Art & Architecture
Contact Alex Day or Andrea Mazzocchi
Art & Architecture encompasses a broad sweep of material, from early works concerning architecture and architectural history, and books and manuscripts on the fine arts and aesthetics, antiquities and archaeology, to pattern and design books, and private press books and fine bindings. The department also handles original artwork, artistic archives, posters, and propaganda material.
Architectural Antiquities from the Sussex Coast.
[Sussex], July 21st – 10th August 1837.
An interesting and charming antiquarian...
BIANCONI, Giovanni Lodovico.
Descrizione dei circhi particolarmente...
Rome, nella stamperia Pagliarini, 1789.
First edition of this handsome work...
CAPRA, Alessandro.
Geometria famigliare, et instruttione pratica...
Cremona, Gio[vanni] Pietro Zanni, 1671.
An exceedingly rare extract from the...
Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland [I–II] …
London: Printed for the Author, and sold...
First edition, the very rare issue with...
Hotel de Belle Vue à Deutz vis-à-vis...
Cologne, c. 1850
A ambitious lithograph advertisement for...
Monuments d’architecture byzantine.
Paris, Les Editions d’Art et d’Histoire,...
First edition of this classic account...
FENTON, Roger.
Lichfield Cathedral, south transept portal...
A fine print of one of Fenton's most...
HOWITT, William.
The rural and domestic life of Germany:...
London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans,...
A fine copy of the first edition of Howitt’s...
LABORDE, Ernest.
Vieilles maisons boutiques & paysages de...
Paris, Jules Meynial, 1918 [1919].
First edition, very rare: two series...
LEWIS, Wyndham.
The Caliph’s Design. Architects! Where...
London, The Egoist Ltd., 1919.
First edition, a pamphlet of art criticism,...
MARLIANI, Bartolomeo.
Urbis Romae topographia.
Rome, Valerio & Luigi Dorico, September 1544.
First illustrated edition (third overall),...
Designs for Gates and Rails suitable to...
London, Published by J. Taylor, at the...
First edition of this charming pattern...
NORMAND, Alfred Nicolas.
L’architecture des nations étrangères....
Paris, A. Morel, 1870.
First edition. This is a presentation...
PAPINI, Roberto.
Le Arti d’Oggi: Architettura e Arti Decorative...
Milan and Rome, Bestetti and Tumminelli, 1930.
First edition of a thorough and extensively...
PARKER, Thomas Netherton.
Leaves out of the Book of a Country Gentleman.
Oswestry, W. Price, London, Longman &...
First and only edition of this very...
Essay on the Architecture of the Hindús...
London, John William Parker for the Royal...
First edition, scarce on the market,...
RENGGER, Albrecht.
Bericht über die Armen-Erziehungs-Anstalt...
Tubingen, Cotta, 1815.
First edition of an account of the agricultural...
RICKMAN, Thomas.
An attempt to discriminate the styles of...
London, [1819].
Second, much enlarged edition, of Rickman’s...
The dwellings of the labouring classes,...
London, Society for Improving the Condition...
First edition of one of the most important...
[ROUSSEAU, Pierre.]
Considérations sur le théatre de l’opéra. ...
[Paris,] de l’imprimerie de Rignoux, [1822].
Very rare proposal for a new opera house...