and printseller Helman (1743–1806/9), here on uncut sheets, the first depicting scenes from Chinese history, the second episodes in the life of Confucius (Kong Fuzi).


  5. [HERALDRY.]

    Manuscripts relating to Low Countries nobility.

    [Low Countries, mid-17th century?].

    A fine set of manuscripts relating to Low Countries heraldry and history compiled by a learned local antiquary.


  6. LA SERRE, Jean-Puget de.

    Grab-Statt der weltlichen Ergötzlichkeiten, einstens in Französischer Sprache zubereitet … anjetzt...

    Regensburg, Johann Conrad Peetz und Bader, 1738.

    First edition in German of Tombeau des délices du monde, by the French dramatist and historian Jean-Puget de la Serre (1594–1665).


  7. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Wyndham Lewis the Artist. From ‘Blast’ to Burlington House’ …

    London, Laidlaw & Laidlaw, [1939].

    First edition, first issue. Pound & Grover A29a; Morrow & Lafourcade A29


  8. [LEWIS, Wyndham.] MICHEL, Walter.

    Wyndham Lewis, Paintings and Drawings. With an introductory Essay by Hugh Kenner.

    London, Thames & Hudson, [1971].

    First edition, with ephemera and a letter from the author.


  9. MARLIANI, Bartolomeo. 

    Urbis Romae topographia. 

    Rome, Valerio & Luigi Dorico, September 1544. 

    First illustrated edition (third overall), showing the archaeology and antiquities of Rome as known in the sixteenth century.  First published in octavo by Antonio Blado in 1534 and reprinted at Lyons by Sébastien Gryphe later the same year, Marliani’s topography of Rome remained the foremost...


  10. MICHELETTI, Giacomo Lolli.

    Tivoli illustrata proposta ai giovani della medesima citta.

    Rome, Mordacchini, 1818.

    First edition of this history of Tivoli.


  11. MICHETTI, Charles.

    Catalogue des estampes des plus grands maitres, tableaux, bagues, livres, vases, idoles, &. qui composent la...

    Vienna, 1790.

    First edition. Description of the cabinet assembled by Charles Michetti in Vienna. Michetti stresses in his introduction that his collection was put together not for financial gain but because he liked the look of the pieces and appreciated their artistic merit. The bulk of the collection is made up...


  12. MIGEON, Gaston.

    Les arts musulmans.

    Paris and Brussels, G. van Oest, 1926.

    First edition, published in the series Bibliothèque d’histoire de l’art.



    Notice des tableaux exposés dans la Galerie Napoléon.

    Paris, Bubray, 1810.

    Pocket guide to the pictures exhibited in the Musée Napoléon. The collection was largely composed of paintings looted by Napoleon; the museum was dissolved after Waterloo and and attempts were made to return the pictures to their rightful owners.


  14. NORMAND, Alfred Nicolas.

    L’architecture des nations étrangères. Etude sur les principales constructions du parc à l’Exposition...

    Paris, A. Morel, 1870.

    First edition. This is a presentation copy, inscribed on the half-title to the author’s friend Charles Garnier, architect of the Paris opera house that bears his name: ‘A son ami Ch. Garnier. Souvenir affectueux A. Normand’. The two men had known each other since they were both ‘pensionnaires’...


  15. POUND, Erza.

    Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, con un manifesto vorticista.

    Galleria Apollinaire Milano [Milan, All’insegna del pesce d’oro [Scheiwiller], 1957].

    First edition thus, no. 123 of 500 copies, a translation by Pound’s daughter Mary de Rachewiltz of extracts from ‘Gaudier: a Postscript’ and ‘Vortex’ on the occasion of an exhibition at the Galleria Apollinaire in December 1957.


  16. [REYNOLDS, Joshua, Sir].

    A Discourse, delivered at the Opening of the Royal Academy, January 2, 1769 [also: October 16,...

    London: Printed in the Year 1769.

    First editions of seven discourses addressed by Reynolds to the newly founded Royal Academy, of which he was the first President.


  17. REZZONICO, Carlo Castone della Torre di.

    Discorsi accademici del conte … segretario perpetuo della R. Accademia delle Belle Arti. 

    Parma, [Bodoni], 1772.

    First and only edition of an exquisite little product of the Bodoni house: Count Rezzonico’s reflections on the fine arts, including a dissertation on the techniques of woodcut and engraving.  The Neo-Classical aesthetics that inform this work are reflected in the illustrations, masterfully executed...


  18. ROLAS DU ROSEY, Carl.

    Die Kupferstiche, Handzeichnungen und Kunstbibliothek ... deren erste Hälfte Montag, den 13. Juni 1864 [-...

    Leipzig, Rudolf Weigel, 1864.

    Sale catalogue of the print and drawing collection assembled by the Prussian general Baron Rolas du Rosey (d. 1862). In all 7160 lots were sold. The prices achieved were moderate.


  19. ROUQUET, Jean-André. 

    The present State of the Arts in England.  By M. Rouquet, member of the Royal Academy of Painting and...

    London, for J. Nourse, 1755. 

    First edition in English, published in the same year as the French original, from the library of the great Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith (1723–1790). 
